IYO, what's the most unbelievable thing about Jesus?

No it's not creepy. He is there in case you need him. You are so important that He wants to make sure your needs are met. Sorry you lost your Dad.

Yes...It IS creepy. Why on earth would I need your god in the shower or when I'm having sex? If your god is so damn usefull why didn't he replace my broken waterpump on my El Dorado. No..he was nowhere to be seen. A bolt was broken right down by the inside of the fender. It took me three days of carefull drilling and grinding to replace the bolt. After I got it drilled out the "easy out" I put in there to take out the remaider of the bolt snapped in two and it took an extra 8 hours to remove that super hard tool before I could dremel the rest of the bolt out and finish the waterpump R and R.

Nope...your snoopy god is one uselss motherfucker. I didn't "need" to smash my knuckles about a dozen times on that waterpump repair.
Hey idiot, you will feel different when you die and realize you messed up, it will be too late then. Good luck.
Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.

Eternal Damnation.
You don't have to snitch yourself out. God knows your every move. He never takes his eyes off of you.
You are forgiven of your sins, 1. if you ask to be forgiven and 2. that you sincerely regret what you did and you turn away from that sin. There is nothing convenient about it.
If you kill someone and say, oops, sorry God, forgive me, and then kill someone else, and say, oops God, sorry, and then you go aout and do it again, you are not repentant and God doesn't buy the oops, sorry part. He doesn't have to. He can see your heart.
The Bible teaches us that our fellow man is our brother/sister and we are requested to treat them the way we would want them to treat us. It's a golden rule.

Why does it make you defensive?

So your god is a stalker? He sounds creepy. If I catch the bitch snooping around my business I'll stick the punk.
You are not man enough to stick anybody. You sound like a little scared girl crying for her momma.
No, he is telling you you have a choice, believe in Christ and be saved or don't believe in Christ and not be saved, Simple.

Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.
No, you are pathetic. You are not even smart enough to comprehend what the bible is telling you. Jesus saves you from your sin. Your sin is what condemns you to hell. God gave you a choice, accept his gift or not, but there are consequences. Your future in eternity looks as if it might be very warm.

Jeebus isn't going to save me from anything. Jeebus, if there really was one, has been dead for around 2 thousand years. Neither he nor your invisible aka non existant god has any authorization to hand out my choices.

There is no hell. There is no prize for being a compliant zombie...aka heaven.

There are consequences to every action. My consequences have nothing to do with your fantasy. You wasting your time with your delusion also has consequences. In your own small way you just keep the human race that much more lost and confused and misinformed. Congratulations for doing your part in keeping us all just a little bit dumber.
Eternal Damnation.
You don't have to snitch yourself out. God knows your every move. He never takes his eyes off of you.
You are forgiven of your sins, 1. if you ask to be forgiven and 2. that you sincerely regret what you did and you turn away from that sin. There is nothing convenient about it.
If you kill someone and say, oops, sorry God, forgive me, and then kill someone else, and say, oops God, sorry, and then you go aout and do it again, you are not repentant and God doesn't buy the oops, sorry part. He doesn't have to. He can see your heart.
The Bible teaches us that our fellow man is our brother/sister and we are requested to treat them the way we would want them to treat us. It's a golden rule.

Why does it make you defensive?

So your god is a stalker? He sounds creepy. If I catch the bitch snooping around my business I'll stick the punk.
You are not man enough to stick anybody. You sound like a little scared girl crying for her momma.

You are not "man" enough to take full responsibility for your own choices.
Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.
No, you are pathetic. You are not even smart enough to comprehend what the bible is telling you. Jesus saves you from your sin. Your sin is what condemns you to hell. God gave you a choice, accept his gift or not, but there are consequences. Your future in eternity looks as if it might be very warm.

Jeebus isn't going to save me from anything. Jeebus, if there really was one, has been dead for around 2 thousand years. Neither he nor your invisible aka non existant god has any authorization to hand out my choices.

There is no hell. There is no prize for being a compliant zombie...aka heaven.

There are consequences to every action. My consequences have nothing to do with your fantasy. You wasting your time with your delusion also has consequences. In your own small way you just keep the human race that much more lost and confused and misinformed. Congratulations for doing your part in keeping us all just a little bit dumber.

But what if you're wrong? Because you are...
I'm being serious....think about it before you answer.
I think Satan is so deeply imbedded in you that you can not even think rationally. Because by your comments, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's really sad that you would be so hateful. I would hate to live your life......you're in my prayers.
Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.
No, you are pathetic. You are not even smart enough to comprehend what the bible is telling you. Jesus saves you from your sin. Your sin is what condemns you to hell. God gave you a choice, accept his gift or not, but there are consequences. Your future in eternity looks as if it might be very warm.

Jeebus isn't going to save me from anything. Jeebus, if there really was one, has been dead for around 2 thousand years. Neither he nor your invisible aka non existant god has any authorization to hand out my choices.

There is no hell. There is no prize for being a compliant zombie...aka heaven.

There are consequences to every action. My consequences have nothing to do with your fantasy. You wasting your time with your delusion also has consequences. In your own small way you just keep the human race that much more lost and confused and misinformed. Congratulations for doing your part in keeping us all just a little bit dumber.
You being as dumb as you are is your own doing. Good luck, and I mean that, I pray for you and everyone that they may find salvation in Christ. Just wish you wouldn't be so hateful, but that is satan in you.
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No, you are pathetic. You are not even smart enough to comprehend what the bible is telling you. Jesus saves you from your sin. Your sin is what condemns you to hell. God gave you a choice, accept his gift or not, but there are consequences. Your future in eternity looks as if it might be very warm.

Jeebus isn't going to save me from anything. Jeebus, if there really was one, has been dead for around 2 thousand years. Neither he nor your invisible aka non existant god has any authorization to hand out my choices.

There is no hell. There is no prize for being a compliant zombie...aka heaven.

There are consequences to every action. My consequences have nothing to do with your fantasy. You wasting your time with your delusion also has consequences. In your own small way you just keep the human race that much more lost and confused and misinformed. Congratulations for doing your part in keeping us all just a little bit dumber.
You being as dumb as you are is your own doing. Good luck fool.

Well ....I'll take any victory I can from you idiot zombies. Thanks!
You are not even smart enough to comprehend what the bible is telling you.

Sure he is. He's also smart enough to question it rather than believing authority just because it's authority. He has a brain and uses it.

You have a brain, too, but I've seen precious little sign of its use.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOadV_CPT_k&feature=related]David Bowie - God Only Knows - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwHP3U18Soc&feature=related]David Bowie - Modern Love ! - YouTube[/ame]
Jeebus isn't going to save me from anything. Jeebus, if there really was one, has been dead for around 2 thousand years. Neither he nor your invisible aka non existant god has any authorization to hand out my choices.

There is no hell. There is no prize for being a compliant zombie...aka heaven.

There are consequences to every action. My consequences have nothing to do with your fantasy. You wasting your time with your delusion also has consequences. In your own small way you just keep the human race that much more lost and confused and misinformed. Congratulations for doing your part in keeping us all just a little bit dumber.
You being as dumb as you are is your own doing. Good luck fool.

Well ....I'll take any victory I can from you idiot zombies. Thanks!

So you take it upon yourself to add words in American's post? He didn't call you a fool...you did that yourself! :lol: At least you're admitting it now.....
Immaculate Conception - Birthplace of Athena: From the forehead of her father Zeus. So I guess almost anything is possible.

No written accounts of him from age 12 until age 32. What happened to him and why weren't there any accounts (written or storytelling)? The Bible follows Moses throughout his entire life, which appeared to be a fairly long one with many more accomplishments than Jesus. Moses gave man the law. Jesus gave man the Catholic church, an abomination if ever there was one.

But it's the Son of God thing that bothers me most. In the beginning, God created ... man in his image. Or so Genesis reports. If that's true then wouldn't everyone be the children of God? And yes, that would include our enemies. And let's say mankind was wiped out in the Great Flood, then we are the children of Noah. And Noah was a child of God.

If Jesus died for everyone's sins, which is what Christians believe. Then why are they always so worried about committing them? Or rather getting caught committing them? As for that ascension into Heaven story. In Literature it's called Deus ex machina. In Star Trek, it was called a communicator - beam me up, Scotty.

Thomas Jefferson had more than a few choice quotes on the subject - here's one right on point.

And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.”

-Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823
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Well ....I'll take any victory I can from you idiot zombies. Thanks!

So you take it upon yourself to add words in American's post? He didn't call you a fool...you did that yourself! :lol: At least you're admitting it now.....

Huh? Are you really THAT stupid. Where did I add words?

Read his post again...#106....he said "Good luck, and i mean that"
When you responded...#107...it comes up as "Good Luck Fool"
So how did his words change between his post and yours?
So you take it upon yourself to add words in American's post? He didn't call you a fool...you did that yourself! :lol: At least you're admitting it now.....

Huh? Are you really THAT stupid. Where did I add words?

Read his post again...#106....he said "Good luck, and i mean that"
When you responded...#107...it comes up as "Good Luck Fool"
So how did his words change between his post and yours?

I'm surprised he didn't own up to the answer by now. If YOU had read carefully you would have seen he edited his reply. I just replied to his original post before the edit.

I don't EVER change what someone else said here. You don't know me that well but I assure you it has NEVER happened.

Now... back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Huh? Are you really THAT stupid. Where did I add words?

Read his post again...#106....he said "Good luck, and i mean that"
When you responded...#107...it comes up as "Good Luck Fool"
So how did his words change between his post and yours?

I'm surprised he didn't own up to the answer by now. If YOU had read carefully you would have seen he edited his reply. I just replied to his original post before the edit.

I don't EVER change what someone else said here. You don't know me that well but I assure you it has NEVER happened.

Now... back to our regularly scheduled programming...
I edited it for a reason. You reposting my original is low, but it comes from a low person.
Huh? Are you really THAT stupid. Where did I add words?

Read his post again...#106....he said "Good luck, and i mean that"
When you responded...#107...it comes up as "Good Luck Fool"
So how did his words change between his post and yours?

I'm surprised he didn't own up to the answer by now. If YOU had read carefully you would have seen he edited his reply. I just replied to his original post before the edit.

I don't EVER change what someone else said here. You don't know me that well but I assure you it has NEVER happened.

Now... back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Ah...i see now that he did edit it. So i apologize....
I usually pay no attention to edits, guess i better start :)
Read his post again...#106....he said "Good luck, and i mean that"
When you responded...#107...it comes up as "Good Luck Fool"
So how did his words change between his post and yours?

I'm surprised he didn't own up to the answer by now. If YOU had read carefully you would have seen he edited his reply. I just replied to his original post before the edit.

I don't EVER change what someone else said here. You don't know me that well but I assure you it has NEVER happened.

Now... back to our regularly scheduled programming...
I edited it for a reason. You reposting my original is low, but it comes from a low person.

Go Fuck yourself you lying asshole. I posted a reply to what was there at the time. I am under no obligation to do your editing for you. It was as you posted it. Don't like it? Don't put stupid shit you will regret up on the internet.

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