It's Time To Kick The Turks Out Of NATO

Warning! Erdogan is crazy and NATO can easily become a hostage of his crazy actions!

“Turkey is facing a multifaceted catastrophe,” said Gokhan Bacik, professor of international relations at Ankara’s Ipek University. “This is a country that has often had problems in the past, but the scale of what is happening now is beyond Turkey’s capacity for digestion.”

“Erdogan has mismanaged foreign policy because of hubris,” Barkey said. “He was overconfident in 2010 that Turkey was the darling of the world, and that went to his head. There are setbacks that are not of his doing, but how he managed those setbacks are his doing.”

“For Turkey,” he added, “there is no good scenario from now on.”
Turkey’s increasingly desperate predicament poses real dangers

Children, women killed by Turkish border guards while fleeing Syria – report

Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS - Russian envoy to UN

5 dramatic videos from Turkey's operation against Kurds

'We have proof' Turkey backs ISIS & other terrorists – Kurdish commander
If America was smart they would dump Turkey from NATO and invite Russia and face islamic state together. The cold war is over and we need to act like it.
Who actually benefits from confrontation between Russia and NATO?
Russia? Not really. NATO? Not really.

The correct answer is: world terrorism does!

So, you're right, Fury, it's time to stop making NATO/Russia uncomfortable and think together how to make the terrorists uncomfortable. Everywhere in the world.
A Trump/Putin team with a strong western Europe leader COULD destroy islamic state in months. Who that western Europe could be I don't know.

Lucy Hamilton Got anybody?

Not assisting ISIS with weapons and stuff would help a lot too. Why there are sanctions on Russia, but no sanctions on Turkey?


Thank you Stratford57.
Warning! Erdogan is crazy and NATO can easily become a hostage of his crazy actions!

“Turkey is facing a multifaceted catastrophe,” said Gokhan Bacik, professor of international relations at Ankara’s Ipek University. “This is a country that has often had problems in the past, but the scale of what is happening now is beyond Turkey’s capacity for digestion.”

“Erdogan has mismanaged foreign policy because of hubris,” Barkey said. “He was overconfident in 2010 that Turkey was the darling of the world, and that went to his head. There are setbacks that are not of his doing, but how he managed those setbacks are his doing.”

“For Turkey,” he added, “there is no good scenario from now on.”
Turkey’s increasingly desperate predicament poses real dangers

Children, women killed by Turkish border guards while fleeing Syria – report

Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS - Russian envoy to UN

5 dramatic videos from Turkey's operation against Kurds

'We have proof' Turkey backs ISIS & other terrorists – Kurdish commander
If America was smart they would dump Turkey from NATO and invite Russia and face islamic state together. The cold war is over and we need to act like it.
Who actually benefits from confrontation between Russia and NATO?
Russia? Not really. NATO? Not really.

The correct answer is: world terrorism does!

So, you're right, Fury, it's time to stop making NATO/Russia uncomfortable and think together how to make the terrorists uncomfortable. Everywhere in the world.
A Trump/Putin team with a strong western Europe leader COULD destroy islamic state in months. Who that western Europe could be I don't know.

Lucy Hamilton Got anybody?

Yes we have, however, this person won't be revealed to the world until late Autumn this year.
Warning! Erdogan is crazy and NATO can easily become a hostage of his crazy actions!

“Turkey is facing a multifaceted catastrophe,” said Gokhan Bacik, professor of international relations at Ankara’s Ipek University. “This is a country that has often had problems in the past, but the scale of what is happening now is beyond Turkey’s capacity for digestion.”

“Erdogan has mismanaged foreign policy because of hubris,” Barkey said. “He was overconfident in 2010 that Turkey was the darling of the world, and that went to his head. There are setbacks that are not of his doing, but how he managed those setbacks are his doing.”

“For Turkey,” he added, “there is no good scenario from now on.”
Turkey’s increasingly desperate predicament poses real dangers

Children, women killed by Turkish border guards while fleeing Syria – report

Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS - Russian envoy to UN

5 dramatic videos from Turkey's operation against Kurds

'We have proof' Turkey backs ISIS & other terrorists – Kurdish commander
If America was smart they would dump Turkey from NATO and invite Russia and face islamic state together. The cold war is over and we need to act like it.

Is this before or after we should have shot down their jet, you schizophrenic bunch of wack jobs?
Why do YOU want to shoot down a jet? YOU having erection problems?

No, it was the wingnuts like you wanting to shoot down the jet, I see your reading comprehension problems continue.

I wasn't advocating shooting any plane down.
Warning! Erdogan is crazy and NATO can easily become a hostage of his crazy actions!

“Turkey is facing a multifaceted catastrophe,” said Gokhan Bacik, professor of international relations at Ankara’s Ipek University. “This is a country that has often had problems in the past, but the scale of what is happening now is beyond Turkey’s capacity for digestion.”

“Erdogan has mismanaged foreign policy because of hubris,” Barkey said. “He was overconfident in 2010 that Turkey was the darling of the world, and that went to his head. There are setbacks that are not of his doing, but how he managed those setbacks are his doing.”

“For Turkey,” he added, “there is no good scenario from now on.”
Turkey’s increasingly desperate predicament poses real dangers

Children, women killed by Turkish border guards while fleeing Syria – report

Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS - Russian envoy to UN

5 dramatic videos from Turkey's operation against Kurds

'We have proof' Turkey backs ISIS & other terrorists – Kurdish commander
If America was smart they would dump Turkey from NATO and invite Russia and face islamic state together. The cold war is over and we need to act like it.

Is this before or after we should have shot down their jet, you schizophrenic bunch of wack jobs?
Why do YOU want to shoot down a jet? YOU having erection problems?

No, it was the wingnuts like you wanting to shoot down the jet, I see your reading comprehension problems continue.
I never said I wanted to shoot it down liar. Our military's have been doing that to each other for decades.

You should tell your buddies it's a bad idea then.
Warning! Erdogan is crazy and NATO can easily become a hostage of his crazy actions!

“Turkey is facing a multifaceted catastrophe,” said Gokhan Bacik, professor of international relations at Ankara’s Ipek University. “This is a country that has often had problems in the past, but the scale of what is happening now is beyond Turkey’s capacity for digestion.”

“Erdogan has mismanaged foreign policy because of hubris,” Barkey said. “He was overconfident in 2010 that Turkey was the darling of the world, and that went to his head. There are setbacks that are not of his doing, but how he managed those setbacks are his doing.”

“For Turkey,” he added, “there is no good scenario from now on.”
Turkey’s increasingly desperate predicament poses real dangers

Children, women killed by Turkish border guards while fleeing Syria – report

Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS - Russian envoy to UN

5 dramatic videos from Turkey's operation against Kurds

'We have proof' Turkey backs ISIS & other terrorists – Kurdish commander
If America was smart they would dump Turkey from NATO and invite Russia and face islamic state together. The cold war is over and we need to act like it.

Is this before or after we should have shot down their jet, you schizophrenic bunch of wack jobs?
Why do YOU want to shoot down a jet? YOU having erection problems?

No, it was the wingnuts like you wanting to shoot down the jet, I see your reading comprehension problems continue.

I wasn't advocating shooting any plane down.
Same goes for you then. Next time someone wants to start a war with Russia over really stupid shit you can pipe in.
NATO is a piece of obsolete cow manure anyway....

the Cold War is finished.....NATO should be terminated....and if all those Europeans Military employees loose their jobs....


what a nerve they have!

go find another job ok?
If America was smart they would dump Turkey from NATO and invite Russia and face islamic state together. The cold war is over and we need to act like it.

Is this before or after we should have shot down their jet, you schizophrenic bunch of wack jobs?
Why do YOU want to shoot down a jet? YOU having erection problems?

No, it was the wingnuts like you wanting to shoot down the jet, I see your reading comprehension problems continue.
I never said I wanted to shoot it down liar. Our military's have been doing that to each other for decades.

You should tell your buddies it's a bad idea then.
First you say I said it. Then when proven a LIAR you back peddle and say "buddies" said it. So in truth you still are the lying son of a bi#ch you were to start with. Now f#ck off. The adults are talking.
NATO is a piece of obsolete cow manure anyway....

the Cold War is finished.....NATO should be terminated....and if all those Europeans Military employees loose their jobs....


what a nerve they have!

go find another job ok?
Unfortunately, NATO generals will scramble to keep their seats and salaries. And to do so they want you to believe you badly need them because otherwise the bogeyman Putin would come and kill you all.

This year Pentagon claimed 4 times more money than last year!
The Pentagon’s claims that Russia and China are among the top challenges for the US is a justification to continue the flow of taxpayer’s money into major weapon systems and their corporate sponsors, Karen Kwiatkowski, retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel told RT.

US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced that the Pentagon will request a $582.7 billion defense budget in order to maintain security (several times more than last year). According to Carter, there are five main challenges for the US to focus on Russia, Iran, China, North Korea and ISIS.
‘Acts of aggression come from Pentagon, not Russia or China’

Medvedev, Russian PM:
Terrorism is civilisation’s problem. It’s either us or them, and it’s time for everyone to realise this. There are no nuances or undertones, no justifications for terrorist actions, no dividing terrorists into ours or theirs, into moderate or extremist.

The current architecture of European security, which was built on the ruins of World War II, allowed us to avoid global conflicts for more than 70 years. The reason for this was that this architecture was built on principles that were clear to everyone at that time, primarily the undeniable value of human life. We paid a high price for these values. But our shared tragedy forced us to rise above our political and ideological differences in the name of peace. It’s true that this security system has its issues and that it sometimes malfunctions. But do we need one more, third global tragedy to understand that what we need is cooperation rather than confrontation?

I’d like to quote from John F. Kennedy,
who used very simple but the most appropriate words, “Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.” In the early 1960s the world stood at the door of a nuclear apocalypse, but the two rivalling powers found the courage to admit that no political confrontation was worth the human lives.
NATO is a piece of obsolete cow manure anyway....

the Cold War is finished.....NATO should be terminated....and if all those Europeans Military employees loose their jobs....


what a nerve they have!

go find another job ok?
In this thread you can see three people from three countries standing together and agreeing. Who does it piss off? The kill happy liberals.
If America was smart they would dump Turkey from NATO and invite Russia and face islamic state together. The cold war is over and we need to act like it.

Is this before or after we should have shot down their jet, you schizophrenic bunch of wack jobs?
Why do YOU want to shoot down a jet? YOU having erection problems?

No, it was the wingnuts like you wanting to shoot down the jet, I see your reading comprehension problems continue.

I wasn't advocating shooting any plane down.
Same goes for you then. Next time someone wants to start a war with Russia over really stupid shit you can pipe in.

Well I did a few days ago, when the Russian plane flew near the American Navy ship....and some were saying it should have been shot down and I said yes because starting WWIII would be such a great idea I think not.
And this is another reason I agree with Donald Trump's international politics when he says:

"NATO is ill-suited to combating international terrorism, which is the world’s “single biggest threat”. Trump especially objects to the US footing so much of the bill, saying that other allies should “pay up or get out”, and refuses to see the US as the “world’s policeman”. As he told a town hall meeting in Wisconsin: “Maybe Nato will dissolve and that’s OK, not the worst thing in the world.”

NATO is totally obsolete for today's world. Europe is a continent in distress and if they want to survive they should fight the real enemy which is radical Islam inside their shores.
NATO is a piece of obsolete cow manure anyway....

the Cold War is finished.....NATO should be terminated....and if all those Europeans Military employees loose their jobs....


what a nerve they have!

go find another job ok?
In this thread you can see three people from three countries standing together and agreeing. Who does it piss off? The kill happy liberals.

This is what I was meaning Herr Fury, when I stated that we know who our foes are and who our allies are, and that we shouldn't allow our foes to divide us....they won't succeed and we will win this thing....Europa, Russia and America united together.
Is this before or after we should have shot down their jet, you schizophrenic bunch of wack jobs?
Why do YOU want to shoot down a jet? YOU having erection problems?

No, it was the wingnuts like you wanting to shoot down the jet, I see your reading comprehension problems continue.

I wasn't advocating shooting any plane down.
Same goes for you then. Next time someone wants to start a war with Russia over really stupid shit you can pipe in.

Well I did a few days ago, when the Russian plane flew near the American Navy ship....and some were saying it should have been shot down and I said yes because starting WWIII would be such a great idea I think not.
The boys have been swapping paint for decades. Gary Powers in a U2 illegally over Russian air space shot down. We KNEW we had a plane that could fly that high what we did not know was Russia had a missile that could be that accurate and that elevation.
Why do YOU want to shoot down a jet? YOU having erection problems?

No, it was the wingnuts like you wanting to shoot down the jet, I see your reading comprehension problems continue.

I wasn't advocating shooting any plane down.
Same goes for you then. Next time someone wants to start a war with Russia over really stupid shit you can pipe in.

Well I did a few days ago, when the Russian plane flew near the American Navy ship....and some were saying it should have been shot down and I said yes because starting WWIII would be such a great idea I think not.
The boys have been swapping paint for decades. Gary Powers in a U2 illegally over Russian air space shot down. We KNEW we had a plane that could fly that high what we did not know was Russia had a missile that could be that accurate and that elevation.

Yes exactly.

Also I have no idea what HappyJoy is meaning, their interjections in this thread have been very bewildering.
No, it was the wingnuts like you wanting to shoot down the jet, I see your reading comprehension problems continue.

I wasn't advocating shooting any plane down.
Same goes for you then. Next time someone wants to start a war with Russia over really stupid shit you can pipe in.

Well I did a few days ago, when the Russian plane flew near the American Navy ship....and some were saying it should have been shot down and I said yes because starting WWIII would be such a great idea I think not.
The boys have been swapping paint for decades. Gary Powers in a U2 illegally over Russian air space shot down. We KNEW we had a plane that could fly that high what we did not know was Russia had a missile that could be that accurate and that elevation.

Yes exactly.

Also I have no idea what HappyJoy is meaning, their interjections in this thread have been very bewildering.
HappyJoy is a kill happy liberal who does NOT want to see a united America/Russia/Europe because it destroys his desire to see war/famine and strife. Liberals want and more important NEED those things to garner more control.

Merkle in Germany is a prime example.
And this is another reason I agree with Donald Trump's international politics when he says:

"NATO is ill-suited to combating international terrorism, which is the world’s “single biggest threat”. Trump especially objects to the US footing so much of the bill, saying that other allies should “pay up or get out”, and refuses to see the US as the “world’s policeman”. As he told a town hall meeting in Wisconsin: “Maybe Nato will dissolve and that’s OK, not the worst thing in the world.”

NATO is totally obsolete for today's world. Europe is a continent in distress and if they want to survive they should fight the real enemy which is radical Islam inside their shores.
your analysis is dunderheaded and a use of blunt force object principles. NATO plays roles which foster alliances, lend hope to aspiring and troubled countries like Georgia and while not as powerful as it once was, has a presence that is still needed today. Perhaps a revamped mission statement, a view toward today's more complex problems is an answer, but to abolish the organization is rash and lacks foresight.
I wasn't advocating shooting any plane down.
Same goes for you then. Next time someone wants to start a war with Russia over really stupid shit you can pipe in.

Well I did a few days ago, when the Russian plane flew near the American Navy ship....and some were saying it should have been shot down and I said yes because starting WWIII would be such a great idea I think not.
The boys have been swapping paint for decades. Gary Powers in a U2 illegally over Russian air space shot down. We KNEW we had a plane that could fly that high what we did not know was Russia had a missile that could be that accurate and that elevation.

Yes exactly.

Also I have no idea what HappyJoy is meaning, their interjections in this thread have been very bewildering.
HappyJoy is a kill happy liberal who does NOT want to see a united America/Russia/Europe because it destroys his desire to see war/famine and strife. Liberals want and more important NEED those things to garner more control.

Merkle in Germany is a prime example.

Yes because essentially they're Marxists at Traitor Bitch Merkel.
Sincerely... my opinion is that NATO should be dismantled right now.

The world doesn't need NATO anymore.....go find new jobs all of you losers working for NATO there.

What scum...those Europeans working for NATO in Brussels.
I wasn't advocating shooting any plane down.
Same goes for you then. Next time someone wants to start a war with Russia over really stupid shit you can pipe in.

Well I did a few days ago, when the Russian plane flew near the American Navy ship....and some were saying it should have been shot down and I said yes because starting WWIII would be such a great idea I think not.
The boys have been swapping paint for decades. Gary Powers in a U2 illegally over Russian air space shot down. We KNEW we had a plane that could fly that high what we did not know was Russia had a missile that could be that accurate and that elevation.

Yes exactly.

Also I have no idea what HappyJoy is meaning, their interjections in this thread have been very bewildering.
HappyJoy is a kill happy liberal who does NOT want to see a united America/Russia/Europe because it destroys his desire to see war/famine and strife. Liberals want and more important NEED those things to garner more control.

Merkle in Germany is a prime example.

Also we have to concentrate on being united together, remember united we stand, divided we fall....if we remain united together we win this thing completely and that's our paramount mission.
Same goes for you then. Next time someone wants to start a war with Russia over really stupid shit you can pipe in.

Well I did a few days ago, when the Russian plane flew near the American Navy ship....and some were saying it should have been shot down and I said yes because starting WWIII would be such a great idea I think not.
The boys have been swapping paint for decades. Gary Powers in a U2 illegally over Russian air space shot down. We KNEW we had a plane that could fly that high what we did not know was Russia had a missile that could be that accurate and that elevation.

Yes exactly.

Also I have no idea what HappyJoy is meaning, their interjections in this thread have been very bewildering.
HappyJoy is a kill happy liberal who does NOT want to see a united America/Russia/Europe because it destroys his desire to see war/famine and strife. Liberals want and more important NEED those things to garner more control.

Merkle in Germany is a prime example.

Also we have to concentrate on being united together, remember united we stand, divided we fall....if we remain united together we win this thing completely and that's our paramount mission.
And that's why some powerful people (Soros is just one of them) hate to see us united.

Divide and rule, that's what they have been using so successfully all over the world, especially this century.
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