I've changed sides

Well, thank you for correcting me. There are not wrong or right scientists just like there is not good or bad science. That's something many too often forget. I still think, MaryL, that the whole picture should be looked at on the scientific end. I simply was persuaded to look at it more closely by things that didn't seem right, and my own science led me to see it differently. I got somewhere like a 34/36 on the ACT in science. I have a Master's in Math and a Minor in Physics.
But there are those of us looking at the whole picture. From declining ice mass on Greenland and Antarctica, alpine glaciers receding worldwide, ocean pH, warming atmosphere, warming oceans, going from 280 ppm CO2 to 400+ ppm CO2, about 750 ppb to over 1800 ppb CH4. From Tyndall's early experiments, to Arrhenius's estimation of the effects of a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere. If you have a minor in Physics, then you have to know what those are.
Anybody who takes a serious look at the science of the global warming industry learns quickly that this is exactly what it is: an industry with ginormous special interests.:ack-1:
Certainly any educated person who takes a close look at the level of fraud surrounding climate science "computer models" quickly starts saying to themselves, "What the fuck??!!". They find out too that the climate data is fudged and/or rigged by organizations people assume they can trust.:coffee:
The educated person most DEFINITELY quickly realizes that the banner used by the AGW climate people about the certainty of warming being "man-made" is completely bogus.:2up:
Oh....and anybody who is educated and spends just 2-3 hours going through some of the pages of THIS thread >>

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

.....will very quickly realize that the prevailing perception of the state of "climate science" having an impact on the real world is totally false. It is having virtually zero impact in the real world........quickly evident scanning a few pages from the above thread!!

Message to the OP.........welcome to the "winning" side. As you browse through here you will notice how much fun the skeptics have just by seeing the tone of their posts compared to the 3 or 4 members of the religion in here who are perpetually both angry and MISERABLE!!!

Meanwhile, this is the state of the skeptic crew in here ALL THE TIME >>>

Well I think the consensus global warming science is wrong now. Hopefully I can hang with the other side.

I am convinced that they do not treat people seriously enough who try to go against the consensus. It is like string theory - non-observable, non-repeatable, non-falsifiable, non-testable. They were saying it (AGW) since the '50s, when we really didn't have any evidence, perhaps to ease people's minds about nukes. There are definite financial incentives, such as vaccines and abortion services.

The charts that I relied on from the M.I.T. class were not conclusive enough to show a steady prediction.

Top Scientist Resigns Admitting Global Warming Is A Big Scam

I am not trying to tell anyone who to vote for but just taking a stand on this one issue.
How are you on smog and plastic in the oceans?
The brainwashed narcissistic tin foil hats rather save the life of dirt but not life in the womb, that makes sense. Its about being the biggest hypocrite you can be. Al Gore you're fired.



OK. When Dr. Lewis can provide us with a scientific explanation of what we are seeing right now on this planet, I will listen to the old fart. Until then, he is just another over the hill fool denying the science.

We are seeing more of the same rocks....we are not even within hailing distance of the borders of natural variability...when something within the climate reaches that level, let us know because right now, we are not even close....and before you make your usual wild assed claims...tell me what proxy you are using that has a 100, or even 200 year resolution.
The climate has been getting warmer, it does that on its own. Been doing it for eons. Relax and throw some more charcoal on the grill.
On the contrary, for the last 6000 years, until the advent of the Industrial Age, the climate was slowly cooling.

Climate myths: It’s been far warmer in the past, what’s the big deal?


We have known all along, but now by his own admission that mann's hockey stick is bull puckey which takes us back to having a MWP that was considerably warmer than the present.....you are so full of shit rocks that there aren't words to describe it..you employ every hysterical alarmist trick in the book and when asked for some actual observed, measured, quantified evidence to support your beliefs....you can't deliver and refer back to your logical fallacy handbook.
  1. an indefinite and very long period of time, often a period exaggerated for humorous or rhetorical effect.
    "he reached the crag eons before I arrived"
      a unit of time equal to a billion years.
      a major division of geological time, subdivided into eras.
      "the Precambrian eon"
Well now, silly ignorant ass, you lose even more on that. For most of past eons, the world has been warmer, with a few glacial periods thrown in.

For most of earth's history it has been considerably warmer...including the time just before the present ice age began.....and yet, for some idiotic reason you think that this time of warming out of an ice age which has happened in history over and over is somehow our doing....and you think this based on zero empirical evidence.
"I've changed sides"

That there are those who perceive ‘sides’ is the problem.

There are two sides here...one side believes that there is evidence to support the alarmist claims and the other side knows that there isn't. There is a side which is operating from a position of faith...and there is a side demanding to see evidence which does not exist...
"I've changed sides"

That there are those who perceive ‘sides’ is the problem.
On a scientific issue, and that is what global warming is, there are no sides. Just what the evidence and observations indicate. That the 'Conservatives' have made it a matter of sides is an indication that they are not interested in the science, just the politics of it.

So you claim, but when asked for observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence, you can't deliver...and what you do produce, while being evidence of something, it is not evidence to support the A in AGW....why must you lie so much rocks....are your politics so important to you that you gladly became a bald faced liar in your attempt to justify your position?
Why are facts summed up into a conspiracy? Ice sheets are melting, its getting warmer and drier and the weather is totally freakinkin out. Facts are facts. We aren't seeing Elvis holding hands with the Loc ness monster.

And you believe this is the first time they melted? NEWSFLASH...for most of earth's history there has been no ice at one or both poles...There is absolutely nothing going on within the climate today that is even close to reaching the borders of natural variability...why do you believe man is responsible for the climate when everything we are seeing today is well within the bounds of natural variability?...What actual evidence do you have that supports the idea that this time, somehow, man is responsible for this change that is within natural variability?
Well, thank you for correcting me. There are not wrong or right scientists just like there is not good or bad science. That's something many too often forget. I still think, MaryL, that the whole picture should be looked at on the scientific end. I simply was persuaded to look at it more closely by things that didn't seem right, and my own science led me to see it differently. I got somewhere like a 34/36 on the ACT in science. I have a Master's in Math and a Minor in Physics.

Congratulations....for thinking for yourself I mean...there are far to many people who simply believe the claims of consensus and believe that since science says it, it must be true....what far to few people grasp right now is that science is broken...and has been broken for some time....Personally, I believe that money, and the pressure to publish, and to be part of the herd are the primary causes, but whatever the cause, there is no doubt that it is broken and will be a long time before it can be deemed trustworthy again.
"I've changed sides"

That there are those who perceive ‘sides’ is the problem.
On a scientific issue, and that is what global warming is, there are no sides. Just what the evidence and observations indicate. That the 'Conservatives' have made it a matter of sides is an indication that they are not interested in the science, just the politics of it.
Funny, We've been asking you to produce said evidence and you cant seem to find it... And then you post up political crap...

Funny how they revert to the same old claims on one thread when it is blatantly clear that their same old claims are BS on another thread...liars, it's the only word for them.
Well, thank you for correcting me. There are not wrong or right scientists just like there is not good or bad science. That's something many too often forget. I still think, MaryL, that the whole picture should be looked at on the scientific end. I simply was persuaded to look at it more closely by things that didn't seem right, and my own science led me to see it differently. I got somewhere like a 34/36 on the ACT in science. I have a Master's in Math and a Minor in Physics.
But there are those of us looking at the whole picture. From declining ice mass on Greenland and Antarctica, alpine glaciers receding worldwide, ocean pH, warming atmosphere, warming oceans, going from 280 ppm CO2 to 400+ ppm CO2, about 750 ppb to over 1800 ppb CH4. From Tyndall's early experiments, to Arrhenius's estimation of the effects of a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere. If you have a minor in Physics, then you have to know what those are.

Except you don't have the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence to support the claim that man has anything to do with any of it... Every thing you name has happened again and again without the benefit of the internal combustion engine...it is all within the realm of natural variability and if you are going to claim some new cause this time around, you need some actual observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence from out here in the observable, measurable, quantifiable, empirical world...output from failing computer models is not evidence of anything but the state of broke that climate science exists in today.
Well I think the consensus global warming science is wrong now. Hopefully I can hang with the other side.

I am convinced that they do not treat people seriously enough who try to go against the consensus. It is like string theory - non-observable, non-repeatable, non-falsifiable, non-testable. They were saying it (AGW) since the '50s, when we really didn't have any evidence, perhaps to ease people's minds about nukes. There are definite financial incentives, such as vaccines and abortion services.

The charts that I relied on from the M.I.T. class were not conclusive enough to show a steady prediction.

Top Scientist Resigns Admitting Global Warming Is A Big Scam

I am not trying to tell anyone who to vote for but just taking a stand on this one issue.
How are you on smog and plastic in the oceans?

Terrible problems...and they are just the tip of the iceberg....there are serious environmental problems across the entire earth that need to be addressed and there are actually things that could be done about them if the AGW scam weren't sucking all the air out of the room and the treasure from the coffers...Haven't you noticed, since the whole manmade climate change scam started, there has been no real action taken on any of the real and serious environmental issues that exist? They are somehow lumped in with climate change and nothing gets done...nor will it till the manmade climate change scam is well and truly dead.
Well I think the consensus global warming science is wrong now. Hopefully I can hang with the other side.

I am convinced that they do not treat people seriously enough who try to go against the consensus. It is like string theory - non-observable, non-repeatable, non-falsifiable, non-testable. They were saying it (AGW) since the '50s, when we really didn't have any evidence, perhaps to ease people's minds about nukes. There are definite financial incentives, such as vaccines and abortion services.

The charts that I relied on from the M.I.T. class were not conclusive enough to show a steady prediction.

Top Scientist Resigns Admitting Global Warming Is A Big Scam

I am not trying to tell anyone who to vote for but just taking a stand on this one issue.

String Theory can never be tested and made up by mad scientists probably under the influence of alcohol and other mind altering drugs. There are different string theories and even the mad scientists can't decide how many dimensions there are. Global warming is testable and proved to be happening.
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Well I think the consensus global warming science is wrong now. Hopefully I can hang with the other side.

I am convinced that they do not treat people seriously enough who try to go against the consensus. It is like string theory - non-observable, non-repeatable, non-falsifiable, non-testable. They were saying it (AGW) since the '50s, when we really didn't have any evidence, perhaps to ease people's minds about nukes. There are definite financial incentives, such as vaccines and abortion services.

The charts that I relied on from the M.I.T. class were not conclusive enough to show a steady prediction.

Top Scientist Resigns Admitting Global Warming Is A Big Scam

I am not trying to tell anyone who to vote for but just taking a stand on this one issue.

String Theory can never be tested and made up by mad scientists probably under the influence of alcohol and other mind altering drugs. There are different string theories and even the mad scientists can't decide how many dimensions there are. Global warming is testable and proved to be happening.

but not proven as man-made s0n. Not even close........:bye1:
Well I think the consensus global warming science is wrong now. Hopefully I can hang with the other side.

I am convinced that they do not treat people seriously enough who try to go against the consensus. It is like string theory - non-observable, non-repeatable, non-falsifiable, non-testable. They were saying it (AGW) since the '50s, when we really didn't have any evidence, perhaps to ease people's minds about nukes. There are definite financial incentives, such as vaccines and abortion services.

The charts that I relied on from the M.I.T. class were not conclusive enough to show a steady prediction.

Top Scientist Resigns Admitting Global Warming Is A Big Scam

I am not trying to tell anyone who to vote for but just taking a stand on this one issue.

String Theory can never be tested and made up by mad scientists probably under the influence of alcohol and other mind altering drugs. There are different string theories and even the mad scientists can't decide how many dimensions there are. Global warming is testable and proved to be happening.
All it takes is an intelligent mind imagining. An unintelligent imaginer would only be able to fatom one universe made by a creator. But what is beyond our universe and what created God?

I think there are infinite universe. Eternal.
OK. When Dr. Lewis can provide us with a scientific explanation of what we are seeing right now on this planet, I will listen to the old fart. Until then, he is just another over the hill fool denying the science.
what are you seeing? shit dude, SSDD has been asking for observed data. Why haven't you posted any since you're now making this statement?

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