It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

Christianity isn't dwindling; it's increasing. The RCC Church is adding numbers. Even in America. I wish you guys could take a basic math course and understand that a decreased percentage of an increasing population does not mean raw numbers have decreased.

You suck at math

It does show that religion is not as important in the population

”none” is gaining
Christianity isn't dwindling; it's increasing. The RCC Church is adding numbers. Even in America. I wish you guys could take a basic math course and understand that a decreased percentage of an increasing population does not mean raw numbers have decreased.

The number of people that identify as Christian has absolutely plummeted in the last 30 years. From around 90% to barely more than 60 since 1992.

And lets look at the math. In 1992, the last peak of folks indentifying as Christian at around 90%, there were 259 milllion folks in the US. 90% of that is about 233 million folks that identify as Christian. In 2022, only 63% of folks identified as Christian with a population of 338 million, or 212 mllion.

Now, taking a basic math class, tell me.......which is bigger? 233 million or 212 million?

It means more and more people are rejecting Christianity and not aligning with it. And Christianity's influence on our society is waning dramatically. So dramatically in fact that Christians are proposing that we violate our national tenets of free speech and free worship by outlawing atheism. All to protect a religion that in raw numbers AND percentage, is dwindling in numbers and influence

If Christianity is so weak and impotent that its only method of survival is to criminalize alternatives to it.....let it die.

Our values are more important that any faith.
The number of people that identify as Christian has absolutely plummeted in the last 30 years. From around 90% to barely more than 60 since 1992.

And lets look at the math. In 1992, the last peak of folks indentifying as Christian at around 90%, there were 259 milllion folks in the US. 90% of that is about 233 million folks that identify as Christian. In 2022, only 63% of folks identified as Christian with a population of 338 million, or 212 mllion.

Now, taking a basic math class, tell me.......which is bigger? 233 million or 212 million?

It means more and more people are rejecting Christianity and not aligning with it. And Christianity's influence on our society is waning dramatically. So dramatically in fact that Christians are proposing that we violate our national tenets of free speech and free worship by outlawing atheism. All to protect a religion that in raw numbers AND percentage, is dwindling in numbers and influence

If Christianity is so weak and impotent that its only method of survival is to criminalize alternatives to it.....let it die.

Our values are more important that any faith.
The raw number of self-proclaimed Christians has increased worldwide. The 2,604,381,000 estimate for mid-year 2023 Christian population total is a 44,506,000-person increase from the mid-year 2022 total. The number of Catholics has increased worldwide as well as in America. The Catholic population in the United States has grown by about 2 million people in the past 10 years.

The RCC is the true Christian faith anyway. The Protestant faiths that embrace godless tenets the most, such as gay marriage and abortion are the ones losing membership.

Atheists have been and will always be the fringe minority. That's because atheism doesn't make people's lives better or happier; it does the opposite. The promotion of atheism by the media and other mass outlets should be banned, as it misleads gullible people, especially the young, into lives of misery. It's the same reason we ban porn and tobacco and alcohol for minors.
The raw number of self-proclaimed Christians has increased worldwide. The 2,604,381,000 estimate for mid-year 2023 Christian population total is a 44,506,000-person increase from the mid-year 2022 total. The number of Catholics has increased worldwide as well as in America. The Catholic population in the United States has grown by about 2 million people in the past 10 years.

The RCC is the true Christian faith anyway. The Protestant faiths that embrace godless tenets the most, such as gay marriage and abortion are the ones losing membership.

Atheists have been and will always be the fringe minority. That's because atheism doesn't make people's lives better or happier; it does the opposite. The promotion of atheism by the media and other mass outlets should be banned, as it misleads gullible people, especially the young, into lives of misery. It's the same reason we ban porn and tobacco and alcohol for minors.
Religion is not on the uptick in the US. Young people simply don't replace those that die off.
Religion is not on the uptick in the US. Young people simply don't replace those that die off.
Catholicism is on the uptick in the US, as the numbers attest. People do and will always thirst for the unvarnished unapologetic truth.

I went on a pilgrimage to Ireland. We went to Mass at St. Mary's in Galway. Our group of 35 or so people dominated that big Cathedral. Afterward, one of the ushers came to me and praised us Americans for the fire we had.
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Every survey says so. I don't know where he got his numbers from.

Churches are closing at rapid numbers in the US, researchers say, as congregations dwindle across the country and a younger generation of Americans abandon Christianity altogether

Amazing seeing the number of former churches being modified for other uses
Ladies and gentlemen, if you recall, I authored a well-received thread on why we should declare the US a Christian nation. It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. In it, I claimed that so-called separation of church and state effectively leads to atheist laws by default. And that is what has happened in America. Therefore I called for a total ban on the promotion of atheist leftwing ideals by the media, Hollywood, social media, and other opinion shapers.

Atheism is responsible for 90% of the world’s problems.

The attack on Ukraine by one of the world’s largest atheist governments which contains one of the largest atheist population demonstrates why I’m right.

Europe is the only area of the world in which Christianity has decreased, at least in terms of Catholicism. And would you look right now where atheists are committing unspeakable acts of savagery against women and children---Europe. China, the largest atheist country is also crushing innocent people as we speak.

Communist atheist countries specialize in especially brutal ways to maim innocent people. In Ukraine, Russian soldiers are leaving mines in temporarily abandoned homes, often attached to toys. The logic being, when the family returns, the toddler picks up a toy and gets maimed or blown to bits. It’s hard to imagine human beings devising such a diabolical method of savaging innocent children. Christian countries aren't committing atrocities like that. When the US was forced into a war against terror, 20 years ago, our Christian nation took great pains to avoid civilian targets.

No, the truly vicious and vile means of dehumanizing people belongs solely to atheist regimes, and their companion radical Islamic regimes. Two sides of the same coin and total allies. Devoid of Christianity.

Couple these vile acts of torture with systematic abortion, promotion of illicit sex, promotion of transgender perversion and perverse sex acts, decriminalization of prostitution, harmful drugs, and the 4.5 million sexual assaults against children in our godless atheist public schools by teachers, and you have 90% of the world’s problems. Again, ALL caused by atheism. The only decent humane thing to do is stop the spread of this cancer. How Many Kids Are Sexually Abused by Their Teachers?

Right now, anyone who has ever uttered the N word can be doxxed, have employment terminated, and be just plain ruined. Corporations who even associate with a whiff of so-called racism are boycotted and threatened until they fall in line. They are a pariah. And all this is for a nothing offense. Right now the atheists are doing all these things to people. So imagine if the tables were turned on them, and these same tactics were used against anyone who publicly spreads atheist or godless ideas. Things would get a lot better fast!

The errors of atheism are millions of times worse for society than saying the N word.

It’s Time for an Outright Ban on Atheist Influencers. Now!

Why do you hate freedom so much?
Since 1970, weekly church attendance among Catholics has dropped from 55% to 20%, the number of priests declined from 59,000 to 35,000 and the number of people who left Catholicism increased from under 2 million in 1975 to over 30 million today.[91] In 2022, there were fewer than 42,000 nuns in the United States, a 76% decline over 50 years, with fewer than 1% of nuns under age 40.

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Yup. It's the 21st century. That bullshit gets harder to sell.
OK, so you have an article on the decline of Mainstream Protestantism in America. I already addressed this. Mainline protestant churches have gone leftwing atheist in their embrace of gay marriage and abortion. But the faiths that have stuck to righteousness, primarily the Catholic Church, have gained in membership.
OK, so you have an article on the decline of Mainstream Protestantism in America. I already addressed this. Mainline protestant churches have gone leftwing atheist in their embrace of gay marriage and abortion. But the faiths that have stuck to righteousness, primarily the Catholic Church, have gained in membership.
Prove it
OK, so you have an article on the decline of Mainstream Protestantism in America. I already addressed this. Mainline protestant churches have gone leftwing atheist in their embrace of gay marriage and abortion. But the faiths that have stuck to righteousness, primarily the Catholic Church, have gained in membership.
What's it to you how many people believe that stuff?

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