Its Time To List Them

Should BLM be listed as a terrorist group?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 61.5%
  • No

    Votes: 15 38.5%

  • Total voters
Since they haven't done or advocated any terrorist activities, only a racist buffoon would even suggest it.
Ole Louie Farrakhan last year asked his brothers and sisters to kill 10,000 white cops. Is that enough for you?

So... are racists so mentally deficient that they think that each black person represents every other black person? Is that inbreeding or a head injury?
What does that have to do with Farrakhan asking his followers to murder 10,000 white cops?

What does farrakhan have to do with BLM? Nothing.
He is agitating the blacks just like blm.

He does, b
Since they haven't done or advocated any terrorist activities, only a racist buffoon would even suggest it.
Ole Louie Farrakhan last year asked his brothers and sisters to kill 10,000 white cops. Is that enough for you?

So... are racists so mentally deficient that they think that each black person represents every other black person? Is that inbreeding or a head injury?
What does that have to do with Farrakhan asking his followers to murder 10,000 white cops?

What does farrakhan have to do with BLM? Nothing.
He is agitating the blacks just like blm.

He does, but he is mostly dismissed by all but the libs as a left leaning nut ball. BLM is already on its way to insignificance.
Ole Louie Farrakhan last year asked his brothers and sisters to kill 10,000 white cops. Is that enough for you?

So... are racists so mentally deficient that they think that each black person represents every other black person? Is that inbreeding or a head injury?
What does that have to do with Farrakhan asking his followers to murder 10,000 white cops?

What does farrakhan have to do with BLM? Nothing.
He is agitating the blacks just like blm.

He does, b
Ole Louie Farrakhan last year asked his brothers and sisters to kill 10,000 white cops. Is that enough for you?

So... are racists so mentally deficient that they think that each black person represents every other black person? Is that inbreeding or a head injury?
What does that have to do with Farrakhan asking his followers to murder 10,000 white cops?

What does farrakhan have to do with BLM? Nothing.
He is agitating the blacks just like blm.

He does, but he is mostly dismissed by all but the libs as a left leaning nut ball. BLM is already on its way to insignificance.
America hates terrorists....
"Reasonable" and "conservative" can barely be used within the same sentence anymore. And certainly not on this site. Their blatant racism is in your-face-style but they would never stand up in public and say the things they say here

Indeed; the anonymity of a message board gives them the "courage" to spew their racism.....something they'd be too scared to do except in an all black nursing home.
"Reasonable" and "conservative" can barely be used within the same sentence anymore. And certainly not on this site. Their blatant racism is in your-face-style but they would never stand up in public and say the things they say here

Indeed; the anonymity of a message board gives them the "courage" to spew their racism.....something they'd be too scared to do except in an all black nursing home. kkk democrats are truly evil.....
Well, Sonny, the case COULD be made that this clown in Dallas murdered those LEOs as a result of all the "talked about" "HATE" that Farakhan and groups like "Black Lies Matter" conveniently "hate about".

Nah, never happen. You know how lying libs are. They won't blame Black Lies Matter for this police shooting, but were happy to blame Sarah Palin after the Giffords shooting because Palin ran a political ad using a crosshair. Even after it was discovered that the shooter didn't even know who Palin was and that he was obsessed with Giffords, they continued to blame her.
They handcuffed Freddie Gray, didn't secure him in the back of the wagon and he ended up severing his spine on the ride to the jail. Something isn't right there. Could have been an accident but the city paid $6 million to Gray's family for being in he custody of the Police, does that sound to you like they weren't the cause of his death?

They never strapped anybody in, but it was a policy created just before his death that not all officers knew about.

Another prisoner in the van with him stated Gray was banging his head against the side of the van and screaming all kinds of vile nonsense. He was getting up while the vehicle was moving as well.

As a black man, I hate it when another black man is killed, just like a white man hates it when a white man is killed. My personal opinion is this: we are ALL to blame, but here's the rub..I put a large amount of the blame on the Internet and social media. I truly do. Used to be we waited for the 6 pm news or the 11pm news to get the story.

Now? We see streaming video immediately AFTER a shooting - unedited (or maybe edited) that could possibly give the wrong account of what might have happened. It immediately stirs people up and all the "Rambos" (the 20 year old couch warriors) come out of the woodwork. Nothing good usually comes from that.

I have never, in my life, backed down from a fight - that I figured was worth the fight. However, I'll be damned if I go out and "start swinging" until I get the facts for myself. Now it's far too easy to "make up your mind" before the facts are in. And, living in a cynical world, it's far too easy to go off "half-cocked" due to a lie.
That cop was scared because he knew he fucked up. And the governor of Minnesota agrees and said so

Yep, typical lib Governor. He probably only seen the same things we did, and he can draw a professional conclusion on exactly what happened, what the officers intent was, and the exact reason the officer shot.
Oh,but i do. As far as the kids sister getting stuffed in a squad car, thats what happens when one rushes up on the scene of a shooting. Your post was incredibly stupid. Like "black lives matter" stupid. Jessie Jackson stupid. Its tards like you who hate on cops, cheer their killers on, but are the fastest to call them when a black person steps on yoyr grass.

I think the cleaners called to say that your sheet and pointed hood is ready for pickup.

They should try at least try learning the First Amendment.

I haven't looked but has anyone listed the crimes committed by BLM? Have they chopped off anybody's head and made a video? Taken credit for a bombing? No? Anyone familiar with the right of assembly ?

No one has disputed BLM's right to assemble. Matter of fact, while some of the BLM people laughed and danced in front of DPD with glee over the shootings, DPD sat and made sure they were safe while they did it. Its your type that want to kill the first amendment along with the second.

I think you have me mixed up with somebody else. I am defending their actions. They cannot be condemned as a terrorist group until they commit a terrorist act.

never said to condemn them. Sure, they are largely morons with to much tome on their hands, sure, they were founded on a lie, but they had nothing to do with the crazy tweaked out racist who did the shooting. BLM is the same kind of crazy as westborough church, but not worthy of the terror watch list.

You don't know who the FBI has on their terror watch list. But next time you leave your holler to go to the post office check the wall for the 10 most wanted

Ya, you racist libs love your lists. Your hero Stallin and Hitler liked them to. Made their purges much more easy.

Love our lists? Did you see the poll question on this thread? Should I assume you are being ironic on purpose?
The cop is innocent until proven guilty. My guess is the cop freaked out because he's afraid of black people reaching for anything, but that is only my opinion. Unlike you who apparently thinks the guy had it coming.

Yes, more Muslims kill Muslims. More white people kill white people and more black people kill black people. But, if you're not blaming BLM for what happened in Dallas then we agree on that at least.

So you have an opinion and someone else has a differing opinion. Who is right? I don't think either of you are but that is my opinion. As evidence comes in, my opinion will change. No one's opinion is better than another's. But it is good to have the discussion and the different opinions.

I find the difference of opinions on the same event really interesting. It shows how we all have a different perspective based on our personal experiences.

I'd assume we are all available to update our opinions as more information comes in. Anyway, I based my opinion on the video I saw and the cop sounding like he's shitting his pants, on the verge of tears, very stressed. I don't begrudge him that, he seemed emotional.

Killing people does that to you.

That cop was scared because he knew he fucked up. And the governor of Minnesota agrees and said so

That stupid square head governor is the absolute WORST "leader" there is. He needs to learn how to "lead".

That fool needs to learn to keep his mouth shut until facts are known before he decided to incite violence.
As a black man, I hate it when another black man is killed, just like a white man hates it when a white man is killed. My personal opinion is this: we are ALL to blame, but here's the rub..I put a large amount of the blame on the Internet and social media. I truly do. Used to be we waited for the 6 pm news or the 11pm news to get the story.

Now? We see streaming video immediately AFTER a shooting - unedited (or maybe edited) that could possibly give the wrong account of what might have happened. It immediately stirs people up and all the "Rambos" (the 20 year old couch warriors) come out of the woodwork. Nothing good usually comes from that.

I have never, in my life, backed down from a fight - that I figured was worth the fight. However, I'll be damned if I go out and "start swinging" until I get the facts for myself. Now it's far too easy to "make up your mind" before the facts are in. And, living in a cynical world, it's far too easy to go off "half-cocked" due to a lie.

Well, as a white guy, I hate to see anybody black or white die. But we have some real kooks in our society. It's just something we (especially liberals) have to acknowledge.

Liberals are prejudice, that is to say, they always pre-judge without knowing all the facts.
Liberals are prejudice [sic], that is to say, they always pre-judge without knowing all the facts.


Needs a redundancy meter too.... ever seen anybody pre-judge after knowing all the facts?
Since they haven't done or advocated any terrorist activities, only a racist buffoon would even suggest it.
Ole Louie Farrakhan last year asked his brothers and sisters to kill 10,000 white cops. Is that enough for you?

So... are racists so mentally deficient that they think that each black person represents every other black person? Is that inbreeding or a head injury?
What does that have to do with Farrakhan asking his followers to murder 10,000 white cops?

You provide a link to that and verify it? And even so, it's not against the law to say anything unless you shout "fire!" in a crowded theater
You tube it. Your true liberal support is showing through. If a white supremacists called for the killing of 10,000 blacks you would want him jailed. Oh and your hatred of cops is noted.

You YouTube it. The righties on here are too lazy to prove themselves correct. Duly noted.
And white supremacists went far beyond calling for killing blacks, they just used to hang them in trees.
Now they have their soldiers, disguised as police, shoot them on the street.
I think most of these poor misguided people in the black lives matter movement really truly mean well, and that's why I won't hold the pernicious mean assholes that riot or shoot white cops in the same light. But it's tempting.
Since they haven't done or advocated any terrorist activities, only a racist buffoon would even suggest it.
Ole Louie Farrakhan last year asked his brothers and sisters to kill 10,000 white cops. Is that enough for you?

So... are racists so mentally deficient that they think that each black person represents every other black person? Is that inbreeding or a head injury?
What does that have to do with Farrakhan asking his followers to murder 10,000 white cops?

What does farrakhan have to do with BLM? Nothing.

These are some very paranoid white people.
This country was founded on a protest. It happened in Boston Harbor in 1773, idiot. Jesus right wingers are stupid.

Right. The smart left-wingers are out causing problems on the streets with their protests and violence.

Uh....You might want to hold on to that until the GOP convention gets cranked up and watch white redneck-on-white redneck crime in action.
They handcuffed Freddie Gray, didn't secure him in the back of the wagon and he ended up severing his spine on the ride to the jail. Something isn't right there. Could have been an accident but the city paid $6 million to Gray's family for being in he custody of the Police, does that sound to you like they weren't the cause of his death?

They never strapped anybody in, but it was a policy created just before his death that not all officers knew about.

Another prisoner in the van with him stated Gray was banging his head against the side of the van and screaming all kinds of vile nonsense. He was getting up while the vehicle was moving as well.

Not strapping him in caused his death. The witness you are referring to claimed he heard Freddie bang his head around as though he were lifeless for a matter of about 4 seconds.

Prisoner in van with Freddie Gray speaks out
According to the poll in this thread they are now a terrorist organization. I think any reasonable conservative should look at that poll and apologize for everyone who voted "yes".

Correct. I don't know how anybody can label a group as terrorists who chant PIGS IN A BLANKET, FRY THEM LIKE BACON.
According to the poll in this thread they are now a terrorist organization. I think any reasonable conservative should look at that poll and apologize for everyone who voted "yes".

Correct. I don't know how anybody can label a group as terrorists who chant PIGS IN A BLANKET, FRY THEM LIKE BACON.

You'd label people chanting that as terrorists? That's pretty extreme. I wouldn't chant that nor endorse it and my understanding is that change took all of 30 seconds out of a 4 hour peaceful protest.

Anyway, the answer to someone else's alleged extremism is not to become extreme yourself.

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