It's Time To Hate White People Month Again

Well, Black History Month is hardly "blacks only". It's for all of us. As far as I know, there is no mainstream civil rights organization that excludes non-blacks and the public school curriculum is certainly not directed only at black students.

Mebbe every "whites only" gathering would be deemed racist. Mebbe it should be -- but celebrations go on here all year for every ethnic group under the sun, many of them "white". And if you go, you'll see people of every ethnicity enjoying them. This may be more common in Cleveland than other places I have lived, but I have never lived anywhere that people felt they could not celebrate or preserve the history of their forebearers just because they were white. If such a community exists in the US, it's news to me.

All history lessons are about teaching what once was. "Moving on" is a weird concept -- nobody is "moving on" from trauma experienced by people who lived a century or more ago. But I think what you're overlooking is that the history is unique -- and uniquely painful -- in the case of American blacks. I don't imagine many blacks can look at images of slaves and not feel something profound that you and I just don't fully understand.

I agree, the ultimate lesson of Black History Month should be triumph and success, not sorrow and suffering. But how can you expect people, black or white, to gauge the amazing success that's been achieved unless they can first appreciate the desperate lengths that have been traveled?

Anything "whites only" or "white _____ " is going to be stigmatized.

Irish, German, French, etc History Month/Week ... whatever.
Some brief history lessons, compliments of google:

Irish Immigrants in America


No one is denying people other than blacks have suffered, IMEURU. Just look at Native Americans, who we still oppress.

Obviously, some are denying people other than blacks, Madeline. After all, I'm still waiting for the Miss Native American Pageant and the NAANAP. That will happen about as fast as the Miss White America Pageant and the NAAWP. I won't hold my breath.
Teaching is teaching. ALL history. From ALL races, because that is what AMERICANS are. A melting pot. And nobody is exempt from the "abused" history they all faced.

And with that said..I'm off to find some cool music for the other thread.
Well...I'll just pack up and move to an all black neighborhood and fly my rebel flag and then I'll start a business in the all black part of town and call it "White Shop" and every month I will have a White History meeting. All are welcome, even my black neighbors. Wanna bet how long I will last? Alive?

I think I'm about as done with this discussion as I am with the middle eastern 14 year old girl being raped by a perv and her dying while he digs in his nasty assed pocket to pay his fine.

I don't think you would necessarily be killed but you should expect some vandalism and you would be out of business pretty quickly too because there will be people living in that neighborhood who were there when water bubblers were segregated. History has consequences.
"African Pride," "African Man Pride," "Asian Pride," "Bahama Pride," "Black Pride," "Brazilian Pride," "China-Pride," "Chippewa Pride," "Choctaw Pride," "Colombian Pride," "Cuban Pride," "Dakota Pride," "Dominican Pride," "El Salvador Pride," "Ecuador Pride," "Gay Pride Apparel," "Guyanese Pride," "Havana Pride," "Honduran Pride," "Indian Pride," "Jamaica's Pride," "Jewish Pride," "Kwanzaa Pride," "Long Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride," "Mayan Pride," "Mexican Pride," "Native Pride!," "Nicaraguan Pride," "Orgullo Hispano" (Hispanic Pride), "Orgoglio" (Hispanic—'Great Pride' (supremacy?)), "Qisqueya Pride" (Dominican Republic Pride), "Rainbow Pride Coach," "Red Pride," "San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride," "Spanish Pride," and "West Indian Pride."

U.S. Says White Pride is Offensive!

the "WHITE PRIDE" element of the proposed mark is considered offensive and therefore scandalous."
Well...I'll just pack up and move to an all black neighborhood and fly my rebel flag and then I'll start a business in the all black part of town and call it "White Shop" and every month I will have a White History meeting. All are welcome, even my black neighbors. Wanna bet how long I will last? Alive?

I think I'm about as done with this discussion as I am with the middle eastern 14 year old girl being raped by a perv and her dying while he digs in his nasty assed pocket to pay his fine.

I don't think you would necessarily be killed but you should expect some vandalism and you would be out of business pretty quickly too because there will be people living in that neighborhood who were there when water bubblers were segregated. History has consequences.

Okay, so if I FINALLY understand what the big heartache is, it's that during Black History Month little or no attention is paid to the pain and suffering of whites that has been the unintended consequence of the Civil Rights Movement? Is this the source of all this butt hurt?

Well...I'll just pack up and move to an all black neighborhood and fly my rebel flag and then I'll start a business in the all black part of town and call it "White Shop" and every month I will have a White History meeting. All are welcome, even my black neighbors. Wanna bet how long I will last? Alive?

I think I'm about as done with this discussion as I am with the middle eastern 14 year old girl being raped by a perv and her dying while he digs in his nasty assed pocket to pay his fine.

I don't think you would necessarily be killed but you should expect some vandalism and you would be out of business pretty quickly too because there will be people living in that neighborhood who were there when water bubblers were segregated. History has consequences.

Okay, so if I FINALLY understand what the big heartache is, it's that during Black History Month little or no attention is paid to the pain and suffering of whites that has been the unintended consequence of the Civil Rights Movement? Is this the source of all this butt hurt?


Uh. No. It's on the roof over your head, Madeline. So....never mind. I give up.
Oh, and thanks for the concern, but my butt is just fine.
No one is denying the suffering of Native Americans, IMEURU. What bearing does that have on the value of Black History Month?

Its like a train wreck. I keep trying to walk away.

Try to digest this, ok? The value of Black History Month should be the value of ALL RACES. Not JUST BLACK. Get it now? Why are y'all so special that it's all about your trials? It isn't. And therefore, stop being the victims. WE ALL ARE in some form or another.

NOW I'm going to take my melatonin and get my jammies on. And hope the train wreck doesn't lure me back because you just flat don't get it....or I'm not being clear enough. Whichever.
No one is denying the suffering of Native Americans, IMEURU. What bearing does that have on the value of Black History Month?

Its like a train wreck. I keep trying to walk away.

Try to digest this, ok? The value of Black History Month should be the value of ALL RACES. Not JUST BLACK. Get it now? Why are y'all so special that it's all about your trials? It isn't. And therefore, stop being the victims. WE ALL ARE in some form or another.

NOW I'm going to take my melatonin and get my jammies on. And hope the train wreck doesn't lure me back because you just flat don't get it....or I'm not being clear enough. Whichever.

Well, I hope you sleep well and I'm not writing this to lure you out of bed. You can answer in the morning just as well, mebbe better.

The lessons of Black History Month are not taught so that "blacks can feel special". They aren't taught so that "blacks can feel like victims". In part, the reason Black History Month exists is to help ensure the basic facts are taught at you might guess, without deliberate attention, the events of most Black History Month curriculum would be avoided because they are painful, controversial or do not involve powerful people. When I was growing up, this aspect of education did not exist. I learned the one paragraph description of slavery -- as it impacted white people -- and another paragraph or two on the Underground Railroad and that was it. (But then, so much of the Civil Rights Movement was happening while I was growing up, and had not yet become history.)

I don't understand why it is so distressing to acknowledge that people my age who could not vote (or drink from water fountains, or swim, or eat in restaurants) as young adults have had different, important experiences as Americans than you and I. Where is the burden on anyone else to acknowledge the journey of blacks in America?

Yanno, Condelizza Rice and I are about the same age. She had a playmate who was one of the girls killed in the Birmingham Bombing. Doubtless, she could not go to the movies, the bathroom in a public place or even get a drink of water unless one was specifically provided for "her kind". The woman grew up to be Secretary of State -- don't you think that the events surrounding her journey are worth teaching to our children?
I'm not in bed. Yet. I decided to play with graphics and enhance my "sigline".

Anyway..y'all carry on. But I must say I did watch the Eddie Murphy vid. I wonder what would happen if...let's say...adam sandler sang a comedic routine on killing all the blacks. Oh. Wait. I now what would happen. It would be banned from the networks.

I will say it one more time....THEN I'll go to bed:
Having teachings of the progress blacks have made is great. It is needed, yes. The famous words of "never again" rebound, but that's from another era, another group of people, isn't it? Unfortunately, it is happening again. In Rwanda, for one example.
I'd love to not have to name ANY month for ANY particular peoples. History is history. There shouldn't be a color or race attached. Shit happens. I know, that sounds very shruggish and I don't mean it to be, but that's the only way I can express it.

Good night.
Well...I'll just pack up and move to an all black neighborhood and fly my rebel flag and then I'll start a business in the all black part of town and call it "White Shop" and every month I will have a White History meeting. All are welcome, even my black neighbors. Wanna bet how long I will last? Alive?

I think I'm about as done with this discussion as I am with the middle eastern 14 year old girl being raped by a perv and her dying while he digs in his nasty assed pocket to pay his fine.

I don't think you would necessarily be killed but you should expect some vandalism and you would be out of business pretty quickly too because there will be people living in that neighborhood who were there when water bubblers were segregated. History has consequences.

Okay, so if I FINALLY understand what the big heartache is, it's that during Black History Month little or no attention is paid to the pain and suffering of whites that has been the unintended consequence of the Civil Rights Movement? Is this the source of all this butt hurt?

I think it is two things. One, many seem to squirm over the fact that our forefathers were slave owners. I guess there's nothing wrong with that but it certainly isn't the intent of black history month.

Others, like seemingly Tank, feel blacks are worthless and have contributed nothing to society (jeesh, mud even thanked him for that post) and are the sole engagers in crime and sexually transmitted disease.

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