Ivanka Trumps Endorsement Of Goya Foods Puts Her In Serious Legal Trouble

Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.

Watch: Six Years Ago Obama Promised to Buy a Chevy Volt. Now It Is Dead

Yeah, but remember how the Democrats all wanted him investigated for that? Hmm ... I don't either ...
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.

Watch: Six Years Ago Obama Promised to Buy a Chevy Volt. Now It Is Dead

Yeah, but remember how the Democrats all wanted him investigated for that? Hmm ... I don't either ...

They will say as an elected official he isn't beholden to those rules. Of course, Trump's daughter isn't a civil service employee of the government, so her application vis a vis the law is probably hazy as well.

They got their soundbite, that's all they care about.
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.

Gasp, what a bitch.
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.
I just love it when you know nothing assholes are shown up for the loud mouthed know nothing assholes you are. Trouble is you make a habit of it so everyone already knows you're full of shit.
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.
I just love it when you know nothing assholes are shown up for the loud mouthed know nothing assholes you are. Trouble is you make a habit of it so everyone already knows you're full of shit.

“Thank you to @ivankatrump for providing me with a picture/anecdote to use in my anti-corruption class this fall to demonstrate a flagrant violation of federal ethics laws,” said Jessica Tillipman, an Assistant Dean for Field Placement and Professorial Lecturer in Law at George Washington University Law School.

Congratulations Ivanka on your new forever home. May you find a home in anti corruption classes world wide, which I'm sure you will. :auiqs.jpg:
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.

What elected position does she have?

Oh, right. None.

Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.
/----/ Ivanka is a private citizen, but Obozo was president when he endorsed the Chevy Volt. Watch: Six Years Ago Obama Promised to Buy a Chevy Volt. Now It Is Dead

Why in the hell is a private citizen allowed access to secret information? whatever security clearance she supposed to have should be investigated.
Hey Dummy, there are literally millions of private citizens with some sort of security clearance.

What would qualify her for a security clearance? Yes. There are security clearances that are given to people working in sensitive areas, like military contractors. I was even interviewed by the FBI when my ex's was re-upped, and it's surprising to have the FBI show up at your office to interview you. But why does this piece of crap have one?
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.
/----/ Ivanka is a private citizen, but Obozo was president when he endorsed the Chevy Volt. Watch: Six Years Ago Obama Promised to Buy a Chevy Volt. Now It Is Dead

Why in the hell is a private citizen allowed access to secret information? whatever security clearance she supposed to have should be investigated.
Hey Dummy, there are literally millions of private citizens with some sort of security clearance.

What would qualify her for a security clearance? Yes. There are security clearances that are given to people working in sensitive areas, like military contractors. I was even interviewed by the FBI when my ex's was re-upped, and it's surprising to have the FBI show up at your office to interview you. But why does this piece of crap have one?
Here is your comment you are now trying to erase....

Why in the hell is a private citizen allowed access to secret information?
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.

In this case I have to agree. Nothing wrong with the Goya CEO liking Trump or visiting, a bit dicey that Trump's daughter is now doing spot ads promoting the company. But then, Hillary took actual donations from foreign countries to her "charity," then turned around and did them huge favors.

So once again, just follow the crumbs-- -- -- if the democrats don't like it, you can be sure they already did it themselves, did it far worse and did it first.
Ahhh, so now Ivanka is in the same class as Hillary....Just with perkier breast...But still an ethics breaking bitch who does what she wants cause Daddy is the president and all she has to do is rub that booty on daddy and daddy gives her anything?

Good question. I'll be glad to explain it to you.

You see, when you attack Republicans for things that you didn't give a shit when Democrats did it, that's directly topical to the discussion because it proves this isn't a standard for you, just a hack partisan political attack.

An actual standard is something you apply to yourself first. When you don't apply it to yourself at all, it's not a standard at all. See how that works?

Thanks for asking, and you're welcome
And that same standard applies to both party's.
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.

In this case I have to agree. Nothing wrong with the Goya CEO liking Trump or visiting, a bit dicey that Trump's daughter is now doing spot ads promoting the company. But then, Hillary took actual donations from foreign countries to her "charity," then turned around and did them huge favors.

So once again, just follow the crumbs-- -- -- if the democrats don't like it, you can be sure they already did it themselves, did it far worse and did it first.
Ahhh, so now Ivanka is in the same class as Hillary....Just with perkier breast...But still an ethics breaking bitch who does what she wants cause Daddy is the president and all she has to do is rub that booty on daddy and daddy gives her anything?

Good question. I'll be glad to explain it to you.

You see, when you attack Republicans for things that you didn't give a shit when Democrats did it, that's directly topical to the discussion because it proves this isn't a standard for you, just a hack partisan political attack.

An actual standard is something you apply to yourself first. When you don't apply it to yourself at all, it's not a standard at all. See how that works?

Thanks for asking, and you're welcome
And that same standard applies to both party's.

That's what I said, yes
Every day each side picks out some small(by comparison) piece of trash to throw at each other, in the meantime people are dying, & important things that effect our future are going on. The extremes have taken over the microphone. measured and thoughtful planning lost.
Every day each side picks out some small(by comparison) piece of trash to throw at each other, in the meantime people are dying, & important things that effect our future are going on. The extremes have taken over the microphone. measured and thoughtful planning lost.

The best plan still seems like the one we stared with in March. Flattening the curve. Remember that referred to hospitalizations specifically in order to not overwhelm the medical system.

I'm not clear why we're no longer following that plan as the Democrats are just in attack mode attacking everything anyone does without offering any plan or explanation of what they actually want ever.

It's clear they want to shut us down until November 3 because they think they can win an election on dead bodies and a destroyed economy or whatever else it takes
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.

Watch: Six Years Ago Obama Promised to Buy a Chevy Volt. Now It Is Dead

Yeah, but remember how the Democrats all wanted him investigated for that? Hmm ... I don't either ...

They will say as an elected official he isn't beholden to those rules. Of course, Trump's daughter isn't a civil service employee of the government, so her application vis a vis the law is probably hazy as well.

They got their soundbite, that's all they care about.
Yes. Ivanka is an employee of the government.
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.

What elected position does she have?

Oh, right. None.

She’s a government employee which is exactly who the law covers.
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.
The entire Democrat party is guilty of 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702 for being behind the boycott threat.
Ms. Trump’s Goya tweet is clearly a violation of the government’s misuse of position regulation, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702. Ms. Trump has had ethics training. She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics,” Shaub says.
Whoa, hoss. Ms. Trump is a US citizen, she's promoting a United States enterprise, and just because she's related to the President does not mean she cannot hold business opinions. Your real name wouldn't happen to be Adam Schiff, would it?

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