It’s the economy: Greatest time to be alive is now. Thanks Biden!

Showing that the Republican misinformation campaign is working.

Which major economic metric do you consider makes the Biden economy a disaster?
What the fuck are you talking about!? The democrat cult media is 90 plus % of the information given to America
Yes, we are recovering after a major downturn due to COVID. Who would have thunk it? Now, explain specifically what Biden has done to help the economy? Printing money and giving away money doesn’t count. The economy has started recovering in spite of Biden, not because of him. I truly believe that if Trump has been re-elected, we would have an absolutely booming right now.

Investment in Infrastructure, semiconductors, Inflation Reduction Act, COVID relief
Wow. Just wow. Here are just 10 reasons why you should be thankful for the time in which you live. We are truly living in the age of honey and wine.

  1. Best employment environment in history*** - Not just low unemployment but highest number of open jobs compared to pre-pandemic
  2. 66% of Americans own a house valued at record levels** - Huge driver of household wealth
  3. Wages growing much faster than inflation**** - People are gaining in real terms
  4. 401Ks are growing and higher than any time before the pandemic***** - Congratulations!
  5. Record levels in the stock market - Doesn’t help everyone but a good measure of confidence
  6. Record amount of Americans with health insurance* - Thanks Obamacare!
  7. Crime rates falling in an era of near historically low crime levels****** - Quit crying about outliers, you are safer than ever
  8. America is fighting zero wars - Yep… Biden has us in zero wars and the only one to get us out of one.
  9. US based manufacturing is rocketing up as companies “reshore” ******
  10. FSU and Georgia iced out of the NCAA playoffs!

*Health insurance:
**Home ownership:
***Job Openings & Unemeployment
****Wages growth faster than prices
*****401K values
****** Crime

Bidenomics has created the strongest economy in the world

Better than China, the EU, Japan, S Korea

Now you've made all these graduates of the Sean Hannity/Alex Jones School of Economics all pissy. Again.

Damn you. Damn you, I say.

Are you daft? He provided 10 examples with links to back them up

She has already said how bad things are for her in multiple threads.

Are there are personal reasons that might explain why you're struggling financially or is it all the president's fault?

And as usual, the reprehensible right wants to see Americans suffer for some perceived partisan gain.
The other day I saw this Mexican family of eight fueling up their piece of shit 1985 Shebby that gets 8mpg at $5.25 a gallon…They were bitching about fuel costs, three years of 8% inflation and ridiculous interest rates…I told them…”stop your bitching, some purple hair weirdos on a website said GDP has reached 5.2% and that we are living in the greatest economic boom of our lives”…..the Humberto looked at me and said….”what the fuck is GDP and if it’s so good why the fuck am I so broke I can’t buy my weekly case of shitty Mexican piss / Modelo?”
You do remember that Trump wanted to give away even more money than the Dems did...right?

Yes, it was election season. Trump isn’t immune to politics either.

Biden is currently trying to buy more votes by forgiving more student loan debt. The cycle continues.
I work for the government im not struggling. But the tax payers are
Good lord. So you want to cut your own pay?

And like we have been saying. Trumpers almost to a man say

“We’ll I’m doing ok but I hear that (some unnamed) “others” are struggling and it must be true because o hear that the economy is bad.

But yeah, I’m doing good”
The other day I saw this Mexican family of eight fueling up their piece of shit 1985 Shebby that gets 8mpg at $5.25 a gallon…They were bitching about fuel costs, three years of 8% inflation and ridiculous interest rates…I told them…”stop your bitching, some purple hair weirdos on a website said GDP has reached 5.2% and that we are living in the greatest economic boom of our lives”…..the Humberto looked at me and said….”what the fuck is GDP and if it’s so good why the fuck am I so broke I can’t buy my weekly case of shitty Mexican piss / Modelo?”
Cool story, bro.
Yes, we are recovering after a major downturn due to COVID. Who would have thunk it? Now, explain specifically what Biden has done to help the economy? Printing money and giving away money doesn’t count. The economy has started recovering in spite of Biden, not because of him. I truly believe that if Trump has been re-elected, we would have an absolutely booming right now.
There has been no stimulus in nearly 3 years. WTF are you talking about?
You provide bogus claims about inflation

And what else? Whines about… perception and expectations.

The facts about the economy were posted and documented above
You denounce the words of the New York Times?
The other day I saw this Mexican family of eight fueling up their piece of shit 1985 Shebby that gets 8mpg at $5.25 a gallon…They were bitching about fuel costs, three years of 8% inflation and ridiculous interest rates…I told them…”stop your bitching, some purple hair weirdos on a website said GDP has reached 5.2% and that we are living in the greatest economic boom of our lives”…..the Humberto looked at me and said….”what the fuck is GDP and if it’s so good why the fuck am I so broke I can’t buy my weekly case of shitty Mexican piss / Modelo?”
Well, maybe Biden can give the fake family a fake tax break? BrokerLoser.. who says he is doing fine... made up a fake family that is struggling.
And as usual numbnuts spews more lies
‘The U.S. job market capped off a strong year in December, as employers continued hiring at a solid pace.

Employers added 216,000 jobs last month, according to the Labor Department. The unemployment rate held steady at 3.7%.

Unemployment has now been under 4% for almost two years — the longest streak of rock-bottom jobless rates since the Vietnam War.


Wages are rising, but not as fast as they were earlier in the year. Average wages in December were up 4.1% from a year ago. Slower wage growth puts less upward pressure on prices, which should be reassuring to inflation watchdogs at the Fed.

"There's very little risk of a wage-price spiral that will push up inflation in 2024," Richardson said.

The good news for workers is that wages have been climbing faster than prices in recent months, so the average paycheck stretches further.’

Every American should be cheering this this strong, heathy economy – that most on the right are lying about the economy being ‘bad’ is proof of how wrong and reprehensible conservatives truly are.

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