I’ve never believed in evolution, but

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Why do dems/libs get dumber every election cycle?
I know. All those scientists. So stupid. What have they ever done? What are they good for?

Give me a person with a BS in Bible Study every time.
Wait, you really don't believe in evolution and then asked how libs "get dumber"?

Fucking fantastic. Comedy gold!
I think you are describing natural selection.

The DNC has become highly efficient at breeding government wards. They successfully bred the Mega-Welfare Queen and the Zero-Testosterone Spoiled Metrosexual. Both are certain to vote democrat for a paycheck or because of tender feelings.

Imagine if those two bred. It would be an entirely new race of monumental worthlessness.
Wait, you really don't believe in evolution and then asked how libs "get dumber"?

Fucking fantastic. Comedy gold!
The typical liberal voter, says it all. Don't have to think when everything is given to you for "FREE".

Too bad she is not a billionaire

Then she would really know about free stuff from the government
Free phones are nothing
Why do dems/libs get dumber every election cycle?
Let me get this straight.

You admit you don't believe in evolution, and then ask why OTHER PEOPLE are dumb?


Oh, man. That's priceless. :lol: :lol::lol::lol:
Why do dems/libs get dumber every election cycle?
Evolution is only partially correct. Our history books are full of bullshit.
Ever wonder why they can't find the supposed missng link that ties us to the monkeys yet they can find miniscule microbe fossils from millions of years before apes exist?
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