I’ve only been called the N word to my face by a white man once in my life and it was on the campus of Duke University

Mexifornia is THE biggest racist state in the union.
They put all other states to shame.

Regardless, I have to ask........what did she do to piss him off to that extent?

And WHY doesn't she go to TMZ with this and get his ass fired?
I mean, come one............he's in Mexifornia now........they don't care about the laws.
She can scream he's a racist with no proof at all and have him fired and put in jail.
Test, cracker, white trash, mayo, ******. (N igg er). Which one gets auto erased by this website.
based on riddick's uncouth opening press conference I can see him saying this to this lady
I don't see much leadership here. I can imagine his press conferences when things start going south

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