Its Time To List Them

Should BLM be listed as a terrorist group?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 61.5%
  • No

    Votes: 15 38.5%

  • Total voters
So in Minnesota, the guy who was shot is innocent until proven guilty, but not the cop? More retarded left wing logic. In that case, you are saying the cop told him to get his wallet so he could shoot him because he was black? As for the nutter who shot cops in Dallas, No, I dont connect him to BLM at all. I am saying BLM is based on a series of lies, and is headed towards insignificance. As for the Muslim thing, No, The Donald is not responsible, I said other Muslims are as they kill more Muslims then white redneck republicans do. Its a fact.

The cop is innocent until proven guilty. My guess is the cop freaked out because he's afraid of black people reaching for anything, but that is only my opinion. Unlike you who apparently thinks the guy had it coming.

Yes, more Muslims kill Muslims. More white people kill white people and more black people kill black people. But, if you're not blaming BLM for what happened in Dallas then we agree on that at least.

We can. Americans have a right to say what they wish. There is no right to NOT be offended. All power to BLM.
When you call for the murder of all whites and cops and incite blacks / facilitate the assassination of 5 cops, 12 shot total...your specific freedom of speech can become illegal.

BLM is every bit as much a racist, terrorist hate group, if not more now, than the KKK and the New Black Panthers.

I thought you guys liked 2nd amendment remedies.

They should try at least try learning the First Amendment.

I haven't looked but has anyone listed the crimes committed by BLM? Have they chopped off anybody's head and made a video? Taken credit for a bombing? No? Anyone familiar with the right of assembly ?

According to the poll in this thread they are now a terrorist organization. I think any reasonable conservative should look at that poll and apologize for everyone who voted "yes".
So in Minnesota, the guy who was shot is innocent until proven guilty, but not the cop? More retarded left wing logic. In that case, you are saying the cop told him to get his wallet so he could shoot him because he was black? As for the nutter who shot cops in Dallas, No, I dont connect him to BLM at all. I am saying BLM is based on a series of lies, and is headed towards insignificance. As for the Muslim thing, No, The Donald is not responsible, I said other Muslims are as they kill more Muslims then white redneck republicans do. Its a fact.

The cop is innocent until proven guilty. My guess is the cop freaked out because he's afraid of black people reaching for anything, but that is only my opinion. Unlike you who apparently thinks the guy had it coming.

Yes, more Muslims kill Muslims. More white people kill white people and more black people kill black people. But, if you're not blaming BLM for what happened in Dallas then we agree on that at least.

We can. Americans have a right to say what they wish. There is no right to NOT be offended. All power to BLM.
When you call for the murder of all whites and cops and incite blacks / facilitate the assassination of 5 cops, 12 shot total...your specific freedom of speech can become illegal.

BLM is every bit as much a racist, terrorist hate group, if not more now, than the KKK and the New Black Panthers.

I thought you guys liked 2nd amendment remedies.

They should try at least try learning the First Amendment.

I haven't looked but has anyone listed the crimes committed by BLM? Have they chopped off anybody's head and made a video? Taken credit for a bombing? No? Anyone familiar with the right of assembly ?

No one has disputed BLM's right to assemble. Matter of fact, while some of the BLM people laughed and danced in front of DPD with glee over the shootings, DPD sat and made sure they were safe while they did it. Its your type that want to kill the first amendment along with the second.
It had everything to do with protests. Without gays protesting no one would have given a shit and gay marriage wouldn't have majority support, I doubt the Supreme Court would have heard the case.

Then there is the civil rights movement, that had a lot of protests and in many ways shaped the Democratic Party to adopt a pro civil rights stance (outside of the south of course). Insisting on eating at lunch counters, bus boycotts, protesters getting their heads beaten in on live television certainly had an impact on civil rights.

Women protesting for the right to vote, that seems to have worked out as well. If they just stayed in the kitchen, nothing would have changed.

Again, you bring up past events when there was little that people could be do to be heard.

Today if you have a bitch, you can get on this internet. You can contact your local paper and write an opinion piece. You can contact your local news agencies for video coverage. You can post a YouTube video. There are many ways today to be heard. You don't have to put people in jeopardy and block roads for crying out loud.

The Supreme Court does not hear cases based on how many protests there were about the case. In most instances, they listen to cases where lower courts were divided, or a lower court ruling that was questionable to them. That being said, protests do nothing but start trouble, nothing more.

This country was founded on a protest. It happened in Boston Harbor in 1773, idiot. Jesus right wingers are stupid.
White perpetrates a crime against Muslim

White man perpetrates same crime against black

Muslim kills 49 including whites

Black shoots 12 white cops, kills 5


Hey idiot, those last two weren't even charged with murder. Why is that?
While I would love to answer, I have decided to respond to those who feel the need to verbally attack me, call me names, or just be rudely uncivil in this manner:


Feel free to ask me again when you're ready to be a civil adult.

Oh grow some skin. You're acting like Donald Trump.

He's a disingenuous lying hypocrite who calls others names and then acts like his tampon was dipped in chili powder if someone labels him the idiot that he is.
Well it fits the definition of terror group as much as the modern KKK does. When was the last KILLING of minorities by the KKK or inspired by the KKK? Some in the Klan call for killing blacks. Some in BLM call for killing whites and cops.

I don't see much difference.

THE KKK is a Democrat founded organization by the way.

I absolutely agree that "Black Lies Matter" is a hate group. But let us not forget Louis Farakhan. He openly advocates the murder of Whites.
The cop is innocent until proven guilty. My guess is the cop freaked out because he's afraid of black people reaching for anything, but that is only my opinion. Unlike you who apparently thinks the guy had it coming.

Yes, more Muslims kill Muslims. More white people kill white people and more black people kill black people. But, if you're not blaming BLM for what happened in Dallas then we agree on that at least.

We can. Americans have a right to say what they wish. There is no right to NOT be offended. All power to BLM.
When you call for the murder of all whites and cops and incite blacks / facilitate the assassination of 5 cops, 12 shot total...your specific freedom of speech can become illegal.

BLM is every bit as much a racist, terrorist hate group, if not more now, than the KKK and the New Black Panthers.

I thought you guys liked 2nd amendment remedies.

They should try at least try learning the First Amendment.

I haven't looked but has anyone listed the crimes committed by BLM? Have they chopped off anybody's head and made a video? Taken credit for a bombing? No? Anyone familiar with the right of assembly ?

No one has disputed BLM's right to assemble. Matter of fact, while some of the BLM people laughed and danced in front of DPD with glee over the shootings, DPD sat and made sure they were safe while they did it. Its your type that want to kill the first amendment along with the second.

The cop is innocent until proven guilty. My guess is the cop freaked out because he's afraid of black people reaching for anything, but that is only my opinion. Unlike you who apparently thinks the guy had it coming.

Yes, more Muslims kill Muslims. More white people kill white people and more black people kill black people. But, if you're not blaming BLM for what happened in Dallas then we agree on that at least.

We can. Americans have a right to say what they wish. There is no right to NOT be offended. All power to BLM.
When you call for the murder of all whites and cops and incite blacks / facilitate the assassination of 5 cops, 12 shot total...your specific freedom of speech can become illegal.

BLM is every bit as much a racist, terrorist hate group, if not more now, than the KKK and the New Black Panthers.

I thought you guys liked 2nd amendment remedies.

They should try at least try learning the First Amendment.

I haven't looked but has anyone listed the crimes committed by BLM? Have they chopped off anybody's head and made a video? Taken credit for a bombing? No? Anyone familiar with the right of assembly ?

No one has disputed BLM's right to assemble. Matter of fact, while some of the BLM people laughed and danced in front of DPD with glee over the shootings, DPD sat and made sure they were safe while they did it. Its your type that want to kill the first amendment along with the second.

I think you have me mixed up with somebody else. I am defending their actions. They cannot be condemned as a terrorist group until they commit a terrorist act.
Now that seemed abnormal to me. She was way to calm. I also realize people will react differently to the same event.

It seemed abnormal to me as well.

Thats why you have to wait and see. Its easy to get all caught up in it when you are getting the information from a media that is more interested in ratings then facts.

That's never how it works and I'm not walking in the shoes of a black person who gets looked at the wrong way everyday of my life either. I can understand the impatience. You wouldn't have the Justice Dept. looking into these shootings if you just sat around and waited.

It would in my opinion, and they have looked into them and every time they found that there was no malicious intent on the part of the cops. I will say there are bad cops. Galveston county sheriffs office comes to mind, LAPD for a long time but not like its made out to be now.

Cops in general have an advantage. Going back to Rodney King or any other crime, they get away with quite a bit. So, the recent track record I take with a grain of salt.

I would say that most cops are good but the system is designed to where cops protect cops and so does the rest of the legal system since they have to work in tandem with each other.

You may have a point there. I speak to the last few shootings and the death of the Baltimore guy. A justice department that is unfriendly to cops looked at them all and did very little.
We can. Americans have a right to say what they wish. There is no right to NOT be offended. All power to BLM.
When you call for the murder of all whites and cops and incite blacks / facilitate the assassination of 5 cops, 12 shot total...your specific freedom of speech can become illegal.

BLM is every bit as much a racist, terrorist hate group, if not more now, than the KKK and the New Black Panthers.

I thought you guys liked 2nd amendment remedies.

They should try at least try learning the First Amendment.

I haven't looked but has anyone listed the crimes committed by BLM? Have they chopped off anybody's head and made a video? Taken credit for a bombing? No? Anyone familiar with the right of assembly ?

No one has disputed BLM's right to assemble. Matter of fact, while some of the BLM people laughed and danced in front of DPD with glee over the shootings, DPD sat and made sure they were safe while they did it. Its your type that want to kill the first amendment along with the second.


Bipolarity in action.
Well it fits the definition of terror group as much as the modern KKK does. When was the last KILLING of minorities by the KKK or inspired by the KKK? Some in the Klan call for killing blacks. Some in BLM call for killing whites and cops.

I don't see much difference.

THE KKK is a Democrat founded organization by the way.

I absolutely agree that "Black Lies Matter" is a hate group. But let us not forget Louis Farakhan. He openly advocates the murder of Whites.

It is not against the law to hate anyone or anything. It is only against the law when you cause harm to someone or something
We can. Americans have a right to say what they wish. There is no right to NOT be offended. All power to BLM.
When you call for the murder of all whites and cops and incite blacks / facilitate the assassination of 5 cops, 12 shot total...your specific freedom of speech can become illegal.

BLM is every bit as much a racist, terrorist hate group, if not more now, than the KKK and the New Black Panthers.

I thought you guys liked 2nd amendment remedies.

They should try at least try learning the First Amendment.

I haven't looked but has anyone listed the crimes committed by BLM? Have they chopped off anybody's head and made a video? Taken credit for a bombing? No? Anyone familiar with the right of assembly ?

No one has disputed BLM's right to assemble. Matter of fact, while some of the BLM people laughed and danced in front of DPD with glee over the shootings, DPD sat and made sure they were safe while they did it. Its your type that want to kill the first amendment along with the second.

I think you have me mixed up with somebody else. I am defending their actions. They cannot be condemned as a terrorist group until they commit a terrorist act.

never said to condemn them. Sure, they are largely morons with to much tome on their hands, sure, they were founded on a lie, but they had nothing to do with the crazy tweaked out racist who did the shooting. BLM is the same kind of crazy as westborough church, but not worthy of the terror watch list.
Well it fits the definition of terror group as much as the modern KKK does. When was the last KILLING of minorities by the KKK or inspired by the KKK? Some in the Klan call for killing blacks. Some in BLM call for killing whites and cops.

I don't see much difference.

THE KKK is a Democrat founded organization by the way.

I absolutely agree that "Black Lies Matter" is a hate group. But let us not forget Louis Farakhan. He openly advocates the murder of Whites.

It is not against the law to hate anyone or anything. It is only against the law when you cause harm to someone or something

Like looting and flipping police cars?
The shooting in Baton Rouge had nothing to do with child molestation.

The other shot in Minnesota is innocent until proven guilty and he only resembled a robbery suspect, nothing more. Certainly no reason to kill someone reaching for their wallet when they were told to do so.

But, while waiting for judgement as you are claiming to, you have no problem stating BLM is guilty because of one nut job.

Is Donald Trump guilty every time a wingnut shoots a Muslim or burns down a mosque? Is he guilty when anti-government types shoot cops?

So in Minnesota, the guy who was shot is innocent until proven guilty, but not the cop? More retarded left wing logic. In that case, you are saying the cop told him to get his wallet so he could shoot him because he was black? As for the nutter who shot cops in Dallas, No, I dont connect him to BLM at all. I am saying BLM is based on a series of lies, and is headed towards insignificance. As for the Muslim thing, No, The Donald is not responsible, I said other Muslims are as they kill more Muslims then white redneck republicans do. Its a fact.

The cop is innocent until proven guilty. My guess is the cop freaked out because he's afraid of black people reaching for anything, but that is only my opinion. Unlike you who apparently thinks the guy had it coming.

Yes, more Muslims kill Muslims. More white people kill white people and more black people kill black people. But, if you're not blaming BLM for what happened in Dallas then we agree on that at least.

So you have an opinion and someone else has a differing opinion. Who is right? I don't think either of you are but that is my opinion. As evidence comes in, my opinion will change. No one's opinion is better than another's. But it is good to have the discussion and the different opinions.

I find the difference of opinions on the same event really interesting. It shows how we all have a different perspective based on our personal experiences.

I'd assume we are all available to update our opinions as more information comes in. Anyway, I based my opinion on the video I saw and the cop sounding like he's shitting his pants, on the verge of tears, very stressed. I don't begrudge him that, he seemed emotional.

Killing people does that to you.

That cop was scared because he knew he fucked up. And the governor of Minnesota agrees and said so
Well it fits the definition of terror group as much as the modern KKK does. When was the last KILLING of minorities by the KKK or inspired by the KKK? Some in the Klan call for killing blacks. Some in BLM call for killing whites and cops.

I don't see much difference.

THE KKK is a Democrat founded organization by the way.

I absolutely agree that "Black Lies Matter" is a hate group. But let us not forget Louis Farakhan. He openly advocates the murder of Whites.

It is not against the law to hate anyone or anything. It is only against the law when you cause harm to someone or something

Well, Sonny, the case COULD be made that this clown in Dallas murdered those LEOs as a result of all the "talked about" "HATE" that Farakhan and groups like "Black Lies Matter" conveniently "hate about".
So in Minnesota, the guy who was shot is innocent until proven guilty, but not the cop? More retarded left wing logic. In that case, you are saying the cop told him to get his wallet so he could shoot him because he was black? As for the nutter who shot cops in Dallas, No, I dont connect him to BLM at all. I am saying BLM is based on a series of lies, and is headed towards insignificance. As for the Muslim thing, No, The Donald is not responsible, I said other Muslims are as they kill more Muslims then white redneck republicans do. Its a fact.

The cop is innocent until proven guilty. My guess is the cop freaked out because he's afraid of black people reaching for anything, but that is only my opinion. Unlike you who apparently thinks the guy had it coming.

Yes, more Muslims kill Muslims. More white people kill white people and more black people kill black people. But, if you're not blaming BLM for what happened in Dallas then we agree on that at least.

So you have an opinion and someone else has a differing opinion. Who is right? I don't think either of you are but that is my opinion. As evidence comes in, my opinion will change. No one's opinion is better than another's. But it is good to have the discussion and the different opinions.

I find the difference of opinions on the same event really interesting. It shows how we all have a different perspective based on our personal experiences.

I'd assume we are all available to update our opinions as more information comes in. Anyway, I based my opinion on the video I saw and the cop sounding like he's shitting his pants, on the verge of tears, very stressed. I don't begrudge him that, he seemed emotional.

Killing people does that to you.

That cop was scared because he knew he fucked up. And the governor of Minnesota agrees and said so

That stupid square head governor is the absolute WORST "leader" there is. He needs to learn how to "lead".
It seemed abnormal to me as well.

Thats why you have to wait and see. Its easy to get all caught up in it when you are getting the information from a media that is more interested in ratings then facts.

That's never how it works and I'm not walking in the shoes of a black person who gets looked at the wrong way everyday of my life either. I can understand the impatience. You wouldn't have the Justice Dept. looking into these shootings if you just sat around and waited.

It would in my opinion, and they have looked into them and every time they found that there was no malicious intent on the part of the cops. I will say there are bad cops. Galveston county sheriffs office comes to mind, LAPD for a long time but not like its made out to be now.

Cops in general have an advantage. Going back to Rodney King or any other crime, they get away with quite a bit. So, the recent track record I take with a grain of salt.

I would say that most cops are good but the system is designed to where cops protect cops and so does the rest of the legal system since they have to work in tandem with each other.

You may have a point there. I speak to the last few shootings and the death of the Baltimore guy. A justice department that is unfriendly to cops looked at them all and did very little.

They handcuffed Freddie Gray, didn't secure him in the back of the wagon and he ended up severing his spine on the ride to the jail. Something isn't right there. Could have been an accident but the city paid $6 million to Gray's family for being in he custody of the Police, does that sound to you like they weren't the cause of his death?
Well it fits the definition of terror group as much as the modern KKK does. When was the last KILLING of minorities by the KKK or inspired by the KKK? Some in the Klan call for killing blacks. Some in BLM call for killing whites and cops.

I don't see much difference.

THE KKK is a Democrat founded organization by the way.

I absolutely agree that "Black Lies Matter" is a hate group. But let us not forget Louis Farakhan. He openly advocates the murder of Whites.

It is not against the law to hate anyone or anything. It is only against the law when you cause harm to someone or something

Like looting and flipping police cars?

Are you speaking of a specific incident? And if so specify who what and where. Ambiguous remarks on this board are like idiots, there's plenty of them
Killing people does that to you.

No doubt, but he sounded a little unhinged. The woman with her dying boyfriend next her was calmer than the cop was.

Now that seemed abnormal to me. She was way to calm. I also realize people will react differently to the same event.

It seemed abnormal to me as well.

I don't think it is abnormal. There have been too many widely publicized killings of blacks for her or any black person to not know that the cell phone is now their best friend if the bullets start flying from a redneck cop's gun. The cops have been kind of slow to learn this though. Especially those two dunderheads who stopped and shot her boyfriend.

If I were black I'd have a gro pro strapped to my head 24/7. When I say abnormal, I simply mean acting in a way that one wouldn't expect. The cop acted abnormally emotional and the woman acted abnormally controlled. It's not a knock on either one of them, just something that I wouldn't expect to see. That's all.

Anyway, I don't know anything about the cop, he might have gone through life without any amount of obvious racism. I believe I remember the woman saying he was Chinese, can he still be a 'red neck'? Hell if I know, I guess that depends on your definition.

I guess if I were a black woman I would just have Sandra Bland running on a loop through my head whenever I saw a cop and maybe that is a way to mentally prepare to do what Diamond Reynolds did.
Oh,but i do. As far as the kids sister getting stuffed in a squad car, thats what happens when one rushes up on the scene of a shooting. Your post was incredibly stupid. Like "black lives matter" stupid. Jessie Jackson stupid. Its tards like you who hate on cops, cheer their killers on, but are the fastest to call them when a black person steps on yoyr grass.

I think the cleaners called to say that your sheet and pointed hood is ready for pickup.
The cop is innocent until proven guilty. My guess is the cop freaked out because he's afraid of black people reaching for anything, but that is only my opinion. Unlike you who apparently thinks the guy had it coming.

Yes, more Muslims kill Muslims. More white people kill white people and more black people kill black people. But, if you're not blaming BLM for what happened in Dallas then we agree on that at least.

We can. Americans have a right to say what they wish. There is no right to NOT be offended. All power to BLM.
When you call for the murder of all whites and cops and incite blacks / facilitate the assassination of 5 cops, 12 shot total...your specific freedom of speech can become illegal.

BLM is every bit as much a racist, terrorist hate group, if not more now, than the KKK and the New Black Panthers.

I thought you guys liked 2nd amendment remedies.

They should try at least try learning the First Amendment.

I haven't looked but has anyone listed the crimes committed by BLM? Have they chopped off anybody's head and made a video? Taken credit for a bombing? No? Anyone familiar with the right of assembly ?

According to the poll in this thread they are now a terrorist organization. I think any reasonable conservative should look at that poll and apologize for everyone who voted "yes".

"Reasonable" and "conservative" can barely be used within the same sentence anymore. And certainly not on this site. Their blatant racism is in your-face-style but they would never stand up in public and say the things they say here.

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