It’s Time To Hold Israel, Israelis And American Zionists Financially Responsible For Terrorism


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
How do you hold a nation legally responsible for acts of terrorism perpetrated either by its citizens or the state itself? One solution is the International Criminal Court, which exists for such matters.

However, the ICC largely avoids taking on cases outside of Africa. Critics accuse the ICC of operating with apolitical agenda in terms of cases it accepts or rejects — sometimes based on financial support — andignoring obvious war crimes. In the Mavi Marmara case linked above, the chief prosecutor rejected the case in 2014, only to be overruled by an appeals panel several months ago. The prosecutor is now appealing the appeal.

This sort of bureaucratic inertia has hobbled it from its inception.

Even if the ICC does eventually accept jurisdiction, given such resistance it appears unlikely there will be a serious attempt by the ICC to hold Israel accountable for these acts.

So far, Palestinian Authority attempts to get the court to accept jurisdiction over Israeli violations of international law have had little success. What other options or legal models may be available?

The aftermath of the May 2010 attack on the Mavi Marmara, part of the first Freedom Flotilla, by the IDF commando force, Shayetet 13, offers an important precedent. The Turkish government sought justice for this massacre in which Israeli soldiers killed 10 Turks, including one Turkish-American. Since Turkey broke off diplomatic relations over the incident, resumption of ties have also become part of the negotiations to resolve the dispute. Last February, the Times of Israel reported that part of the agreement under discussion involves Israel paying $20-million to the families of the victims.

Press reports this week speak of an imminent deal in which Israel and Turkey would resolve their differences, resume diplomatic relations and Israel would end the siege against Gaza. It’s not known what the final outcome will be regarding damages, but certainly Israel will be forced to acknowledge responsibility for the attack and pay compensation to the victims.

This offers an interesting model for pursuing future litigation to hold Israel financially responsible for acts of terror perpetrated by its citizens and its military against Palestinian civilians and citizens of other nations. Over the years, Israeli forces have severely injured or killed nationals of a number of countries in Palestine and elsewhere.

Shurat HaDin: ‘Bankrupting terror one case at a time’
One of the primary practitioners of “lawfare” among pro-Israel NGOs is an Israeli-American legal non-profit called Shurat HaDin (SHD, also known as the “Israel Law Center”). According to The New York Times, the group, founded by non-attorney Nitzana Darshan-Leitner, targets Arab financial institutionsand even the assets of Arab and Muslim states, claiming they fund and/or support “Arab terrorism.” They use two provisions of U.S. law, the Alien Tort Statute and the Torture Victims Protection Act, in order to pursue their objectives.

In a WikiLeaks cable filed by a U.S. diplomat serving in the embassy in Tel Aviv, the group’s founder conceded that she founded SHD in close collaboration with Israeli intelligence, specifically the Mossad:

It’s Time To Hold Israel, Israelis And American Zionists Financially Responsible For Terrorism
NGOs and law firms must hold individual Israelis, financial institutions and the state itself accountable for anti-Muslim terror. The major Israeli banks have American subsidiaries, which make them even more vulnerable.
I agree, Israel and all Zionist needs to start being accountable for their crimes against everyone. They have got away with too much for too long.
For a long time good People were afraid of making a comment that might get them attached to the name calling "Anti-semite" these days being "Pro-semite" means killing thousands of Palestinian children in their beds, so these days the label Anti-semite is a badge of honor
For a long time good People were afraid of making a comment that might get them attached to the name calling "Anti-semite" these days being "Pro-semite" means killing thousands of Palestinian children in their beds, so these days the label Anti-semite is a badge of honor

Good point, the thieves have stole everything, even their Semitic existence. They have also made WWII all about them.
Stop sending missiles into Israel to kill their children in their beds, and digging tunnels and killing Jews, and you'll be amazed at how quickly Israel calms down.

Why don't you tell the Jews to stop killing men, women and children. Have you read their OT, that is the way they are today, Read Deut 7, there is nothing new under the sun.
How do you hold a nation legally responsible for acts of terrorism perpetrated either by its citizens or the state itself? One solution is the International Criminal Court, which exists for such matters.

However, the ICC largely avoids taking on cases outside of Africa. Critics accuse the ICC of operating with apolitical agenda in terms of cases it accepts or rejects — sometimes based on financial support — andignoring obvious war crimes. In the Mavi Marmara case linked above, the chief prosecutor rejected the case in 2014, only to be overruled by an appeals panel several months ago. The prosecutor is now appealing the appeal.

This sort of bureaucratic inertia has hobbled it from its inception.

Even if the ICC does eventually accept jurisdiction, given such resistance it appears unlikely there will be a serious attempt by the ICC to hold Israel accountable for these acts.

So far, Palestinian Authority attempts to get the court to accept jurisdiction over Israeli violations of international law have had little success. What other options or legal models may be available?

The aftermath of the May 2010 attack on the Mavi Marmara, part of the first Freedom Flotilla, by the IDF commando force, Shayetet 13, offers an important precedent. The Turkish government sought justice for this massacre in which Israeli soldiers killed 10 Turks, including one Turkish-American. Since Turkey broke off diplomatic relations over the incident, resumption of ties have also become part of the negotiations to resolve the dispute. Last February, the Times of Israel reported that part of the agreement under discussion involves Israel paying $20-million to the families of the victims.

Press reports this week speak of an imminent deal in which Israel and Turkey would resolve their differences, resume diplomatic relations and Israel would end the siege against Gaza. It’s not known what the final outcome will be regarding damages, but certainly Israel will be forced to acknowledge responsibility for the attack and pay compensation to the victims.

This offers an interesting model for pursuing future litigation to hold Israel financially responsible for acts of terror perpetrated by its citizens and its military against Palestinian civilians and citizens of other nations. Over the years, Israeli forces have severely injured or killed nationals of a number of countries in Palestine and elsewhere.

Shurat HaDin: ‘Bankrupting terror one case at a time’
One of the primary practitioners of “lawfare” among pro-Israel NGOs is an Israeli-American legal non-profit called Shurat HaDin (SHD, also known as the “Israel Law Center”). According to The New York Times, the group, founded by non-attorney Nitzana Darshan-Leitner, targets Arab financial institutionsand even the assets of Arab and Muslim states, claiming they fund and/or support “Arab terrorism.” They use two provisions of U.S. law, the Alien Tort Statute and the Torture Victims Protection Act, in order to pursue their objectives.

In a WikiLeaks cable filed by a U.S. diplomat serving in the embassy in Tel Aviv, the group’s founder conceded that she founded SHD in close collaboration with Israeli intelligence, specifically the Mossad:

It’s Time To Hold Israel, Israelis And American Zionists Financially Responsible For Terrorism
NGOs and law firms must hold individual Israelis, financial institutions and the state itself accountable for anti-Muslim terror. The major Israeli banks have American subsidiaries, which make them even more vulnerable.

A pity then that the ICC does not have any jurisdiction over Israel in this case isn't it. And if it did it would find them all not guilty as there is no reported cases of terrorism other than those committed by islamonazi's
I agree, Israel and all Zionist needs to start being accountable for their crimes against everyone. They have got away with too much for too long.

Please link to these crimes and if you have evidence pass it on to the ICJ so they can arrest all the worlds Jews and starve them to death in concentration camps
For a long time good People were afraid of making a comment that might get them attached to the name calling "Anti-semite" these days being "Pro-semite" means killing thousands of Palestinian children in their beds, so these days the label Anti-semite is a badge of honor

How about a LINK to these thousands of Palestinian children killed in their beds then TROLL.
Stop sending missiles into Israel to kill their children in their beds, and digging tunnels and killing Jews, and you'll be amazed at how quickly Israel calms down.

Why don't you tell the Jews to stop killing men, women and children. Have you read their OT, that is the way they are today, Read Deut 7, there is nothing new under the sun.

They respond to illegal weapons in kind, don't like the outcome then tell your Gods to stop firing the illegal weapons


No matter how historically incorrect, so many people (Jews and non-Jews) cannot help but use their brainwashed minds to play the Hitler card.
No matter how historically incorrect, so many people (Jews and non-Jews) cannot help but use their brainwashed minds to play the Hitler card.

No matter how inept and buffoonish people like you make yourselves out to be, sometimes, it is appropriate to point and laugh.

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal oppressor(s).

This was a concept used by muhammud (swish) with the invention of his politico-religious ideology. He used the Jews, primarily, as the external enemy but identified all competing faiths / ideologies as enemies.

This was a concept learned and used by Hitler. Not surprisingly, Hitler learned that muhammedans long ago had created an enemy that he could use for his own political gains.

There’s a reason why we see all these islamist "victims" running around with machine guns, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning their accusers that they can’t be held responsible for what will happen when their tender sensibilities are offended. They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by non-Moslems. But the truth is, they are the oppressors.
No matter how inept and buffoonish people like you make yourselves out to be, sometimes, it is appropriate to point and laugh.

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal oppressor(s).

This was a concept used by zionists (swish) with the invention of their politico-religious ideology. they used the goyim, primarily, as the external enemy but identified all competing faiths / ideologies as enemies.

This was a concept learned and used by Hitler. Not surprisingly, Hitler learned that Jews long ago had created an enemy that he could use for his own political gains.

There’s a reason why we see all these Jewish "victims" running around with machine guns, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning their accusers that they can’t be held responsible for what will happen when their tender sensibilities are offended. They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by Moslems. But the truth is, they are the oppressors.
The true cancer within the middle east is indeed, Israel; NOT the common Israeli citizen, but the corrupt leadership that maintains its power through fear-mongering and guilt-posturing with the rest of the world.

Meanwhile the Israeli government practices apartheid, places Palestinians in concentration camps and keeps stealing land that isn't theirs for their expanding borders.

Anyone care to ask Israel just how many nukes she has in the desert???
No matter how inept and buffoonish people like you make yourselves out to be, sometimes, it is appropriate to point and laugh.

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal oppressor(s).

This was a concept used by zionists (swish) with the invention of their politico-religious ideology. they used the goyim, primarily, as the external enemy but identified all competing faiths / ideologies as enemies.

This was a concept learned and used by Hitler. Not surprisingly, Hitler learned that Jews long ago had created an enemy that he could use for his own political gains.

There’s a reason why we see all these Jewish "victims" running around with machine guns, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning their accusers that they can’t be held responsible for what will happen when their tender sensibilities are offended. They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by Moslems. But the truth is, they are the oppressors.

I see you're reduced to plagiarizing my posts. You're too incompetent to assemble words into meaningful sentences on your own.

I'm going to require compensation so post your MasterCard number and I'll bill you.

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