It's Time To Hate White People Month Again

50 Cent is a genuis. How dare you dismiss him this way, you ignorant shitheel.


That's funny as shit.

Next thing you're gonna say is Kanye West is a great American.

I dun even know who Kanye West is, mudwhistle. But 50 Cent is a survivor of gun violence himself and lost his mother to a gunshot wound as a teenager. He's an accomplished singer, writer, actor, businessman and designer.

I like this young man enormously.

You do realize that all that violence was because of his own choices, right?

The man was selling crack off of a 5 figure record deal advance before he hit it big.

He'd still be flipping packs on the corner and taking bullets if it weren't for becoming extremely lucky and getting signed by Eminem and Dre.

That he managed to brand his name and making millions off it is really just a by-product.

And I would not assume he figured all that out on his own, either.
My ex is yavapi apache. His family is on the rez in Arizona. So I guess according to Madeline, I should know of which I speak. But anyone not familiar with any given situation must ..I repeat MUST...know of the situation only..I repat that too...KNOW of the situation in order to give commentary or an opinion on the matter. Right?

While you are cuddles up in your nice warm home, Madeline...think of the elders in Pine Ridge freezing to death. Not all NA's own casino's, ya know. They suffer. They die. NOW. TODAY. Just as they did 100 years ago and a hundred years before that.

Speaking of pine ridge, did you even READ what I posted, Madeline?

I know a little about the current issues facing Native Americans, IMEURU. Not all that much, but a little.

Enough to be shocked and angry, that's for sure.

That's funny as shit.

Next thing you're gonna say is Kanye West is a great American.

I dun even know who Kanye West is, mudwhistle. But 50 Cent is a survivor of gun violence himself and lost his mother to a gunshot wound as a teenager. He's an accomplished singer, writer, actor, businessman and designer.

I like this young man enormously.

You do realize that all that violence was because of his own choices, right?

The man was selling crack off of a 5 figure record deal advance before he hit it big.

He'd still be flipping packs on the corner and taking bullets if it weren't for becoming extremely lucky and getting signed by Eminem and Dre.

That he managed to brand his name and making millions off it is really just a by-product.

And I would not assume he figured all that out on his own, either.

I dun consider myself an expert on all things 50 Cent, Paulie. But I admire the success he has made of his life.
If 50 Cent is working to better himself, then more power to him to reach his goals.
Mudwhistle wrote:

Not to one of these lib assholes. It's not popular to raise hell about Native Americans the way they do for Blacks.

I remember when NA had to remain on the reservation. If you wanted to know who was an NA all you had to do was count all of the busted down cars in the front yard. I always wondered why my Uncle had a junkyard in the front of his house. My mom told me, because he's full-blooded Sioux. I have Cherokee blood, but my mom's sister married a Sioux. Mainly because we lived on the edge of the Flathead and Blackfoot Indian reservations.

My wife is half Seminole as well as African-American. I am well aware of what's going on, but I don't want to be reminded of it and I don't insist on anyone paying me or my family back for all the shit this country has done to them. I figure this country as a whole has learned it's lesson and moved on.
Not everyone has the good fortune to know any significant population of Native Americans, mudwhistle. The only chance I had was whilst living in Florida, where I helped Seminoles to protest using an Andrew Jackson look-a-like as the leading figure in the city's Springtime parade. Successfully, I might add.

It's very hard to get a real grasp on Native American issues without actually knowing some IRL. Reading is no substitute -- though I'll be happy to take the names of any self-avowed liberals you may know who are so craven as to deny the suffering of the Native people.
Don't be silly...just wait til Columbus day and Thanksgiving when threads will be started over how the evil libs care more about the Native Americans than about The Invaders.
Raise your hand if you really believe mudwhistle and his compadres on this thread object to Black History Month only because it does not honor Native Americans.

What? No one?

*Shocked look*
Raise your hand if you really believe mudwhistle and his compadres on this thread object to Black History Month only because it does not honor Native Americans.

What? No one?

*Shocked look*
I'm still wondering why they claim it is acceptable to honor indians and not negroes.

When your ancestors were dragged from their homeland against their will and forced into involuntary servitude to save some cheap motherfuckers the cost of labor, you can talk.

Until then, you should probably STFU.

Yes it was a horrible thing..Imagine if you were an african at the time..essentially living in the stone age....You get captured in a battle and sold as a slave by your own countrymen!

Blacks were taken from Africa,living in a stone age civilization,into white European culture,essentially moving 5,000 years ahead in just the first generation.

From that time to this,white civilization has tried to help them advance past this 5,000 years of missing development without much success.

5,000 years of development can not be made up in 700 years,no matter how advanced the developing civilization is;or how much money and time they try to use to bridge the gap.

The Greeks,Romans and Phoenicians ALL understood this and functioned very well using Africans as slaves and never tried to up lift them to "civilized" status.

It has only been very recently that 19th century white Europeans have developed the theory that blacks can be moved beyond domestication toward cultural civilization,essentially magically transforming what once was- out dated,redundant,broken down farm equipment(slaves) into functional civilized citizens.

White culture and ingenuity has always directed us to develop the use of useless things- to be used in a fashion that becomes unique and advanced with further development.This is a structural part of our white compulsive advanced nature,that has made us the innovators and inventors that had brought all white societies out of the caves and swamps into the 21st century;....and we almost seem helpless in our over constructing and over accomplishing efforts, to somehow, in some way- to drag blacks into the sunlight of civilization with us,kicking and screaming all the way.

They would still be eating each other in Africa if the white man hadn't saved them. The white man granted them freedom... that indicates that he is superior. Negroes didn't gain freedom on their own, it was a gift from the white man whom they've turned on.

In an apparent attempt to correct injustices against their race, blacks have been raping and killing Whites for decades. (Of course, Jews - not Whites - dominated the slave trade, but no matter...)

This alone is enough to make me wish that slavery had never even been thought up - let alone a single slave allowed on North American soil.

As if that weren't enough, it's a practice that's morally wrong, regardless of the race(s) involved.
I'd rather die picking my own cotton than have a slave do it for me.

Negroes are still lagging behind in education, employment, and every other area in America save sports and music.

They STILL haven't adapted to modern times.


What's that, the size of your trailer?

lol, taking a stab at someone instead of addressing what was posted then getting 'thanked' by Madeline, priceless.

This just goes to show 'truth is hate to those who hate the truth' so they try to take stabs at those who speak the truth.
Some of you people are just so obsessed by issues of race.

What a strange thing to make the focus of your lives.

Now that steady mental diet of fear and hate seems to me must be highly toxic, but obsession avoidance behavior is, I suppose, one way to avoid dealing with real life problems that we must all face.

We all must invent reasons to get up in the morning that I truly do understand.

But to choose to make this issue your Raison d'être just doesn't seem like a whole lot of fun.

Tell me, after your lifetime of hate and fear, while you're laying on their deathbed evaluating what you're going to leave behind?

What will you tell yourselves your life has been worth?

Raise your hand if you really believe mudwhistle and his compadres on this thread object to Black History Month only because it does not honor Native Americans.

What? No one?

*Shocked look*
I'm still wondering why they claim it is acceptable to honor indians and not negroes.


I find it more acceptable to honor American Indians more than Blacks mainly because most American Indians do not try to use their past to get ahead in life like most Blacks do.

Another reason is because American Indians were almost wiped out, Blacks were not.

Blacks can also go back to the 'homeland', but American Indians' 'homeland' was taken away, then they were permitted/forced to live on reservations.

Most Americna Indians are very kind to others, where as you find a lot of Blacks with attitudes towards anyone who is not Black. I think it boils down to the attitude of most of the people of the particular race that makes it more acceptable or not.
Some of you people are just so obsessed by issues of race.

What a strange thing to make the focus of your lives.

Now that steady mental diet of fear and hate seems to me must be highly toxic, but obsession avoidance behavior is, I suppose, one way to avoid dealing with real life problems that we must all face.

We all must invent reasons to get up in the morning that I truly do understand.

But to choose to make this issue your Raison d'être just doesn't seem like a whole lot of fun.

Tell me, after your lifetime of hate and fear, while you're laying on their deathbed evaluating what you're going to leave behind?

What will you tell yourselves your life has been worth?


Presenting facts doesn't imply "hate" or "fear" or "obsession avoidance behavior" (whatever THAT means)...
Being aware of other cultures and races and their impact on our country and our way of life isn't hate or fear either.

That's YOUR purposely mischaracterized interpretations conjured up as an excuse to smear people.

I don't "fear" negroes nor do I "hate" them.
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Some of you people are just so obsessed by issues of race.

What a strange thing to make the focus of your lives.

Now that steady mental diet of fear and hate seems to me must be highly toxic, but obsession avoidance behavior is, I suppose, one way to avoid dealing with real life problems that we must all face.

We all must invent reasons to get up in the morning that I truly do understand.

But to choose to make this issue your Raison d'être just doesn't seem like a whole lot of fun.

Tell me, after your lifetime of hate and fear, while you're laying on their deathbed evaluating what you're going to leave behind?

What will you tell yourselves your life has been worth?


Once past it, one can actually have fun with it. Seriously. I've been around and befriended so many different people of different cultures and races, I know 100% that we are all the same basically. Shitheads and Saints come from every group. It's the individual.

So, with no racial bias in me, I actually come on here to throw ridiculously racist comments around out of fun. I mean verbally, these statements are what? SOUND WAVES. I can call a man a ******, chink, wetback, cracker, slant eyes, spook, etc, etc, and what did my sound waves do to him? They don't hurt. They don't take money from him. NOTHING. Thats what.

So, out of boredom, I like to drop insane racial bombs on this forum just to see reactions. Because people who are truly past race won't be offended. Those who are most offended....are the ones who still have the most progress to make.

I hope all you ******* and faggots read that.
Also, racism is based purely in the past. No racism exists except in past actions. The future guarantees no racism, only allows opportunity for it, as racism is a beast made of nothing but our thoughts. So racism is only past thoughts, while the future, in theory, is void of racism.
Some of you people are just so obsessed by issues of race.

What a strange thing to make the focus of your lives.

Now that steady mental diet of fear and hate seems to me must be highly toxic, but obsession avoidance behavior is, I suppose, one way to avoid dealing with real life problems that we must all face.

We all must invent reasons to get up in the morning that I truly do understand.

But to choose to make this issue your Raison d'être just doesn't seem like a whole lot of fun.

Tell me, after your lifetime of hate and fear, while you're laying on their deathbed evaluating what you're going to leave behind?

What will you tell yourselves your life has been worth?


Once past it, one can actually have fun with it. Seriously. I've been around and befriended so many different people of different cultures and races, I know 100% that we are all the same basically. Shitheads and Saints come from every group. It's the individual.

So, with no racial bias in me, I actually come on here to throw ridiculously racist comments around out of fun. I mean verbally, these statements are what? SOUND WAVES. I can call a man a ******, chink, wetback, cracker, slant eyes, spook, etc, etc, and what did my sound waves do to him? They don't hurt. They don't take money from him. NOTHING. Thats what.

So, out of boredom, I like to drop insane racial bombs on this forum just to see reactions. Because people who are truly past race won't be offended. Those who are most offended....are the ones who still have the most progress to make.

I hope all you ******* and faggots read that.

Just so's you know, bucs, flinging racial epiteths is not "fun". It upsets me to read them and I think it's childish of you to post them. Just as it is childish to annoy a dog on a chain "because you can".

May I suggest you find a new hobby?
Some of you people are just so obsessed by issues of race.

What a strange thing to make the focus of your lives.

Now that steady mental diet of fear and hate seems to me must be highly toxic, but obsession avoidance behavior is, I suppose, one way to avoid dealing with real life problems that we must all face.

We all must invent reasons to get up in the morning that I truly do understand.

But to choose to make this issue your Raison d'être just doesn't seem like a whole lot of fun.

Tell me, after your lifetime of hate and fear, while you're laying on their deathbed evaluating what you're going to leave behind?

What will you tell yourselves your life has been worth?


Once past it, one can actually have fun with it. Seriously. I've been around and befriended so many different people of different cultures and races, I know 100% that we are all the same basically. Shitheads and Saints come from every group. It's the individual.

So, with no racial bias in me, I actually come on here to throw ridiculously racist comments around out of fun. I mean verbally, these statements are what? SOUND WAVES. I can call a man a ******, chink, wetback, cracker, slant eyes, spook, etc, etc, and what did my sound waves do to him? They don't hurt. They don't take money from him. NOTHING. Thats what.

So, out of boredom, I like to drop insane racial bombs on this forum just to see reactions. Because people who are truly past race won't be offended. Those who are most offended....are the ones who still have the most progress to make.

I hope all you ******* and faggots read that.

Just so's you know, bucs, flinging racial epiteths is not "fun". It upsets me to read them and I think it's childish of you to post them. Just as it is childish to annoy a dog on a chain "because you can".

May I suggest you find a new hobby?

Then you have not progressed past racism. Words, spoken or typed, should not offend anyone. They are harmless. Sound waves cannot hurt you. Neither can tiny bits of color on a screen that form letters.

Once race TRULY doesn't matter, it's funny. Watch the Dave Chappelle show. His mixed race audience laughs at racial humor the entire show, and it's great.

How can it offend you? Has a word done anything to you? Taken your money? Hurt you? Embarrassed you? No. It's just a word. The sooner we all get used to the idea that words don't mean shit, the quicker this racial bullshit will be behind us. People kill each other over WORDS. Sound waves. It's insanity. So, desensitize society to these sound waves. Make them mean less and less with each utterance.

So, which are you? A ******, dike, fag, whop, slant eye, cracker, wetback? Spook? Commie? Jap? Nork? Fatass? Jew? NONE of those words have hurt you or anyone else. Disgusting? Yes. Should we be offended by them? No. Now is a good time to start not giving a shit about those words anymore. It'll be step forward. Banning them or scolding people for using them only gives the words power. Take the power away. Say them. Laugh at them. STOP being offended by them. Powerless, they'll disappear.

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