It's Time To Hate White People Month Again

When your ancestors were dragged from their homeland against their will and forced into involuntary servitude to save some cheap motherfuckers the cost of labor, you can talk.

Until then, you should probably STFU.

Yes it was a horrible thing..Imagine if you were an african at the time..essentially living in the stone age....You get captured in a battle and sold as a slave by your own countrymen!

Blacks were taken from Africa,living in a stone age civilization,into white European culture,essentially moving 5,000 years ahead in just the first generation.

From that time to this,white civilization has tried to help them advance past this 5,000 years of missing development without much success.

5,000 years of development can not be made up in 700 years,no matter how advanced the developing civilization is;or how much money and time they try to use to bridge the gap.

The Greeks,Romans and Phoenicians ALL understood this and functioned very well using Africans as slaves and never tried to up lift them to "civilized" status.

It has only been very recently that 19th century white Europeans have developed the theory that blacks can be moved beyond domestication toward cultural civilization,essentially magically transforming what once was- out dated,redundant,broken down farm equipment(slaves) into functional civilized citizens.

White culture and ingenuity has always directed us to develop the use of useless things- to be used in a fashion that becomes unique and advanced with further development.This is a structural part of our white compulsive advanced nature,that has made us the innovators and inventors that had brought all white societies out of the caves and swamps into the 21st century;....and we almost seem helpless in our over constructing and over accomplishing efforts, to somehow, in some way- to drag blacks into the sunlight of civilization with us,kicking and screaming all the way.

They would still be eating each other in Africa if the white man hadn't saved them. The white man granted them freedom... that indicates that he is superior. Negroes didn't gain freedom on their own, it was a gift from the white man whom they've turned on.

In an apparent attempt to correct injustices against their race, blacks have been raping and killing Whites for decades. (Of course, Jews - not Whites - dominated the slave trade, but no matter...)

This alone is enough to make me wish that slavery had never even been thought up - let alone a single slave allowed on North American soil.

As if that weren't enough, it's a practice that's morally wrong, regardless of the race(s) involved.
I'd rather die picking my own cotton than have a slave do it for me.

Negroes are still lagging behind in education, employment, and every other area in America save sports and music.

They STILL haven't adapted to modern times.


What's that, the size of your trailer?

Usually an education leads you out of the trailer-park.

30X90 sounds like he's had an education. But it seems all of the Liberal BullShit they teach nimrods like you didn't stick with him.
Mudwhistle wrote:

Not to one of these lib assholes. It's not popular to raise hell about Native Americans the way they do for Blacks.

I remember when NA had to remain on the reservation. If you wanted to know who was an NA all you had to do was count all of the busted down cars in the front yard. I always wondered why my Uncle had a junkyard in the front of his house. My mom told me, because he's full-blooded Sioux. I have Cherokee blood, but my mom's sister married a Sioux. Mainly because we lived on the edge of the Flathead and Blackfoot Indian reservations.

My wife is half Seminole as well as African-American. I am well aware of what's going on, but I don't want to be reminded of it and I don't insist on anyone paying me or my family back for all the shit this country has done to them. I figure this country as a whole has learned it's lesson and moved on.

Not everyone has the good fortune to know any significant population of Native Americans, mudwhistle. The only chance I had was whilst living in Florida, where I helped Seminoles to protest using an Andrew Jackson look-a-like as the leading figure in the city's Springtime parade. Successfully, I might add.

It's very hard to get a real grasp on Native American issues without actually knowing some IRL. Reading is no substitute -- though I'll be happy to take the names of any self-avowed liberals you may know who are so craven as to deny the suffering of the Native people.
The only reason Democrats give a flying-fuck about any ethnic group in this country is because they are a large voting block. Native-Americans aren't large enough of a segment of the American population to bother with other then sending a check to those who can establish their native heritage. I'm sure if the Dems had their way, they'd want the same for Blacks. Send them a check. Problem is, nobody stole their land. So it's a harder sell. But that check represents control. Democrat want control over us. We have to depend on them because we sure as hell don't want their fucked up programs. They never seem to work as advertised and never seem to cost what they promised. Their programs just seem to grow. Social Security started out being a small tax. Now over half of our federal taxes go to Social Security.

My point in all of this is this; Democrats don't care about us. They only want our votes and our money. Nothing they do is meant to actually solve a problem. As a matter of fact they invent problems just to make it look like they care about them. You can't trust them. You can't trust any politician for that matter, but especially Democrats. They believe in using our money to manufacture votes. That's what separates them from the GOP. Nothing they do, including Black History Month is meant for the purpose they claim. It's only purpose is to keep Blacks in America pissed off at the White man. And since Democrats have labeled the GOP as a White's Only club, guess who all of this anger is eventually directed at.

My girlfirend, the criminal defense lawyer in Oklahoma who is now getting her Masters in Native American Law, will be delighted to know she is The Only One.
You took the words right out of my mouth.

And you wonder where people get the impression you're a bigot, mudwhistle? You supply them with the basis for that conclusion, and I doubt it's accidental on your part.

Meanwhile, if I could have an honest answer to my question? Why is teaching black history supposed to influence blacks to behave badly? What is it you think people do as a result of this education effort and why's it a problem?

If you want an answer you might want to refrain from the insults. Start by not calling me a bigot.

As it is now, you don't deserve an answer. Fuck you lady.

It's obvious you haven't even read a word I've posted in this thread.

I figure you're just trying a tactic that is common among detractors. Make a show of being reasonable all the while you're looking for openings to pounce on. You're not really looking for a meeting of minds or an honest explanation because I've given several already. You just can't wrap your mind around them. Your inherent Political Correctness doesn't allow you to.

At least your tactic seems more palatable then just saying "Well, you're a fucken racist", it's not much different, because eventually you did call me one.

In your mind it's one simple mindless thought; "How dare you think differently then we do".

That's the problem with folks like you. You can't admit when you're wrong.

Remember, slavery was acceptable at one time in our history. Now Political Correctness, and government sponsored racism is as well.

You remember, slavery was acceptable to BIGOTS one time in our history. Now intelligence and compassion have relegated slavery and most bigots to the scrap heap of history; though the bigots remaining today still hold some Americans (many of whom have ancestry dating back before most of us whites) as second class citizens.
Thanks for sharing mudwhistle, you really don't understand how much your input discredits you and your echo chamber mates.
If you wonder why the Dems have decided to commit felonies by supporting illegal immigration, is not because of the reasons they claim. It's because they see the Hispanic population growing into a powerful electoral force. So they pay lip-service to them, and nothing gets solved. Millions of Hispanics will remain undocumented and Obama will ignore security at our borders because he doesn't give a fuck about us. He just wants to be on the "Political Correct" side in this. And that side is what controls our elections.

This is true, but Republican have done and are doing it as well. It's childish to continue to insist "your side" is less sinful, less full of shit or shitty people, than "the other side". Get off the cross, mudwhistle.

Where My niggaz at, Huh
Cock that Yo
Squeeze them triggas back,
Huh, Pop that yo,
If I gotta, I'm a Pop a nigga
Lay a nigga down,
I ain't playin, I'll spray a nigga,
Lay a nigga down! [

Black Culture :thup:
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When your ancestors were dragged from their homeland against their will and forced into involuntary servitude to save some cheap motherfuckers the cost of labor, you can talk.

Until then, you should probably STFU.

Yes it was a horrible thing..Imagine if you were an african at the time..essentially living in the stone age....You get captured in a battle and sold as a slave by your own countrymen!

Blacks were taken from Africa,living in a stone age civilization,into white European culture,essentially moving 5,000 years ahead in just the first generation.

From that time to this,white civilization has tried to help them advance past this 5,000 years of missing development without much success.

5,000 years of development can not be made up in 700 years,no matter how advanced the developing civilization is;or how much money and time they try to use to bridge the gap.

The Greeks,Romans and Phoenicians ALL understood this and functioned very well using Africans as slaves and never tried to up lift them to "civilized" status.

It has only been very recently that 19th century white Europeans have developed the theory that blacks can be moved beyond domestication toward cultural civilization,essentially magically transforming what once was- out dated,redundant,broken down farm equipment(slaves) into functional civilized citizens.

White culture and ingenuity has always directed us to develop the use of useless things- to be used in a fashion that becomes unique and advanced with further development.This is a structural part of our white compulsive advanced nature,that has made us the innovators and inventors that had brought all white societies out of the caves and swamps into the 21st century;....and we almost seem helpless in our over constructing and over accomplishing efforts, to somehow, in some way- to drag blacks into the sunlight of civilization with us,kicking and screaming all the way.

They would still be eating each other in Africa if the white man hadn't saved them. The white man granted them freedom... that indicates that he is superior. Negroes didn't gain freedom on their own, it was a gift from the white man whom they've turned on.

In an apparent attempt to correct injustices against their race, blacks have been raping and killing Whites for decades. (Of course, Jews - not Whites - dominated the slave trade, but no matter...)

This alone is enough to make me wish that slavery had never even been thought up - let alone a single slave allowed on North American soil.

As if that weren't enough, it's a practice that's morally wrong, regardless of the race(s) involved.
I'd rather die picking my own cotton than have a slave do it for me.

Negroes are still lagging behind in education, employment, and every other area in America save sports and music.

They STILL haven't adapted to modern times.


What's that, the size of your trailer?

That's it? That's all you got?

That's how you respond to facts and reality?
a weak insult?

30x90 is the latitude and longitude of where I live.

...not a trailer, champ.
50 Cent, crack cocaine, and prison hardly qualify as culture.

50 Cent is a genuis. How dare you dismiss him this way, you ignorant shitheel.


That's funny as shit.

Next thing you're gonna say is Kanye West is a great American.

I dun even know who Kanye West is, mudwhistle. But 50 Cent is a survivor of gun violence himself and lost his mother to a gunshot wound as a teenager. He's an accomplished singer, writer, actor, businessman and designer.

I like this young man enormously.
Once again our annual exercise in institutional racism is here again. That's right, Black History month is upon us.

Guess we're in for 28 days of reminders of how screwed up our Grandfathers were toward African-Americans.

One would think that now that we have elected a black POTUS we can move on. Truth is what we have witnessed is a worsening of race relations the last two years, not an improvement. So if this what we can expect every time we try to reconcile with those who hate us, and receive even more hatred for our efforts, why bother?

I'm just asking

Why do you have a guilty conscience?

I'm just asking.
You're singing the praises of either a gangbanging criminal or a studio gangster

since when are gang members 'survivors of gun violence' to be looked up to or praised?

If he were White and sang about his criminal achievements, would you still sing their praises?

It seems like same racial groups can do no wrong in your mind
Mudwhistle wrote:

Not to one of these lib assholes. It's not popular to raise hell about Native Americans the way they do for Blacks.

I remember when NA had to remain on the reservation. If you wanted to know who was an NA all you had to do was count all of the busted down cars in the front yard. I always wondered why my Uncle had a junkyard in the front of his house. My mom told me, because he's full-blooded Sioux. I have Cherokee blood, but my mom's sister married a Sioux. Mainly because we lived on the edge of the Flathead and Blackfoot Indian reservations.

My wife is half Seminole as well as African-American. I am well aware of what's going on, but I don't want to be reminded of it and I don't insist on anyone paying me or my family back for all the shit this country has done to them. I figure this country as a whole has learned it's lesson and moved on.

Not everyone has the good fortune to know any significant population of Native Americans, mudwhistle. The only chance I had was whilst living in Florida, where I helped Seminoles to protest using an Andrew Jackson look-a-like as the leading figure in the city's Springtime parade. Successfully, I might add.

It's very hard to get a real grasp on Native American issues without actually knowing some IRL. Reading is no substitute -- though I'll be happy to take the names of any self-avowed liberals you may know who are so craven as to deny the suffering of the Native people.

You are so prone to hyperbole.

STFU asshole.
And you wonder where people get the impression you're a bigot, mudwhistle? You supply them with the basis for that conclusion, and I doubt it's accidental on your part.

Meanwhile, if I could have an honest answer to my question? Why is teaching black history supposed to influence blacks to behave badly? What is it you think people do as a result of this education effort and why's it a problem?

If you want an answer you might want to refrain from the insults. Start by not calling me a bigot.

As it is now, you don't deserve an answer. Fuck you lady.

It's obvious you haven't even read a word I've posted in this thread.

I figure you're just trying a tactic that is common among detractors. Make a show of being reasonable all the while you're looking for openings to pounce on. You're not really looking for a meeting of minds or an honest explanation because I've given several already. You just can't wrap your mind around them. Your inherent Political Correctness doesn't allow you to.

At least your tactic seems more palatable then just saying "Well, you're a fucken racist", it's not much different, because eventually you did call me one.

In your mind it's one simple mindless thought; "How dare you think differently then we do".

That's the problem with folks like you. You can't admit when you're wrong.

Remember, slavery was acceptable at one time in our history. Now Political Correctness, and government sponsored racism is as well.

You remember, slavery was acceptable to BIGOTS one time in our history. Now intelligence and compassion have relegated slavery and most bigots to the scrap heap of history; though the bigots remaining today still hold some Americans (many of whom have ancestry dating back before most of us whites) as second class citizens.
Thanks for sharing mudwhistle, you really don't understand how much your input discredits you and your echo chamber mates.


The truth really hurts, doesn't it???
My ex is yavapi apache. His family is on the rez in Arizona. So I guess according to Madeline, I should know of which I speak. But anyone not familiar with any given situation must ..I repeat MUST...know of the situation only..I repat that too...KNOW of the situation in order to give commentary or an opinion on the matter. Right?

While you are cuddles up in your nice warm home, Madeline...think of the elders in Pine Ridge freezing to death. Not all NA's own casino's, ya know. They suffer. They die. NOW. TODAY. Just as they did 100 years ago and a hundred years before that.

Speaking of pine ridge, did you even READ what I posted, Madeline?
Here are a few more links. At least have the courtesy to read them. Then again, you aren't NA, are you? So therefore, according to you, if you don't know any in real know nothing. Right?

Pine Ridge Reservation America’s Own Third World Country | Socyberty

The Average life expectancy on the Reservation is 46

Pine Ridge Teen suicide rate is 150 times higher than the National Average

65% of the residents of the Reservation live in sub-standard conditions such as no electricity, running water, and often, without heat

Many of the elderly (some of whom still live in sod houses) die of Hypothermia each year
Average income is $2600 to $3500

Due to lack of sustainable jobs on the Reservation, unemployment is approximately 85-95%
Infant Mortality rate is 300% above National Average

There are NO commercial, industry or technology infrastructures on the Reservation to provide employment

Diabetes is 800 times higher than the National Average

The Arrogance of Ignorance
Here are a few more links. At least have the courtesy to read them. Then again, you aren't NA, are you? So therefore, according to you, if you don't know any in real know nothing. Right?

The Average life expectancy on the Reservation is 46

Pine Ridge Teen suicide rate is 150 times higher than the National Average

65% of the residents of the Reservation live in sub-standard conditions such as no electricity, running water, and often, without heat

Many of the elderly (some of whom still live in sod houses) die of Hypothermia each year
Average income is $2600 to $3500

Due to lack of sustainable jobs on the Reservation, unemployment is approximately 85-95%
Infant Mortality rate is 300% above National Average

There are NO commercial, industry or technology infrastructures on the Reservation to provide employment

Diabetes is 800 times higher than the National Average

The Arrogance of Ignorance

Hidden away, out of sight but dotting the landscape of America, are the little known or forgotten Reservations of the Indigenous People of our land. Sadly, the average U.S. mainstream resident knows almost nothing about the people of the Native American reservations other than what romanticized or caricaturized versions they see on film or as the print media stereotypes of oil or casino-rich Indians. Most assume that whatever poverty exists on a reservation is most certainly comparable to that which they might experience themselves. Further, they assume it is curable by the same means they would use.
But that is the arrogance of ignorance.
Our dominant society is accustomed to being exposed to poverty. It’s nearly invisible because it is everywhere. We drive through our cities with a blind eye, numb to the suffering on the streets, or we shake our heads and turn away, assuming help is on the way. After all, it’s known that the government and the big charities are helping the needy in nearly every corner of the world.
But the question begs: What about the sovereign nations on America’s own soil, within this country, a part and yet apart from mainstream society? What about these Reservations that few people ever see?
Oddly enough, the case could be made that more Europeans and Australians know and understand the cultures and conditions of our Indigenous people better Americans do.
Moreover, what the Europeans and Australians know is that there are a number of very fortunate Native American Nations whose people are able to earn a very good living due to casino income, natural resource income, a good job market from nearby cities, or from some other source. They also know, however, that a staggering number of residents on Native American reservations live in abject, incomprehensible conditions rivaling, or even surpassing, that of many Third World countries.
This article chronicles just one Nation: the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Nation of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Yet the name and only a few details could easily be changed to describe a host of others…. the Dineh (Navajo), Ute Mountain Ute, Tohono O’odham, Pima, Yaqui, Apache, the Brule’ Lakota (Sioux) ….the list is long.
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