It’s time for Bill Clinton to take a walk in the Chappaqua woods


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013

Or a long walk off a short pier.

It’s 2018. One of the world’s most powerful married men had a 22-year-old intern perform oral sex on him in his office. He’s been accused of sexual assault by three other women. One claims, as is the case with so many of the men who have fallen from positions of power as a result, that he exposed himself to her (which always makes me, at least, pause and wonder why on earth so many men seem to want to do this). We know, too, that he lied about his tryst with the intern.

And was only convicted of Contempt of Court for some reason. Anyone else would have done 20 years for perjury.

So why is Bill Clinton still presiding over glamorous parties?

When Monica Lewinsky was disinvited from a Town & Country Philanthropy Summit earlier this month where Bill Clinton was speaking, the question shouldn’t have been why was she disinvited. It should have been why is Bill Clinton is headlining events at all.

And boy, is he ever. Clinton has a full social schedule this summer. In June he’ll be publicizing his book “The President is Missing” along with his co-author James Patterson all across the country. He’ll also make time to host the Clinton Foundation dinner, where tickets range from $2,500 to $100,000

Yet the republicrats are the "party of the rich".

As for Lewinsky’s supposed seductiveness — plenty of 22-year-old women get crushes on their married older bosses. Plenty of married older bosses are man enough, and professional enough, to politely decline. Barack Obama’s personal life was notably scandal-free during his presidency, and it seems hard to believe that no young woman ever propositioned him.

It's not hard to believe at all.

Obozo is a faggot.

Everyone knows it.

If Democrats want to hold Donald Trump accountable for his alleged misconduct, and we should, then we have to hold Democrats accountable, as well. Sexual harassment isn’t an important issue because it serves as leverage against another party. It’s important because it destroys women’s lives and careers. At least in Lewsinky’s case, we know the fallout from the affair rendered her suicidal. But Clinton seemed to go blithely on, largely beloved in spite of the way he abused his power.

Maybe this is the year we say enough. After 20 years, it’s time for Bill to go and take a long walk in the Chappaqua woods.


The day the Clintons are held accountable is the day liberals develop frontal lobes and commit to ethical standards.


Or a long walk off a short pier.

It’s 2018. One of the world’s most powerful married men had a 22-year-old intern perform oral sex on him in his office. He’s been accused of sexual assault by three other women. One claims, as is the case with so many of the men who have fallen from positions of power as a result, that he exposed himself to her (which always makes me, at least, pause and wonder why on earth so many men seem to want to do this). We know, too, that he lied about his tryst with the intern.

And was only convicted of Contempt of Court for some reason. Anyone else would have done 20 years for perjury.

So why is Bill Clinton still presiding over glamorous parties?

When Monica Lewinsky was disinvited from a Town & Country Philanthropy Summit earlier this month where Bill Clinton was speaking, the question shouldn’t have been why was she disinvited. It should have been why is Bill Clinton is headlining events at all.

And boy, is he ever. Clinton has a full social schedule this summer. In June he’ll be publicizing his book “The President is Missing” along with his co-author James Patterson all across the country. He’ll also make time to host the Clinton Foundation dinner, where tickets range from $2,500 to $100,000

Yet the republicrats are the "party of the rich".

As for Lewinsky’s supposed seductiveness — plenty of 22-year-old women get crushes on their married older bosses. Plenty of married older bosses are man enough, and professional enough, to politely decline. Barack Obama’s personal life was notably scandal-free during his presidency, and it seems hard to believe that no young woman ever propositioned him.

It's not hard to believe at all.

Obozo is a faggot.

Everyone knows it.

If Democrats want to hold Donald Trump accountable for his alleged misconduct, and we should, then we have to hold Democrats accountable, as well. Sexual harassment isn’t an important issue because it serves as leverage against another party. It’s important because it destroys women’s lives and careers. At least in Lewsinky’s case, we know the fallout from the affair rendered her suicidal. But Clinton seemed to go blithely on, largely beloved in spite of the way he abused his power.

Maybe this is the year we say enough. After 20 years, it’s time for Bill to go and take a long walk in the Chappaqua woods.


The day the Clintons are held accountable is the day liberals develop frontal lobes and commit to ethical standards.

^ :cuckoo:
I'm glad you are amused Blackfag..

Or a long walk off a short pier.

It’s 2018. One of the world’s most powerful married men had a 22-year-old intern perform oral sex on him in his office. He’s been accused of sexual assault by three other women. One claims, as is the case with so many of the men who have fallen from positions of power as a result, that he exposed himself to her (which always makes me, at least, pause and wonder why on earth so many men seem to want to do this). We know, too, that he lied about his tryst with the intern.

And was only convicted of Contempt of Court for some reason. Anyone else would have done 20 years for perjury.

So why is Bill Clinton still presiding over glamorous parties?

When Monica Lewinsky was disinvited from a Town & Country Philanthropy Summit earlier this month where Bill Clinton was speaking, the question shouldn’t have been why was she disinvited. It should have been why is Bill Clinton is headlining events at all.

And boy, is he ever. Clinton has a full social schedule this summer. In June he’ll be publicizing his book “The President is Missing” along with his co-author James Patterson all across the country. He’ll also make time to host the Clinton Foundation dinner, where tickets range from $2,500 to $100,000

Yet the republicrats are the "party of the rich".

As for Lewinsky’s supposed seductiveness — plenty of 22-year-old women get crushes on their married older bosses. Plenty of married older bosses are man enough, and professional enough, to politely decline. Barack Obama’s personal life was notably scandal-free during his presidency, and it seems hard to believe that no young woman ever propositioned him.

It's not hard to believe at all.

Obozo is a faggot.

Everyone knows it.

If Democrats want to hold Donald Trump accountable for his alleged misconduct, and we should, then we have to hold Democrats accountable, as well. Sexual harassment isn’t an important issue because it serves as leverage against another party. It’s important because it destroys women’s lives and careers. At least in Lewsinky’s case, we know the fallout from the affair rendered her suicidal. But Clinton seemed to go blithely on, largely beloved in spite of the way he abused his power.

Maybe this is the year we say enough. After 20 years, it’s time for Bill to go and take a long walk in the Chappaqua woods.


The day the Clintons are held accountable is the day liberals develop frontal lobes and commit to ethical standards.


When the news SUCKS for the orange charlatan.....his cult members are entrusted to quickly and repeatedly "BRING UP CLINTON"..................Good job, Petey-the-moron..................LOL

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