Ivermectin works for Covid and Per reviewed study from Peru proves it

The drug has been shown to have no effect on the symptoms of or treating the virus. Period. I'm gonna go out on a pretty thick limb and say your friends would have been just fine without taking the horse paste.

Ivermectin has been used for decades to treat parasitic infections in humans. When the savior first starting hawking it as miracle cure, a lot of people went out and bought the horse paste. Hence the constant running joke about de-worming. It's a way of making fun of people who believe any conspiracy theory uttered by their media masters.
Horse manure. The Japanese man who first discovered these compounds first used it on nematodes of mice.

Once again Fauci put profits over people like he did in the 80s with AZT. Wonder if the media will still call it horse paste?
Knock off the BS, These idiots wont hear of it.I've stopped (not cured) 100 cases or so with Quine and Ivermactin.. Fuck these assholes and the kikes that own them...their houses, their cars and the shit they ordered as dinner last night

Once again Fauci put profits over people like he did in the 80s with AZT. Wonder if the media will still call it horse paste?
Your OP is faulty. It states: 'Ivermectin binds to SARS-CoV-2's spike protein, limiting the virus' morbidity and infectivity.(22)'

Scrolling down to reference (22), (there is no reference #22 [italics]).
Your OP is faulty. It states: 'Ivermectin binds to SARS-CoV-2's spike protein, limiting the virus' morbidity and infectivity.(22)'

Scrolling down to reference (22), (there is no reference #22 [italics]).
You're right but as I didn't write the article there isn't much I can do about it 🙃
The study is not quality peer reviewe research.

Do talk to your doctor before eating the worm paste.
The study is a lie.

"In this quest, ivermectin was an early front-runner in treatment"

"Ivermectin use has been shown in multiple studies to associate with lower mortality during COVID-19 treatment."

The only liar here is you bootlicker
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Clever use of anecdotal information, I'll give them that. Oh, deaths went down, it must be because of ivermectin.

Gawd, what in the pandemic caused people to lose their minds?

Unfortunately for the OP, you've chosen to highlight the one country abroad where I know EXACTLY what
went on during the pandemic in this country as the company has had several major projects there for the last five years.
The restrictions the government put into place were reasons your deaths went down. They make what we went through here
look like an afternoon picnic.

But hey, if you get COVID and feel like de-worming yourself..go right ahead.
I won't stop you.

Everyone who checks up; knows that the author of this article is a very well known, anti-vaxxer proponent, from Florida.
Everyone knows that this pure blah, blah, giving meaningless sources and missing proof article, appeared on a MAGA favored site.

E.g. source 25 - Headline: Antiparasitic drug kills coronavirus in 48 hours
Some paragraphs downward:
The researchers, however, cautioned that the tests performed in the study were in vitro, and human trials are still needed to determine the efficacy and safety of the drug against the coronavirus.
And the source article itself: composed by a Filipino nurse and freelance journalist.

So who gives a shit about this article?
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Anything to say here, slick? Or just file in with lemmings, open wide and swallow that conspiracy theory whole?
And to be blunt with you, it IS the job of people making the accusations or assertions to prove them..and you haven't done that.
the original post here was a conspiracy theorist ... not my response it came from the government site on you so-called miracle l drug skippy... that's all conspiracy theories ...

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