It's Time To Hate White People Month Again

I'm not in bed. Yet. I decided to play with graphics and enhance my "sigline".

Anyway..y'all carry on. But I must say I did watch the Eddie Murphy vid. I wonder what would happen if...let's say...adam sandler sang a comedic routine on killing all the blacks. Oh. Wait. I now what would happen. It would be banned from the networks.

I will say it one more time....THEN I'll go to bed:
Having teachings of the progress blacks have made is great. It is needed, yes. The famous words of "never again" rebound, but that's from another era, another group of people, isn't it? Unfortunately, it is happening again. In Rwanda, for one example.
I'd love to not have to name ANY month for ANY particular peoples. History is history. There shouldn't be a color or race attached. Shit happens. I know, that sounds very shruggish and I don't mean it to be, but that's the only way I can express it.

Good night.

The Eddie Murphy bit is funny because it arouses an anxiety. It puts the fear whites have that blacks secretly wish them harm right out there, and it puts the fear blacks have that whites will aggress if they suspect blacks are hostile out there as well.

There's nothing similar for a white entertainer to tease up from the collective unconscious and riff on. The idea that some (or all) whites wish to do harm to blacks is not funny because it's true, or once was.
Black History is covered in every social studies book in this country. Black writers are in every lit book. I believe it's important; but for overzealous teachers to spend an entire month on it is silly and impractical. I suspect many do not.

I had an interesting conversation with some of my black students about this subject and, believe it or not; they wished the history teachers would spend LESS time on slavery and civil rights. They felt embarrassed by it. I explained that this is not the intent; however perception is reality. There is a danger of overkill.
I note the one sentence comment posted by Imeuru and wonder if others question, "History is History"? It is not as certain as 2 = 2, is it? One may observe that History maybe History in the abstract, but in reality History becomes a subjective recording of events, does it not?
Black History is covered in every social studies book in this country. Black writers are in every lit book. I believe it's important; but for overzealous teachers to spend an entire month on it is silly and impractical. I suspect many do not.

I had an interesting conversation with some of my black students about this subject and, believe it or not; they wished the history teachers would spend LESS time on slavery and civil rights. They felt embarrassed by it. I explained that this is not the intent; however perception is reality. There is a danger of overkill.

Well, if fifty years ago there was one paragraph and now a whole month is TMI, then mayhaps with time, we will find the right balance. It is worth nothing, chanel, that what I think is an ideal curriculum and what someone in their twenties would think is likely very different.

In another twenty years, it's likely the list of things to include and exclude will have morphed quite a bit.
It gets old pretending a group of people have been a positive influence.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

And you wonder where people get the impression you're a bigot, mudwhistle? You supply them with the basis for that conclusion, and I doubt it's accidental on your part.

Meanwhile, if I could have an honest answer to my question? Why is teaching black history supposed to influence blacks to behave badly? What is it you think people do as a result of this education effort and why's it a problem?

If you want an answer you might want to refrain from the insults. Start by not calling me a bigot.

As it is now, you don't deserve an answer. Fuck you lady.

It's obvious you haven't even read a word I've posted in this thread.

I figure you're just trying a tactic that is common among detractors. Make a show of being reasonable all the while you're looking for openings to pounce on. You're not really looking for a meeting of minds or an honest explanation because I've given several already. You just can't wrap your mind around them. Your inherent Political Correctness doesn't allow you to.

At least your tactic seems more palatable then just saying "Well, you're a fucken racist", it's not much different, because eventually you did call me one.

In your mind it's one simple mindless thought; "How dare you think differently then we do".

That's the problem with folks like you. You can't admit when you're wrong.

Remember, slavery was acceptable at one time in our history. Now Political Correctness, and government sponsored racism is as well.
Hang on a sec.
From what I garnered while in school, whites were indeed guilty of PURCHASING blacks...from warring tribes of blacks who sold those they defeated in battle. Some went to the states. Some went to europe. Many went to Turkey and other middle east countries. But from my understanding, the majority were sold by the victors in wars in their own country. Some were also sold by siblings so the power play of who was to take over in the tribal decisions on who was to rule, etc.
So I guess what I'm trying to say wasn't just "caucasians" that participated in enslaving blacks. Blacks themselves had a big hand in it as well.

Africans did indeed participate in kidnapping people to be enslaved, IMEURU. What they did not do is keep them in holding pens, force them into horrific conditions on slave ships and then buy and sell them on plantations.

For all I know, there was a sizable slave trade within Africa and the abuses were just as evil. Mebbe such a thing still goes on...but US history is not made in Africa.

I'm not saying slavery was not a horrible thing. I'm saying they are not the only peoples who have experienced what they experienced. Irish children were worked in mines until they died. Native Americans were forced to "be white" and their culture and even their language beat out of them. Italians were treated like pond scum. I think a young man or woman held in a mining pen, forced to work in horrific conditions is just as bad as what blacks suffered.
This is all apples and oranges, in my opinion. Wrong is wrong. And most have learned from past misdeeds in our history. But before there can be any colorblindness, it has to happen with ALL that are americans because it isn't just Blacks that experienced this.
And this isn't even counting the horror of the Holocaust which happened a helluva lot later than slavery days.
I ask again..where is Native American Month? Asian Month? Irish Month? Italian Month? Until what is expressed as outrage on what went down in the past, it has to be taught of what happened to ALL. Not just one race.
And furthermore...the race card is old and worn out now. Blacks can be anything they want. Do anything they want. Just like asians, italians, etc.
Oops. Except Native Americans.

Pine Ridge Statistics

Pine Ridge Reservation
Humanitarian Rescue


Despite nearly-insurmountable conditions, few resources, and against unbelievable odds, Indigenous people are struggling hard to overcome decades of neglect, discrimination and forced destruction of their traditional cultures to promote a life of self-respect and self-sufficiency.


* 97% of of the population at Pine Ridge Reservation live below federal poverty line.

* The unemployment rate vacillates from 85% to 95% on the Reservation.

* Death due to Heart Disease: Twice the national average.

* The infant mortality rate is the highest on this continent and is about 300% higher than the U.S. national average.

* Elderly die each winter from hypothermia (freezing).

* Recent reports point out that the median income on the Pine Ridge Reservation is approximately $2,600 to $3,500 per year.

* At least 60% of the homes are severely substandard, without water, electricity, adequate insulation, and sewage systems.

* Recent reports state the average life expectancy is 45 years old while others state that it is 48 years old for men and 52 years old for women. With either set of figures, that's the shortest life expectancy for any community in the Western Hemisphere outside Haiti, according to The Wall Street Journal.


Hidden away, dotted throughout the landscape of America, are the Reservations of the Indigenous People of our land. Mostly unknown or forgotten by the mainstream culture of the dominant U.S. society, the average United States resident knows little or nothing about these people other than what romanticized versions they see in movies and television or else in their nearest Reservation casino. Most assume that whatever poverty exists on a reservation is most certainly comparable to that which they might experience themselves.

And definitely, mainstream Americans are accustomed to being exposed to poverty. It has become nearly invisible due to its overwhelming presence everywhere. We drive through our cities now with a blind eye, numb to the suffering around us. Even more, we watch the televised reports of Third World countries, shake our heads and turn away, rightfully assuming that our government and our charities will help those in need all over the globe.

But the question begs: What about the foreign nations on America's own soil, within this country, a part and yet apart from mainstream society? What about the Native American Nations on America's reservations? Few mainstream Americans know anything about the people that live on these reservations and fewer still know or comprehend the unconscionable conditions present on many of them.

What many do not know is that a staggering number of residents on Native American reservations live in abject conditions rivaling, or even surpassing, that of many Third World countries.

This report chronicles just one Nation, the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Nation of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Yet the name and only a few details could easily be changed to describe a host of others; Dineh (Navajo), Ute Mountain Ute, Tohono O'odham, Pima, Yaqui, Ojibwa, Chippewa, the list is long.

But despite nearly-insurmountable conditions, few resources, and against unbelievable odds, Nation after Nation of Indigenous leaders and their people are working hard to counteract decades of oppression and forced destruction of their cultures to bring their citizens back to a life of self-respect and self-sufficiency in today's world.

Below are further in depth statistics of Pine Ridge


* The Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Indian Reservation sits in Bennett, Jackson, and Shannon Counties and is located in the southwest corner of South Dakota, fifty miles east of the Wyoming border.

* The 11,000-square mile (over 2 million acres) Oglala Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation is the second-largest Native American Reservation within the United States. It is roughly the size of the State of Connecticut.

* The Reservation is divided into eight districts: Eagle Nest, Pass Creek, Wakpamni, LaCreek, Pine Ridge, White Clay, Medicine Root, Porcupine, and Wounded Knee.

* The topography of the Pine Ridge Reservation includes badlands, rolling grassland hills, dryland prairie, and areas dotted with pine trees.

* According to the 1998 Bureau of Indian Affairs Census, the Pine Ridge Reservation is home to approximately 40,000 persons, 35% of which are under the age of 16. Approximately half the residents of the Reservation are registered tribal members of the Oglala Lakota Nation.

* The population is steadily rising, despite the severe conditions on the Reservation, as more and more Oglala Lakota return home from far-away cities in order to live within their societal values, be with their families, and assist with the revitalization of their culture and their Nation.

* Recent reports point out that the median income on the Pine Ridge Reservation is approximately $2,600 per year.

* The unemployment rate vacillates from 85% to 95% on the Reservation.

* There is no industry, technology, or commercial infrastructure on the Reservation to provide employment.[/B]

* The nearest town of size (which provides some jobs for those few persons able to travel the distance) is Rapid City, South Dakota with approximately 57,000 residents. It is located approximately 120 miles from the Reservation. The nearest large city to Pine Ridge is Denver, Colorado located about 350 miles away.

* Some figures state that the life expectancy on the Reservation is 48 years old for men and 52 for women. Other reports state that the average life expectancy on the Reservation is 45 years old. With either set of figures, that's the shortest life expectancy for a community anywhere in the Western Hemisphere outside Haiti, according to The Wall Street Journal.

* Teenage suicide rate on the Pine Ridge Reservation is 150% higher than the U.S. national average for this age group.

* The infant mortality rate is the highest on this continent and is about 300% higher than the U.S. national average.

* More than half the Reservation's adults battle addiction and disease. Alcoholism, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and malnutrition are rampant.

* The rate of diabetes on the Reservation is reported to be 800% higher than the U.S. national average.

* Recent reports indicate that almost 50% of the adults on the Reservation over the age of 40 have diabetes. Over 37% of population is diabetic.

* As a result of the high rate of diabetes on the Reservation, diabetic-related blindness, amputations, and kidney failure are common.

* The tuberculosis rate on the Pine Ridge Reservation is approximately 800% higher than the U.S. national average.

* Cervical cancer is 500% higher than the U.S. national average.

* Each winter, Reservation Elders are found dead from hypothermia (freezing).

* It is reported that at least 60% of the homes on the Pine Ridge Reservation are infested with Black Mold, Stachybotrys. This infestation causes an often-fatal condition with infants, children, elderly, those with damaged immune systems, and those with lung and pulmonary conditions at the highest risk. Exposure to this mold can cause hemorrhaging of the lungs and brain as well as cancer.

* Many Reservation residents live without health care due to vast travel distances involved in accessing that care. Additional factors include under-funded, under-staffed medical facilities and outdated or non-existent medical equipment. There is little hope for increased funding for Indian health care.

* Preventive healthcare programs are rare.

* In most of the treaties between the U.S. Government and Indian Nations, the U.S. government agreed to provide adequate medical care for Indians in return for vast quantities of land. The Indian Health Services (IHS) was set up to administer the health care for Indians under these treaties and receives an appropriation each year to fund Indian health care. Unfortunately, the appropriation is very small compared to the need. The IHS is understaffed and ill-equipped and can't possibly address the needs of Indian communities. Nowhere is this more apparent than on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

* School drop-out rate is over 70%.

* According to a Bureau of Indian Affairs report, the Pine Ridge Reservation schools are in the bottom 10% of school funding by U.S. Department of Education and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

* Teacher turnover is 800% that of the U.S. national average

* The small Tribal Housing Authority homes on the Pine Ridge Reservation are so overcrowded and scarce that many homeless families often use tents or cars for shelter. Many families live in shacks, old trailers, or dilapidated mobile homes.

* There is a large homeless population on the Reservation, but most families never turn away a relative no matter how distant the blood relation. Consequently, many homes have large numbers of people living in them.

* There is an estimated average of 17 people living in each family home (a home which may only have two to three rooms). Some homes, built for 6 to 8 people, have up to 30 people living in them.

* 60% of Reservation families have no telephone.

* Over 33% of the Reservation homes lack basic water and sewage systems as well as electricity.

* Many residents must carry (often contaminated) water from the local rivers daily for their personal needs.

* 39% of the homes on the Pine Ridge Reservation have no electricity.

* 59% of the Reservation homes are substandard.

* It is reported that at least 60% of the homes on the Pine Ridge Reservation need to be burned to the ground and replaced with new housing due to infestation of the potentially-fatal Black Mold, Stachybotrys. There is no insurance or government program to assist families in replacing their homes.

* Some Reservation families are forced to sleep on dirt floors.

* Many Reservation homes lack adequate insulation. Even more homes lack central heating.

* Without basic insulation or central heating in their homes, many residents on the Pine Ridge Reservation use their ovens to heat their homes.

* Many Reservation homes lack stoves, refrigerators, beds, and/or basic furniture.

* Most Reservation families live in rural and often isolated areas.

* The largest town on the Reservation is the town of Pine Ridge which has a population of approximately 5,720 people and is the administrative center for the Reservation.

* There are few improved roads on the Reservation and many of the homes are inaccessible during times of heavy snow or rain.

* Weather is extreme on the Reservation. Severe winds are always a factor. Traditionally, summer temperatures reach well over 110*F and winters bring bitter cold with temperatures that can reach -50*F below zero or worse. Flooding, tornados, or wildfires are always a risk.

* Many of the wells and much of the water and land on the Reservation is contaminated with pesticides and other poisons from farming, mining, open dumps, and commercial and governmental mining operations outside the Reservation. A further source of contamination is buried ordnance and hazardous materials from closed U.S. military bombing ranges on the Reservation.

* The Pine Ridge Reservation still has no banks, motels, discount stores, or movie theaters. It has only one grocery store of any moderate size and it is located in the town of Pine Ridge on the Reservation.

* Several of the banks and lending institutions nearest to the Reservation were recently targeted for investigation of fraudulent or predatory lending practices, with the citizens of the Pine Ridge Reservation as their victims.

* There are no public libraries except one at the Oglala Lakota College of the reservation.

* There is no public transportation available on the Reservation.

* Ownership of operable automobiles by residents of the Reservation is highly limited.

* Predominate form of travel for all ages on the Reservation is walking or hitchhiking.

* There is one very small airport on the Reservation servicing both the Pine Ridge Reservation and Shannon County. It's longest, paved runway extends 4,969 feet. There are no commercial flights available.

* There is one radio station on the Pine Ridge Reservation. KILI 90.1FM is located near the town of Porcupine on the Reservation.

* Alcoholism affects eight out of ten families on the Reservation.

* The death rate from alcohol-related problems on the Reservation is 300% higher than the remaining US population.

* The Oglala Lakota Nation has prohibited the sale and possession of alcohol on the Pine Ridge Reservation since the early 1970's. However, the town of Whiteclay, Nebraska (which sits 400 yards off the Reservation border in a contested "buffer" zone) has approximately 14 residents and four liquor stores which sell over 4.1 million cans of beer each year resulting in a $3million annual trade. Unlike other Nebraska communities, Whiteclay exists only to sell liquor and make money. It has no schools, no churches, no civic organizations, no parks, no benches, no public bathrooms, no fire service and no law enforcement. Tribal officials have repeatedly pleaded with the State of Nebraska to close these liquor stores or enforce the State laws regulating liquor stores but have been consistently refused.

* Scientific studies show that the High Plains/Oglala Aquifer which begins underneath the Pine Ridge Reservation is predicted to run dry within the next thirty years, possibly as early as the year 2005, due to commercial interest use and dryland farming in numerous states south of the Reservation. This critical North American underground water resource is not renewable at anything near the present consumption rate. The recent years of drought have simply accelerated the problem.

* Scientific studies show that much of the High Plains/Oglala Aquifer has been contaminated with farming pesticides and commercial, factory, mining, and industrial contaminants in the States of South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

* The Tribal nations are considered to have sovereign governmental status and have a government to government relationship with the United States. The Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribal government operates under a constitution consistent with the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 and approved by the Tribal membership and Tribal Council of the Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe. The Tribe is governed by an elected body consisting of a 5 member Executive Committee and an 18 member Tribal Council, all of whom serve a four year term.
Pine Ridge Statistics

Kinda puts it in more perspective, doesn't it?

Not to one of these lib assholes. It's not popular to raise hell about Native Americans the way they do for Blacks.

I remember when NA had to remain on the reservation. If you wanted to know who was an NA all you had to do was count all of the busted down cars in the front yard. I always wondered why my Uncle had a junkyard in the front of his house. My mom told me, because he's full-blooded Sioux. I have Cherokee blood, but my mom's sister married a Sioux. Mainly because we lived on the edge of the Flathead and Blackfoot Indian reservations.

My wife is half Seminole as well as African-American. I am well aware of what's going on, but I don't want to be reminded of it and I don't insist on anyone paying me or my family back for all the shit this country has done to them. I figure this country as a whole has learned it's lesson and moved on.
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The only reason Democrats give a flying-fuck about any ethnic group in this country is because they are a large voting block. Native-Americans aren't large enough of a segment of the American population to bother with other then sending a check to those who can establish their native heritage. I'm sure if the Dems had their way, they'd want the same for Blacks. Send them a check. Problem is, nobody stole their land. So it's a harder sell. But that check represents control. Democrat want control over us. We have to depend on them because we sure as hell don't want their fucked up programs. They never seem to work as advertised and never seem to cost what they promised. Their programs just seem to grow. Social Security started out being a small tax. Now over half of our federal taxes go to Social Security.

My point in all of this is this; Democrats don't care about us. They only want our votes and our money. Nothing they do is meant to actually solve a problem. As a matter of fact they invent problems just to make it look like they care about them. You can't trust them. You can't trust any politician for that matter, but especially Democrats. They believe in using our money to manufacture votes. That's what separates them from the GOP. Nothing they do, including Black History Month is meant for the purpose they claim. It's only purpose is to keep Blacks in America pissed off at the White man. And since Democrats have labeled the GOP as a White's Only club, guess who all of this anger is eventually directed at.
What has become history, is a black family staying together.
If you wonder why the Dems have decided to commit felonies by supporting illegal immigration, is not because of the reasons they claim. It's because they see the Hispanic population growing into a powerful electoral force. So they pay lip-service to them, and nothing gets solved. Millions of Hispanics will remain undocumented and Obama will ignore security at our borders because he doesn't give a fuck about us. He just wants to be on the "Political Correct" side in this. And that side is what controls our elections.
I note the one sentence comment posted by Imeuru and wonder if others question, "History is History"? It is not as certain as 2 = 2, is it? One may observe that History maybe History in the abstract, but in reality History becomes a subjective recording of events, does it not?
Like when they lie to the children and tell them that Whites enslaved the negroe and leave out the fact that they actually bought them from other blacks?
What has become history, is blacks doing well in school.
When your ancestors were dragged from their homeland against their will and forced into involuntary servitude to save some cheap motherfuckers the cost of labor, you can talk.

Until then, you should probably STFU.

Yes it was a horrible thing..Imagine if you were an african at the time..essentially living in the stone age....You get captured in a battle and sold as a slave by your own countrymen!

Blacks were taken from Africa,living in a stone age civilization,into white European culture,essentially moving 5,000 years ahead in just the first generation.

From that time to this,white civilization has tried to help them advance past this 5,000 years of missing development without much success.

5,000 years of development can not be made up in 700 years,no matter how advanced the developing civilization is;or how much money and time they try to use to bridge the gap.

The Greeks,Romans and Phoenicians ALL understood this and functioned very well using Africans as slaves and never tried to up lift them to "civilized" status.

It has only been very recently that 19th century white Europeans have developed the theory that blacks can be moved beyond domestication toward cultural civilization,essentially magically transforming what once was- out dated,redundant,broken down farm equipment(slaves) into functional civilized citizens.

White culture and ingenuity has always directed us to develop the use of useless things- to be used in a fashion that becomes unique and advanced with further development.This is a structural part of our white compulsive advanced nature,that has made us the innovators and inventors that had brought all white societies out of the caves and swamps into the 21st century;....and we almost seem helpless in our over constructing and over accomplishing efforts, to somehow, in some way- to drag blacks into the sunlight of civilization with us,kicking and screaming all the way.

They would still be eating each other in Africa if the white man hadn't saved them. The white man granted them freedom... that indicates that he is superior. Negroes didn't gain freedom on their own, it was a gift from the white man whom they've turned on.

In an apparent attempt to correct injustices against their race, blacks have been raping and killing Whites for decades. (Of course, Jews - not Whites - dominated the slave trade, but no matter...)

This alone is enough to make me wish that slavery had never even been thought up - let alone a single slave allowed on North American soil.

As if that weren't enough, it's a practice that's morally wrong, regardless of the race(s) involved.
I'd rather die picking my own cotton than have a slave do it for me.

Negroes are still lagging behind in education, employment, and every other area in America save sports and music.

They STILL haven't adapted to modern times.
When your ancestors were dragged from their homeland against their will and forced into involuntary servitude to save some cheap motherfuckers the cost of labor, you can talk.

Until then, you should probably STFU.

Yes it was a horrible thing..Imagine if you were an african at the time..essentially living in the stone age....You get captured in a battle and sold as a slave by your own countrymen!

Blacks were taken from Africa,living in a stone age civilization,into white European culture,essentially moving 5,000 years ahead in just the first generation.

From that time to this,white civilization has tried to help them advance past this 5,000 years of missing development without much success.

5,000 years of development can not be made up in 700 years,no matter how advanced the developing civilization is;or how much money and time they try to use to bridge the gap.

The Greeks,Romans and Phoenicians ALL understood this and functioned very well using Africans as slaves and never tried to up lift them to "civilized" status.

It has only been very recently that 19th century white Europeans have developed the theory that blacks can be moved beyond domestication toward cultural civilization,essentially magically transforming what once was- out dated,redundant,broken down farm equipment(slaves) into functional civilized citizens.

White culture and ingenuity has always directed us to develop the use of useless things- to be used in a fashion that becomes unique and advanced with further development.This is a structural part of our white compulsive advanced nature,that has made us the innovators and inventors that had brought all white societies out of the caves and swamps into the 21st century;....and we almost seem helpless in our over constructing and over accomplishing efforts, to somehow, in some way- to drag blacks into the sunlight of civilization with us,kicking and screaming all the way.

They would still be eating each other in Africa if the white man hadn't saved them. The white man granted them freedom... that indicates that he is superior. Negroes didn't gain freedom on their own, it was a gift from the white man whom they've turned on.

In an apparent attempt to correct injustices against their race, blacks have been raping and killing Whites for decades. (Of course, Jews - not Whites - dominated the slave trade, but no matter...)

This alone is enough to make me wish that slavery had never even been thought up - let alone a single slave allowed on North American soil.

As if that weren't enough, it's a practice that's morally wrong, regardless of the race(s) involved.
I'd rather die picking my own cotton than have a slave do it for me.

Negroes are still lagging behind in education, employment, and every other area in America save sports and music.

They STILL haven't adapted to modern times.


What's that, the size of your trailer?
Just don't understand why each race wants it's own special month, and can't just get over it and view us all default of skin color.

Black people, of all people, should be the first to wanna get rid of black history month. Do you guys want us to view you as everything EXCEPT your skin color? If so, you gotta stop seperating yourselves with things that emphasize your skin color.

Because that's the nature of humanity. There is only one true race. The Human Race.

All other designations are simply variations on a theme to suit human nature.

race as pursued by the public in a naive or simplistic way, erroneously designating wholly discrete types of individuals. Among humans, race has no cladistic significance—all people belong to the same hominid subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.
Race (classification of humans) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Really? Wiki?

Is Harvard Better?

Harvard Archives said:
Changes in the 2000 census that added a racial category and allowed multirace responses permitted a new flexibility in self-identification, but also diluted the data collection that underpins social justice efforts, according to a former U.S. Census director who spoke at Harvard Monday (Feb. 2).

While the changes enacted for the 2000 census may seem innocuous, they constituted the biggest change between successive censuses in 200 years, according to Kenneth Prewitt, Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs at Columbia University and director of the U.S. Census Bureau during the 2000 census.

In addition, Prewitt said, the changes - particularly the multirace option - create a multiplying factor in race categorization that changes the possible number of racial categories from four in the 1990 census, with the additional possibility of being from a Hispanic ethnic group, to more than 100, when all possible racial and ethnic combinations are considered.

"Racial classification in the U.S. is now in a phase of unprecedented instability and uncertainty," Prewitt said. "So, policies dependent on [that classification] are also in a period of instability and uncertainty."

Harvard Gazette: New categories cause confusion

How do you explain Bidil?

BiDiL when considered a "Race Specific Genetic Attachment" is a misnomer. It is a "People's Specific Genetic Attachment".

Separating peoples into further racial sub-types only separates peoples, not the human race.

ScientificAmerican said:
The fate of racial medicine is highly uncertain. Advances in technology may already be driving toward obsolescence an indicator of drug responsiveness that even NitroMed and the Association of Black Cardiologists acknowledge is less than ideal. The availability of technologies that allow rapid surveys of whole genomes will likely make the segmentation of drug therapy by race a mercifully short chapter in the evolution of personalized medicine.

Race-Based Medicine: A Recipe for Controversy: Scientific American
When your ancestors were dragged from their homeland against their will and forced into involuntary servitude to save some cheap motherfuckers the cost of labor, you can talk.

Until then, you should probably STFU.

Slavery has been a part of the human condition since time immemorial. Muslims forced over a million Europeans into slavery along the North African coast between the 16th and 18th century. I don't think anybody's ancestors have a monopoly on suffering.

When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed
Changes in the 2000 census

The census has nothing to do with the reality of race.
The fate of racial medicine is highly uncertain.

Back in Korea, the Army found that a certain racial group couldn't take the antimalarials they were giving out.

And being able to tailor medicine to the individual also doesn't change the reality of racial variation anymore than being able to tailor medicine for a human changes the fact that mammals vary.

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