It’s the economy: Greatest time to be alive is now. Thanks Biden!

I am not asking you to listen to anything I said. He gave links for each of his claims. Can you dispute what any of the links say or are you just going to pull a sassy and just come in the thread to troll?
I don't have to refute propaganda....The bottom line is that Biden now is the lowest rated President in history...Why are you shilling for that?
I don't have to refute propaganda....The bottom line is that Biden now is the lowest rated President in history...Why are you shilling for that?

I am not saying a thing about Biden, why do you need to lie about me yet again.

But you are correct you do not have to do anything, you can just sit here and troll and never back up anything you claim. You are very talented at it after all.
I am not saying a thing about Biden, why do you need to lie about me yet again.

But you are correct you do not have to do anything, you can just sit here and troll and never back up anything you claim. You are very talented at it after all.
Funny shit how you say a lot and say nothing at all
~5% of the workforce is always working two jobs.

I am not saying a thing about Biden, why do you need to lie about me yet again.

But you are correct you do not have to do anything, you can just sit here and troll and never back up anything you claim. You are very talented at it after all.
I just refuse to let you believe that I in some way answer to you....I don't....Are we clear?
With facts you certainly can.

Unfortunately people like you are immune to facts
However, parroting MSM propaganda doesn't make them facts just because you agree, or repeat...

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