Ivy League Oppression

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
One must feel sorry for students at Dartmouth. They represent the hypersensitive permanently offended mentality that will make hiring them virtually impossible.

As an aside, a friend of mine's son went to Dartmouth (It might have been Yale). He was in the vegetarian house (yes, there is such a thing) and saw a pot of soup cooking. He wanted to sample it and dipped a piece of bread in. The soup was gluten free. He had no idea. But some angry dyke saw the whole thing, made a stink and he ended up on academic probation for 2 semesters, despite being on the Dean's List at the same time.

Dartmouth Students Take Over President's Office, Demand Response To Freedom Budget
A group of Dartmouth College students staged an overnight sit-in Tuesday at the office of the Ivy League university's president, demanding a point-by-point response to a list of action items the protesters say will address a variety of issues on the campus.

The activists unveiled a Freedom Budget in February with over 70 specific actions they want the Dartmouth administration to take to address students' concerns over diversity, perceived sexism and the campus climate for minorities and the LGBT community. Students entered President Phil Hanlon's office Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. asking for a point-by-point response, following what they felt was a half-hearted statement about their budget from Dartmouth a day before finals on March 6.

"None of those points are just thrown in there because we thought they should be there," Jillian Mayer, a Dartmouth senior, said in a phone interview from Hanlon's office. "People spent a lot of time building this Freedom Budget. I am not willing to prioritize certain things over others when all of these issues work towards the same goal."

The Freedom Budget's items include hiring more racial minorities as faculty, implementing more gender-neutral housing and bathroom options, banning the term "illegal immigrant," evaluating the Greek system's role in sexual assault, and harsher punishments for those who commit sexual violence.

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