It's vitally important for the sake of our democracy, especially after all the damage inflicted by Trump,.......

Lie. Progressive Blacks wish to destroy the foundation of this Nation, starting with Obambi.
If you know of any poster on the Right who can make a cogent, thoughtful argument please tell him/her to join this discussion. You folks are babbling idiots.
........that the American people view Trump's trial as fair and impartial. For that reason, Judge Aileen Cannon must at least consider recusing herself. Not because Trump appointed her, but because of her previous rulings in his favor.

The criminal case against President Donald J. Trump over his hoarding of classified documents was randomly assigned to Judge Aileen M. Cannon, a court official for the Southern District of Florida said on Saturday.

The chief clerk of the federal court system there, Angela E. Noble, also confirmed that Judge Cannon would continue to oversee the case unless she recused herself.

The news of Judge Cannon’s assignment raised eyebrows because of her role in an earlier lawsuit filed by Mr. Trump challenging the F.B.I.’s search of his Florida club and estate, Mar-a-Lago. In issuing a series of rulings favorable to him,
Judge Cannon, a Trump appointee, effectively disrupted the investigation until a conservative appeals court ruled she never had legitimate legal authority to intervene.

My personal opinion is the evidence is so strong even a biased judge can't change the verdict. But for the sake of keeping the proceeding beyond reproach she should back away.
That ship has sailed, Simp.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to be concerned about Cannon’s integrity – or lack thereof.

Just as appropriate and warranted would be for Cannon recusing herself.
eat shit jones.....if you cant reply when spoken to dont reply to my posts asswipe....go do a driveby somewhere else....
If you know of any poster on the Right who can make a cogent, thoughtful argument please tell him/her to join this discussion. You folks are babbling idiots.

You are the worst kind of Lefty, you don't know anything but that which Lefty sources tell you and you think that's just fine. Watching all the shit your side has done since Rump was elected has not gone un noticed, the problem you have is that there are too many folks more intelligent than you. You're believe Rump is guilty of everything and that Biden is guilty of nothing. You're stupid and blind.
You're believe Rump is guilty of everything and that Biden is guilty of nothing. You're stupid and blind.
It's stunning how many times you morons, absent an ability to make a cogent and thoughtful argument, resort to assigning beliefs to me I do not hold.
........that the American people view Trump's trial as fair and impartial. For that reason, Judge Aileen Cannon must at least consider recusing herself. Not because Trump appointed her, but because of her previous rulings in his favor.

The criminal case against President Donald J. Trump over his hoarding of classified documents was randomly assigned to Judge Aileen M. Cannon, a court official for the Southern District of Florida said on Saturday.

The chief clerk of the federal court system there, Angela E. Noble, also confirmed that Judge Cannon would continue to oversee the case unless she recused herself.

The news of Judge Cannon’s assignment raised eyebrows because of her role in an earlier lawsuit filed by Mr. Trump challenging the F.B.I.’s search of his Florida club and estate, Mar-a-Lago. In issuing a series of rulings favorable to him,
Judge Cannon, a Trump appointee, effectively disrupted the investigation until a conservative appeals court ruled she never had legitimate legal authority to intervene.

My personal opinion is the evidence is so strong even a biased judge can't change the verdict. But for the sake of keeping the proceeding beyond reproach she should back away.
When did I suggest an insurrection against Biden?

WASHINGTON — A scathing decision on Thursday by a federal appeals court panel that shut down a lower court judge’s interference in a criminal investigation involving former President Donald J. Trump has highlighted a question: Is there such a thing as a Trump judge?

The case pitted one Trump appointee against two others. On one side was Judge Aileen M. Cannon of the Southern District of Florida, who legal experts across the ideological spectrum said showed unusual solicitude to the former president. On the other were two of the three judges who overturned her, Andrew L. Brasher and Britt Grant, who said she had greatly overstepped her authority in getting involved.

And you wonder why most people call you an idiot. When Comey working with Hitlery used the bullshit Russian Dossier to overthrow President Trump that was an insurrection. When the dumbass Vinkman came forward and lied about Ukraine, again that was an insurrection. The reason why you Marxists are in a panic that if President Trump does win again, he will use the very items against all those who tried to fuck him over....bigly....

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