It's time to reform our political system

The republicans allowed American education, media and the democrat party to be infiltrated by communists. They sat and did nothing back when they still had power to change things but now it's too late. Too busy starting foreign wars and pretending to care about unborn babies. Now the only way we will ever have peace again is to put all journalists in concentration camps.
Both parties need to be scrutinized. The Democrats side with rioters and the media is owned by the Chinese and Trump is trying to end the Chinese monopoly ...both parties need to end their connections to foreign powers. Trump and Russia? Possibly . Covid 19, the lockdown? The Chinese owned media focusing on just Covid 19 or bad cops shootings? Really? Cannon Hinnant? Some random white guy was stabbed in Denver by a black fucker yelling BLM BLM BLM! And Betelgeuse is about to go nova. The Chinese owned media has a rather narrow focus.

The Trump campaign colluded with Russian intelligence. Until we get the cancer out of the white house, the nation can't heal.

Lib please that's been debunked. Why do you people desperately continue to cling to this lie? Trump whooped your ass fair and square. God what a bunch of cry baby sore losers Dems are.

The GOP lead senate says it happened and issued a report last week.

No they did not. :itsok:

Yep, they did.

Your god conspired with Russian intel.

Okay a Washington establishment hack Trump didn't even want to hire, with a bunch of baggage in tow, who's now sitting in prison for corruption prior to even meeting Trump, did something. I love the dripping desperation in your pitiful attack on Trump. lol

Ahh, excuses...

So now your excuse is that Trump hired someone he didn't want to hire? LOL. You're an idiot.

Just pointing out your blatant lies and spin. It's all the left has.

Blatant lies? You're stating that Trump hired someone he didn't want to hire. Again, you're an idiot. Now you've upgraded to being a dishonest idiot.

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