Ivermectin works for Covid and Per reviewed study from Peru proves it

It doesn't show a virus is a parasite. Don't you think the noun, "parasite," should appear in it if that was what you're trying to claim?
You're like a theologian, anthropormorphizing the hands of a clock, the legs of a table, etc. You try to guess why the Streptomyces did what it did, though you fail the scientific quiz to establish your credibility. You don't get to define a parasite, dipshit, because the virus is parasitizing the Streptomyces, not your funky ass.
You mouth off though have apparently not had the stones to read The Real Anthony Fauci, nor thus the capability to critique it.
Get a grip Mary.

Faucci is the one who ended up helping that NYC and SanFran group of activists. They became friends.

Guest Essay

Anthony Fauci on Larry Kramer and Loving Difficult People​

July 4, 2023

The date is June 26, 1988. A one-way conversation from Larry Kramer to Tony Fauci via the written word, in The San Francisco Examiner, reflecting a booming voice before I even knew him: “I Call You Murderers,” the headline read. “An open letter to an incompetent idiot, Dr. Anthony Fauci,” it continued. Fast-forward 32 years to May 2020: A brief two-way telephone conversation ending in a simple phrase. Larry, in a voice halting and weakened by years of a series of chronic illnesses, whispering, “I love you, Tony.” Tony holding back the tears, replying, “I love you, too, Larry.”

What happened during those 32 years that brought us to that last encounter was truly historic, since Larry was the initial driving force that changed forever the relationship between the advocacy community and the scientific and regulatory establishment. Larry was the battering ram who not only opened the door for his younger acolytes to participate in the formulation and implementation of the scientific and regulatory agenda of H.I.V./AIDS; he crashed it down. Along the way, Larry and I developed, as he often described it, a “complex relationship.”

I would become all too familiar with the tactics that he had mastered to an art form: confrontation, outrageous behavior, anger and insults followed by insight, rationality, sensitivity, vulnerability, empathy and even humor. I began to appreciate that it was pure passion related to his concern for the plight of what he called “my people,” the gay community, which drove him to outrageous behavior in order to gain the attention of the government and the general public concerning the disaster of the AIDS epidemic.

As we got to know each other better over the years, it became clear to me that despite his confrontational behavior, Larry had a pure, simple and unselfish goal — there were no hidden agendas with Larry. His passion was pure and his commitment unflinching in his attempts to jar people into realization of the seriousness of the AIDS epidemic. I quickly realized that despite his sometimes provocative behavior, he was as noble as the most respected scientist and public servant. And so we became brothers in arms.
It doesn't show a virus is a parasite. Don't you think the noun, "parasite," should appear in it if that was what you're trying to claim?
Is ivermectin produced by Streptomyces?

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic from a family of chemicals called avermectins. These are macrocyclic lactones made from the fermentation broth of the fungus Streptomyces avermitilis. The macrolide ivermectin is available as an injectable, a spray, and an oral formulation.


wonder where some people get their info and how it is verifiable?
You're like a theologian, anthropormorphizing the hands of a clock, the legs of a table, etc. You try to guess why the Streptomyces did what it did, though you fail the scientific quiz to establish your credibility. You don't get to define a parasite, dipshit, because the virus is parasitizing the Streptomyces, not your funky ass.


Thanks for finally admitting a parasite is not a virus.
You mouth off though have apparently not had the stones to read The Real Anthony Fauci, nor thus the capability to critique it.
Remembering Anthony and Larry

Decades before Dr. Anthony S. Fauci became a household name during the coronavirus pandemic, one of his detractors wrote that he was “a murderer” and “a liar.”
The man behind those words was Larry Kramer, the argumentative writer and activist who helped shape the modern gay rights movement during the AIDS crisis and who died in May 2020 at 84.
On Monday evening, at a memorial for Mr. Kramer at the Lucille Lortel Theater in the West Village, Dr. Fauci was among the speakers. The second he strode onto the stage, people applauded.
In his speech, Dr. Fauci described his long, complicated relationship with Mr. Kramer, starting with the fiery words that appeared in the The San Francisco Examiner in 1988, when he was four years into his nearly four-decade tenure as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. At the time, Mr. Kramer blamed Dr. Fauci for the Reagan administration's tepid response to a disease that had claimed tens of thousands of lives in the United States by then

The two men went on to have a deep relationship — a long, intricate dance that concluded in May 2020 with a brief conversation. As Dr. Fauci described it from the stage, Mr. Kramer whispered, “I love you, Tony,” and Dr. Fauci replied, holding back tears, “I love you, too.”

Even after they began getting to know each other, Mr. Kramer did not let up on the criticism. At one point he castigated Dr. Fauci for refusing to chain himself to the White House fence in protest of the government’s handling of the AIDS epidemic.
“I explained to him that this would be 15 minutes of attention, and I would then immediately lose all access to the White House,” Dr. Fauci said. “No matter. He still felt I should do it.”
Not long after that disagreement, Mr. Kramer invited Dr. Fauci and his wife, Christine Fauci, to the New York opening of his play “The Destiny of Me.”

Then we have the complete imbeciles here and elsewhere, who would listen to RFK Jr., vs Anthony Faucci

Once again Fauci put profits over people like he did in the 80s with AZT. Wonder if the media will still call it horse paste?

You are correct, but what can you do?

The sheeple love their Corona! :dunno:

When are you moving?

and Faucci did not do what you claim. You're no better than a horse's arse.

Get a grip Mary.

Faucci is the one who ended up helping that NYC and SanFran group of activists. They became friends.

Guest Essay

Anthony Fauci on Larry Kramer and Loving Difficult People​

July 4, 2023

The date is June 26, 1988. A one-way conversation from Larry Kramer to Tony Fauci via the written word, in The San Francisco Examiner, reflecting a booming voice before I even knew him: “I Call You Murderers,” the headline read. “An open letter to an incompetent idiot, Dr. Anthony Fauci,” it continued. Fast-forward 32 years to May 2020: A brief two-way telephone conversation ending in a simple phrase. Larry, in a voice halting and weakened by years of a series of chronic illnesses, whispering, “I love you, Tony.” Tony holding back the tears, replying, “I love you, too, Larry.”

What happened during those 32 years that brought us to that last encounter was truly historic, since Larry was the initial driving force that changed forever the relationship between the advocacy community and the scientific and regulatory establishment. Larry was the battering ram who not only opened the door for his younger acolytes to participate in the formulation and implementation of the scientific and regulatory agenda of H.I.V./AIDS; he crashed it down. Along the way, Larry and I developed, as he often described it, a “complex relationship.”

I would become all too familiar with the tactics that he had mastered to an art form: confrontation, outrageous behavior, anger and insults followed by insight, rationality, sensitivity, vulnerability, empathy and even humor. I began to appreciate that it was pure passion related to his concern for the plight of what he called “my people,” the gay community, which drove him to outrageous behavior in order to gain the attention of the government and the general public concerning the disaster of the AIDS epidemic.

As we got to know each other better over the years, it became clear to me that despite his confrontational behavior, Larry had a pure, simple and unselfish goal — there were no hidden agendas with Larry. His passion was pure and his commitment unflinching in his attempts to jar people into realization of the seriousness of the AIDS epidemic. I quickly realized that despite his sometimes provocative behavior, he was as noble as the most respected scientist and public servant. And so we became brothers in arms.
Ahhh yes more revisionist history from the left

taking facts out of context is so cheap and sophomoric.

but facts matter:
The majority of AIDS patients died from medication developed when Dr. Anthony Fauci led the nation’s response to the emerging epidemic, not from the virus itself.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. While it’s true that Fauci had been a leading researcher when AIDS emerged in the 1980s, the claims that azidothymidine, commonly known as AZT, killed more people than the virus itself are baseless. Public health agencies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the World Health Organization, as well as prominent AIDS organizations and researchers, told The Associated Press the drug remains in use today as it’s been shown to be effective at keeping HIV in check when used in combination with other medications.

Social media users are once again sharing the long debunked notion that Fauci, the face of the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, advocated decades earlier for a drug to combat the emerging AIDS epidemic that turned out to be more deadly than the virus itself.

Many are sharing a video clip from a newly-released conspiracy theory film called “Plandemic 3,” a sequel to a 2020 video that spread misinformation about COVID-19 online.
Of course it won't. It's not designed to fight a virus.

"Although several clinical trials are now underway to test possible therapies, the worldwide response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been largely limited to monitoring/containment. We report here that Ivermectin, an FDA-approved anti-parasitic previously shown to have broad-spectrum anti-viral activity in vitro, is an inhibitor of the causative virus (SARS-CoV-2), with a single addition to Vero-hSLAM cells 2 h post infection with SARS-CoV-2 able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in viral RNA at 48 h. Ivermectin therefore warrants further investigation for possible benefits in humans."
When I had Covid, I upped my antioxidant intake and added ivermectin. I was back to full health in 4-5 days.

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