IYO, what's the most unbelievable thing about Jesus?

IYO, what's the most unbelievable thing about Jesus?

Hard to pick just one. Let's start with the immaculet conception son of a god thingy.

Dying for MY?? sins?? No...the dumb ass died cuz he pissed some people off. Funny how that works.

Thirdly... Coming back from the dead? Christians think people are REALLY stupid ...nuff said.

There maybe some NT evidence of that

According to the book of Luke, Jesus was serviced by a woman of questionable integrity in a righteous mans house. Also, Jesus condemned the Jewish judges and lawyers for burying their fathers because their fathers and forefathers killed the prophets of their time. Jesus also claimed the pharisees refused to teach the people the law and kept jews ignorant of God.

I have a hard time finding evidence of Jesus's accusations in the Old Testament. This tend to suggests that either the OT was changed or Jesus was providing false witness.
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I don't mean to be belligerent. Sorry if you think I am. It's just that if I see a question I can answer, or an odd assumption I can refute, I just get to the point.
But I am welcome to your beliefs as well, because you posted them in a pubic forum. So I am curious as to why you believe what you do, because, you said good behavior can get you into Heaven, "probably". Why take the risk? Because I believe the content of the Bible, I can't be belligerent enough in warning you, that if you believe in Heaven then you must believe in He that created Heaven. And He said without a shadow of a doubt, the exact opposite of what you believe. I don't want you to go to Hell thinking you got gypped, cause all in all you were a pretty good guy, when what you really need to hear is what Jesus said. "No one goes to the Father except through me". Your works have nothing to do with it. Jesus has everything to do with it. Salvation is a gift. Where your soul is at stake, I have to be belligerent. It's that important.

You see, I believe that what Jesus meant was to behave as he would as close as possible. Lord knows I fallen short, but for the last 20 years or so, I've been a pretty decent guy.
I know plenty of "born again" bastards who claim they were "saved". but are filling their bodies with drugs and booze to excess, cheating on their wives and cheating in business. By your definition, they're going to heaven and I'm not? Bullshit!
You can comfort yourself with your evangelical "born again" crap. I don't much care. You don't decide who qualifies for heaven. There is only one final judge.

Ernie, It's not my rule, not my definition. I just want you to know what the one final judge has to say on the matter. Yes, we are suppose to behave in the example Christ showed us. And we have ALL fallen short. That is the point. We can't do it on our own. We fall short of the requirements to enter Heaven.
The born again crap isn't there to comfort me. The one final judge said that. By His definition, you must be born again. It's not our place to judge who is decent enough to make it or not. At least, those born again bastards were smart enough to take the first step.

There are murderers in Heaven, that apparently, you would object to being there, based on your criteria of who should be admitted to Heaven and who should not. The difference between your criteria and God's is, God can see a man's heart. You are judging those "bastard's" actions. God will judge their hearts (and ours). No one partied more than Samson, and he got in!

King David had his friend killed so he could screw around with his friend's old lady. And yet David was "the apple of God's eye". Certainly not because of his works. But because David had a truly repentant heart. He hated what he had done so much that even tho God forgave him, David's sins were always "in his face". He couldn't even forgive himself.

Born again sets you on the highest level. You are reborn as a child of the Most High. To repent literally means to return to the highest level, as in pent-house. No one can work their way there.
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I don't mean to be belligerent. Sorry if you think I am. It's just that if I see a question I can answer, or an odd assumption I can refute, I just get to the point.
But I am welcome to your beliefs as well, because you posted them in a pubic forum. So I am curious as to why you believe what you do, because, you said good behavior can get you into Heaven, "probably". Why take the risk? Because I believe the content of the Bible, I can't be belligerent enough in warning you, that if you believe in Heaven then you must believe in He that created Heaven. And He said without a shadow of a doubt, the exact opposite of what you believe. I don't want you to go to Hell thinking you got gypped, cause all in all you were a pretty good guy, when what you really need to hear is what Jesus said. "No one goes to the Father except through me". Your works have nothing to do with it. Jesus has everything to do with it. Salvation is a gift. Where your soul is at stake, I have to be belligerent. It's that important.

You see, I believe that what Jesus meant was to behave as he would as close as possible. Lord knows I fallen short, but for the last 20 years or so, I've been a pretty decent guy.
I know plenty of "born again" bastards who claim they were "saved". but are filling their bodies with drugs and booze to excess, cheating on their wives and cheating in business. By your definition, they're going to heaven and I'm not? Bullshit!
You can comfort yourself with your evangelical "born again" crap. I don't much care. You don't decide who qualifies for heaven. There is only one final judge.

Ernie, It's not my rule, not my definition. I just want you to know what the one final judge has to say on the matter. Yes, we are suppose to behave in the example Christ showed us. And we have ALL fallen short. That is the point. We can't do it on our own. We fall short of the requirements to enter Heaven.
The born again crap isn't there to comfort me. The one final judge said that. By His definition, you must be born again. It's not our place to judge who is decent enough to make it or not. At least, those born again bastards were smart enough to take the first step.

There are murderers in Heaven, that apparently, you would object to being there, based on your criteria of who should be admitted to Heaven and who should not. The difference between your criteria and God's is, God can see a man's heart. You are judging those "bastard's" actions. God will judge their hearts (and ours). No one partied more than Samson, and he got in!

King David had his friend killed so he could screw around with his friend's old lady. And yet David was "the apple of God's eye". Certainly not because of his works. But because David had a truly repentant heart. He hated what he had done so much that even tho God forgave him, David's sins were always "in his face". He couldn't even forgive himself.

Born again sets you on the highest level. You are reborn as a child of the Most High. To repent literally means to return to the highest level, as in pent-house. No one can work their way there.
Ok see you on the other side, or not. I happen to think that you arrogantly telling me that I'm going to burn in hell, doesn't bode well for your chance to enter the pearly gates.
I do not believe in the miracles that were attributed to him. I think those were made up later on, to convince others of his authenticity, since the Jews always needed some "sign".

I feel that jesus was real, and he and the buddha were of the same essence. Any difference is a cultural difference, including interpretation.
You would be wrong, buddha was just a man, his bones are still here on earth.

And you think you know what "just a man" means, do you?
You see, I believe that what Jesus meant was to behave as he would as close as possible. Lord knows I fallen short, but for the last 20 years or so, I've been a pretty decent guy.
I know plenty of "born again" bastards who claim they were "saved". but are filling their bodies with drugs and booze to excess, cheating on their wives and cheating in business. By your definition, they're going to heaven and I'm not? Bullshit!
You can comfort yourself with your evangelical "born again" crap. I don't much care. You don't decide who qualifies for heaven. There is only one final judge.

Ernie, It's not my rule, not my definition. I just want you to know what the one final judge has to say on the matter. Yes, we are suppose to behave in the example Christ showed us. And we have ALL fallen short. That is the point. We can't do it on our own. We fall short of the requirements to enter Heaven.
The born again crap isn't there to comfort me. The one final judge said that. By His definition, you must be born again. It's not our place to judge who is decent enough to make it or not. At least, those born again bastards were smart enough to take the first step.

There are murderers in Heaven, that apparently, you would object to being there, based on your criteria of who should be admitted to Heaven and who should not. The difference between your criteria and God's is, God can see a man's heart. You are judging those "bastard's" actions. God will judge their hearts (and ours). No one partied more than Samson, and he got in!

King David had his friend killed so he could screw around with his friend's old lady. And yet David was "the apple of God's eye". Certainly not because of his works. But because David had a truly repentant heart. He hated what he had done so much that even tho God forgave him, David's sins were always "in his face". He couldn't even forgive himself.

Born again sets you on the highest level. You are reborn as a child of the Most High. To repent literally means to return to the highest level, as in pent-house. No one can work their way there.
Ok see you on the other side, or not. I happen to think that you arrogantly telling me that I'm going to burn in hell, doesn't bode well for your chance to enter the pearly gates.
No, he is telling you you have a choice, believe in Christ and be saved or don't believe in Christ and not be saved, Simple.
Ernie, It's not my rule, not my definition. I just want you to know what the one final judge has to say on the matter. Yes, we are suppose to behave in the example Christ showed us. And we have ALL fallen short. That is the point. We can't do it on our own. We fall short of the requirements to enter Heaven.
The born again crap isn't there to comfort me. The one final judge said that. By His definition, you must be born again. It's not our place to judge who is decent enough to make it or not. At least, those born again bastards were smart enough to take the first step.

There are murderers in Heaven, that apparently, you would object to being there, based on your criteria of who should be admitted to Heaven and who should not. The difference between your criteria and God's is, God can see a man's heart. You are judging those "bastard's" actions. God will judge their hearts (and ours). No one partied more than Samson, and he got in!

King David had his friend killed so he could screw around with his friend's old lady. And yet David was "the apple of God's eye". Certainly not because of his works. But because David had a truly repentant heart. He hated what he had done so much that even tho God forgave him, David's sins were always "in his face". He couldn't even forgive himself.

Born again sets you on the highest level. You are reborn as a child of the Most High. To repent literally means to return to the highest level, as in pent-house. No one can work their way there.
Ok see you on the other side, or not. I happen to think that you arrogantly telling me that I'm going to burn in hell, doesn't bode well for your chance to enter the pearly gates.
No, he is telling you you have a choice, believe in Christ and be saved or don't believe in Christ and not be saved, Simple.

No, Ernie, I am arrogantly telling you what the person that created the Heaven, that you DO seem to believe in, said regarding how to go there.
The Bible says not to add or take away from His word. You seem to have taken excerpts that you like, ignored what you prefer to ignore and replaced what you have thrown out with the way you think it should be.
You are my brother. You can not get there by works. That isn't being arrogant. It's being candid.

American, lol. My ancestor's had paddle wheel boats that delivered sugar from Ohio to the Mississippi. One was called "The Irish Ram". That's what my daddy called me, his spoiled little girl, cause it sorta captured the essence.........
He thought it suited me better than the Irish Lamb. ;)
TWO eclipses? Do they happen that close together?

Sometimes. There was an eclipse in 29 CE and another in 33 CE.

NASA - Solar Eclipses of History

And how many eclipse's last 3 hours?? I believe God darkened the earth for this time, but not that it was an eclipse...just doesn't make sense to me.....

That is because you are thinking about it the wrong way. If there was an eclipse, and heavy clouds moved in during the eclipse, that would have been impressive. If it just went dark, not so much.
IYO, what's the most unbelievable thing about Jesus?

Hard to pick just one. Let's start with the immaculet conception son of a god thingy.

Dying for MY?? sins?? No...the dumb ass died cuz he pissed some people off. Funny how that works.

Thirdly... Coming back from the dead? Christians think people are REALLY stupid ...nuff said.
Christians don't think people are stupid, we just think people are ignorant. Just look in a mirror.
Ok see you on the other side, or not. I happen to think that you arrogantly telling me that I'm going to burn in hell, doesn't bode well for your chance to enter the pearly gates.
No, he is telling you you have a choice, believe in Christ and be saved or don't believe in Christ and not be saved, Simple.

No, Ernie, I am arrogantly telling you what the person that created the Heaven, that you DO seem to believe in, said regarding how to go there.
The Bible says not to add or take away from His word. You seem to have taken excerpts that you like, ignored what you prefer to ignore and replaced what you have thrown out with the way you think it should be.
You are my brother. You can not get there by works. That isn't being arrogant. It's being candid.

American, lol. My ancestor's had paddle wheel boats that delivered sugar from Ohio to the Mississippi. One was called "The Irish Ram". That's what my daddy called me, his spoiled little girl, cause it sorta captured the essence.........
He thought it suited me better than the Irish Lamb. ;)
Cool though, I like it. Sounds like it has a lot of history. God Bless.
Ernie, It's not my rule, not my definition. I just want you to know what the one final judge has to say on the matter. Yes, we are suppose to behave in the example Christ showed us. And we have ALL fallen short. That is the point. We can't do it on our own. We fall short of the requirements to enter Heaven.
The born again crap isn't there to comfort me. The one final judge said that. By His definition, you must be born again. It's not our place to judge who is decent enough to make it or not. At least, those born again bastards were smart enough to take the first step.

There are murderers in Heaven, that apparently, you would object to being there, based on your criteria of who should be admitted to Heaven and who should not. The difference between your criteria and God's is, God can see a man's heart. You are judging those "bastard's" actions. God will judge their hearts (and ours). No one partied more than Samson, and he got in!

King David had his friend killed so he could screw around with his friend's old lady. And yet David was "the apple of God's eye". Certainly not because of his works. But because David had a truly repentant heart. He hated what he had done so much that even tho God forgave him, David's sins were always "in his face". He couldn't even forgive himself.

Born again sets you on the highest level. You are reborn as a child of the Most High. To repent literally means to return to the highest level, as in pent-house. No one can work their way there.
Ok see you on the other side, or not. I happen to think that you arrogantly telling me that I'm going to burn in hell, doesn't bode well for your chance to enter the pearly gates.
No, he is telling you you have a choice, believe in Christ and be saved or don't believe in Christ and not be saved, Simple.

Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.
Ok see you on the other side, or not. I happen to think that you arrogantly telling me that I'm going to burn in hell, doesn't bode well for your chance to enter the pearly gates.
No, he is telling you you have a choice, believe in Christ and be saved or don't believe in Christ and not be saved, Simple.

Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.

Eternal Damnation.
You don't have to snitch yourself out. God knows your every move. He never takes his eyes off of you.
You are forgiven of your sins, 1. if you ask to be forgiven and 2. that you sincerely regret what you did and you turn away from that sin. There is nothing convenient about it.
If you kill someone and say, oops, sorry God, forgive me, and then kill someone else, and say, oops God, sorry, and then you go aout and do it again, you are not repentant and God doesn't buy the oops, sorry part. He doesn't have to. He can see your heart.
The Bible teaches us that our fellow man is our brother/sister and we are requested to treat them the way we would want them to treat us. It's a golden rule.

Why does it make you defensive?
No, he is telling you you have a choice, believe in Christ and be saved or don't believe in Christ and not be saved, Simple.

Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.

Eternal Damnation.
You don't have to snitch yourself out. God knows your every move. He never takes his eyes off of you.
You are forgiven of your sins, 1. if you ask to be forgiven and 2. that you sincerely regret what you did and you turn away from that sin. There is nothing convenient about it.
If you kill someone and say, oops, sorry God, forgive me, and then kill someone else, and say, oops God, sorry, and then you go aout and do it again, you are not repentant and God doesn't buy the oops, sorry part. He doesn't have to. He can see your heart.
The Bible teaches us that our fellow man is our brother/sister and we are requested to treat them the way we would want them to treat us. It's a golden rule.

Why does it make you defensive?

So your god is a stalker? He sounds creepy. If I catch the bitch snooping around my business I'll stick the punk.
Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.

Eternal Damnation.
You don't have to snitch yourself out. God knows your every move. He never takes his eyes off of you.
You are forgiven of your sins, 1. if you ask to be forgiven and 2. that you sincerely regret what you did and you turn away from that sin. There is nothing convenient about it.
If you kill someone and say, oops, sorry God, forgive me, and then kill someone else, and say, oops God, sorry, and then you go aout and do it again, you are not repentant and God doesn't buy the oops, sorry part. He doesn't have to. He can see your heart.
The Bible teaches us that our fellow man is our brother/sister and we are requested to treat them the way we would want them to treat us. It's a golden rule.

Why does it make you defensive?

So your god is a stalker? He sounds creepy. If I catch the bitch snooping around my business I'll stick the punk.

He's you dad. He worries about you. Stick him all you want. You can't hurt Him. He's bigger than your knife. :)
Eternal Damnation.
You don't have to snitch yourself out. God knows your every move. He never takes his eyes off of you.
You are forgiven of your sins, 1. if you ask to be forgiven and 2. that you sincerely regret what you did and you turn away from that sin. There is nothing convenient about it.
If you kill someone and say, oops, sorry God, forgive me, and then kill someone else, and say, oops God, sorry, and then you go aout and do it again, you are not repentant and God doesn't buy the oops, sorry part. He doesn't have to. He can see your heart.
The Bible teaches us that our fellow man is our brother/sister and we are requested to treat them the way we would want them to treat us. It's a golden rule.

Why does it make you defensive?

So your god is a stalker? He sounds creepy. If I catch the bitch snooping around my business I'll stick the punk.

He's you dad. He worries about you. Stick him all you want. You can't hurt Him. He's bigger than your knife. :)

UMMMMmm... I don't think so. I know who my "dad" is/was. He is dead. He was a better man than your god. He wasn't a pathetic sick snoop or a control freak. If there really was a god I'd tell him to mind his own damn business. And quit staring at me when I'm in the shower or having sex. That's just wrong.

You don't think that is a tad paranoid? ...Thinking there is some omnipotent being out there watching you 24/7?

You really are some crazy motherfuckers.
No it's not creepy. He is there in case you need him. You are so important that He wants to make sure your needs are met. Sorry you lost your Dad.
No it's not creepy. He is there in case you need him. You are so important that He wants to make sure your needs are met. Sorry you lost your Dad.

Yes...It IS creepy. Why on earth would I need your god in the shower or when I'm having sex? If your god is so damn usefull why didn't he replace my broken waterpump on my El Dorado. No..he was nowhere to be seen. A bolt was broken right down by the inside of the fender. It took me three days of carefull drilling and grinding to replace the bolt. After I got it drilled out the "easy out" I put in there to take out the remaider of the bolt snapped in two and it took an extra 8 hours to remove that super hard tool before I could dremel the rest of the bolt out and finish the waterpump R and R.

Nope...your snoopy god is one uselss motherfucker. I didn't "need" to smash my knuckles about a dozen times on that waterpump repair.
No it's not creepy. He is there in case you need him. You are so important that He wants to make sure your needs are met. Sorry you lost your Dad.

Yes...It IS creepy. Why on earth would I need your god in the shower or when I'm having sex? If your god is so damn usefull why didn't he replace my broken waterpump on my El Dorado. No..he was nowhere to be seen. A bolt was broken right down by the inside of the fender. It took me three days of carefull drilling and grinding to replace the bolt. After I got it drilled out the "easy out" I put in there to take out the remaider of the bolt snapped in two and it took an extra 8 hours to remove that super hard tool before I could dremel the rest of the bolt out and finish the waterpump R and R.

Nope...your snoopy god is one uselss motherfucker. I didn't "need" to smash my knuckles about a dozen times on that waterpump repair.

Yeah, the nerve of the Creator of the universe not fixing your car for you. .......
Ok see you on the other side, or not. I happen to think that you arrogantly telling me that I'm going to burn in hell, doesn't bode well for your chance to enter the pearly gates.
No, he is telling you you have a choice, believe in Christ and be saved or don't believe in Christ and not be saved, Simple.

Saved from WHAT exactly? Hey I have another one. The big lie..the big confession. If you snitch yourself out to god/jeebus you will be forgiven. How convenient. That means you don't have to be responsible in this life to your fellow man. What a beautiful scam to keep you loyal to this fraud. Ya that's the ticket..tell me and I'll keep all your dirty little secrets safe. You people are so way beyond pathetic. Ya..get it off your chest...don't miss the basket on the way out suckers.
No, you are pathetic. You are not even smart enough to comprehend what the bible is telling you. Jesus saves you from your sin. Your sin is what condemns you to hell. God gave you a choice, accept his gift or not, but there are consequences. Your future in eternity looks as if it might be very warm.

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