Ivanka tried desperately to get trump to call of the mob on January 6th

How is that possible when the riot started towards the end of his speech?
Once again, you are not intelligent enough to use logical deductive reasoning. People at the rally can be walking to the Capital as he speaks, while others can still be at the rally. Dude, a second grade child can figure that out. Are you okay in the head? Seriously?
Once again, you are not intelligent enough to use logical deductive reasoning. People at the rally can be walking to the Capital as he speaks, while others can still be at the rally. Dude, a second grade child can figure that out. Are you okay in the head? Seriously?
Exactly. Proud Boys and other white supremacists had already started assaulting the Capitol and were JOINED by Trump Humpers who left that Nuremberg rally and jumped right into the assault by the thousands
And if anybody did, Trump telling them to stop would have stopped them?

hmmmmm.... perhaps it was a worth a try, 'eh? either that, OR he wanted them to have a MAGArageon for a while.

by say.... 3 hours.

What was predetermined?

that donny intentionally got his flying monkeys to come to DC to stop congress from doing its constitutionally mandated job.

Liz Cheney might be onto something with criminal charges for Trump, legal experts say

C. Ryan Barber
Dec 15, 2021, 4:17 PM

Liz Cheney might be onto something with criminal charges for Trump, legal experts say

18 U.S.C. § 1512 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant​

it's all going to unravel for yer chosen one ray ray.
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Thousands of people show up with helmets, vests, backpacks, and military outfits

the oathkeepers are comprised of ex military & police. no doubt they were some of 'em that scaled the fucking walls to storm the capital.

& some were roger stones body guards.

gee whiz - & why did that rat fucking traitor stone plead the 5th?

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hmmmmm.... perhaps it was a worth a try, 'eh? either that, OR he wanted them to have a MAGArageon for a while.

by say.... 3 hours.

that donny intentionally got his flying monkeys to come to DC to stop congress from doing its constitutionally mandated job.

Liz Cheney might be onto something with criminal charges for Trump, legal experts say

C. Ryan Barber
Dec 15, 2021, 4:17 PM

Liz Cheney might be onto something with criminal charges for Trump, legal experts say

18 U.S.C. § 1512 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant​

it's all going to unravel for yer chosen one ray ray.
Everyone with a functioning brain knows what Trump did was criminal. Emails, texts, planned meetings about how to overthrow a legal election, telling a violent minded crowd to fight like hell and go to the Capitol, install other speakers like Mo Brooks to say the same thing, yea, it's totally criminal. Trump has to be held accountable, or lawlessness will be a regular thing.
Exactly. Proud Boys and other white supremacists had already started assaulting the Capitol and were JOINED by Trump Humpers who left that Nuremberg rally and jumped right into the assault by the thousands
Simpletons and their brainless arguments like Ray, are a dangerous problem for this country. These folks descended into cultism as a fall back from their failed arguments, and what has Trump and the GOP left us with? The crazies.
Simpletons and their brainless arguments like Ray, are a dangerous problem for this country. These folks descended into cultism as a fall back from their failed arguments, and what has Trump and the GOP left us with? The crazies.

The only thing brainless is being so desperate as to try and blame a President for something he never did. That's brainless.
hmmmmm.... perhaps it was a worth a try, 'eh? either that, OR he wanted them to have a MAGArageon for a while.

by say.... 3 hours.

What do we keep telling you leftists about trying to win debates using lies? You don't seem to listen. It's been proven over and over again that Trump had nothing to do with the delay of the national guard, and even offered to bring them in before the rally. Unlike the Communists, he actually listened to the FBI.

that donny intentionally got his flying monkeys to come to DC to stop congress from doing its constitutionally mandated job.

Liz Cheney might be onto something with criminal charges for Trump, legal experts say

He organized a rally, just like the Communists do all the time when they're in the minority. And who cares what lezbo Liz has to say or her commie friends. The stick up her ass is because Trump insulted several members of the Bush family; friends of the Cheney's for decades.
What do we keep telling you leftists about trying to win debates using lies? You don't seem to listen. It's been proven over and over again that Trump had nothing to do with the delay of the national guard, and even offered to bring them in before the rally. Unlike the Communists, he actually listened to the FBI.

He organized a rally, just like the Communists do all the time when they're in the minority. And who cares what lezbo Liz has to say or her commie friends. The stick up her ass is because Trump insulted several members of the Bush family; friends of the Cheney's for decades.
How many times do we have to remind you, that you can't offer up any intelligent counter arguments for the same arguments you already lost? Circle jerking the same argument that you were already schooled on, makes you look the fool. Look Sling Blade, one more time, there would be no NG, if there was no rally. If there was no rally promoted by lies, there would not be thousands of criminals to attack the Capitol. When you shit at the head of the creek, the creek becomes polluted down stream. Trump took a big dump at the head of the creek. It's all on Trump. Any other argument you have beyond that, is worthless and idiotic. Again, you just don't get it, because you aren't smart enough to get it. Fly away. Your arguing points and other comments are useless.
What do we keep telling you leftists about trying to win debates using lies? You don't seem to listen. It's been proven over and over again that Trump had nothing to do with the delay of the national guard, and even offered to bring them in before the rally. Unlike the Communists, he actually listened to the FBI.

He organized a rally, just like the Communists do all the time when they're in the minority. And who cares what lezbo Liz has to say or her commie friends. The stick up her ass is because Trump insulted several members of the Bush family; friends of the Cheney's for decades.

How many times do we have to remind you, that you can't offer up any intelligent counter arguments for the same arguments you already lost? Circle jerking the same argument that you were already schooled on, makes you look the fool. Look Sling Blade, one more time, there would be no NG, if there was no rally. If there was no rally promoted by lies, there would not be thousands of criminals to attack the Capitol. When you shit at the head of the creek, the creek becomes polluted down stream. Trump took a big dump at the head of the creek. It's all on Trump. Any other argument you have beyond that, is worthless and idiotic. Again, you just don't get it, because you aren't smart enough to get it. Fly away. Your arguing points and other comments are useless.

I'm sure that's how you Communists think. After all you have your buddies on social media silencing conservative voices. Your commies in college do the same thing. They revolt if the college allows a conservative speaker. Rallies are fine as long as the rally isn't on the other side of your political isle. You people hate free speech as much as you hate the US Constitution. Trump telling people to march to the Capital to protest an election is fine, but these are okay in your opinion.

I'm sure that's how you Communists think. After all you have your buddies on social media silencing conservative voices. Your commies in college do the same thing. They revolt if the college allows a conservative speaker. Rallies are fine as long as the rally isn't on the other side of your political isle. You people hate free speech as much as you hate the US Constitution. Trump telling people to march to the Capital to protest an election is fine, but these are okay in your opinion.

You see, the pattern with you, is always the same. Nothing you post resembles anything intelligent. You don't even know what Communism is.

And "what about ism" is just another example of what it looks like to lose a debate. Burying you with the most ridiculous of arguments has been so easy, anyone can do it. Don't you get it? The more you post, the more watered down your argument is, the more boring it becomes. And you don't have the good sense God gave you to realize your limitations. It's sad that you are incapable of seeing that.
You see, the pattern with you, is always the same. Nothing you post resembles anything intelligent. You don't even know what Communism is.

And "what about ism" is just another example of what it looks like to lose a debate. Burying you with the most ridiculous of arguments has been so easy, anyone can do it. Don't you get it? The more you post, the more watered down your argument is, the more boring it becomes. And you don't have the good sense God gave you to realize your limitations. It's sad that you are incapable of seeing that.

Yes I know what Communism is, and when you asked for proof, I sent you to the US Communist Party website to support my claim. I know you never did it and never will, but at least I backup what I say unlike you.

When I point out that your people did the same as Trump on 1/6, that's not whataboutism. That's demonstrating what an utter hypocrite you are. You said nothing when the leftists were in the Supreme Court trying to bang the door down to stop the swearing in of Bret Kavanaugh. Again, hypocrite with nothing to say because you were okay with that. When it's your people that inspire these violent actions, you don't even dare to come close to blaming them. Somebody with a gun shot and tried to kill a Congressman at a baseball field because he was a Sander's follower. Nothing to see here folks, move along on your own way, even though he actually went there to try and kill as many Republicans as he could.

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