J&J: “Children don’t need the f*ckin vaccine”...”unknown repercussions”


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Project Veritas drops video! J&J execs caught admitting children don’t need a vaccine, there will be unknown repercussions for them.

Also, unvaccinated can be treated as “second class citizens”.

How you lefties like shilling for these Corporate whores?

Justin Durrant, Johnson & Johnson Scientist: “Don’t get the Johnson & Johnson [COVID vaccine], I didn’t tell you though.”

Junk pseudoscience.

I understand why many religiously faithful folks who believe that life is very precious are morally opposed to current COVID vaccines because big pharma used aborted fetuses/murdered babies during it's development. I disagree with them but understand their viewpoint.

However, lMO, like his cohort Al Gore, RFK Jr. is a piece of shit scumbag who spews junk pseudoscience disinformational bullshit to enrich himself.

He's a scumbag trial lawyer who made a shitload of money by spreading totally debunked rumor that the MMR vaccine caused kids to get autism.

It was based on a fake study using fabricated data by Andrew Wakefield that somehow initially escaped any sort of peer-review process and was published in the Lancet, but was later retracted.

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Um right.

J&J workers refusing their own products, naturally.

Leftists here will be silent about it, of course, and will still agitate for everyone to get their 3rd booster in 8 months.

Line up. I'm sure those shots are great for you.
Project Veritas drops video! J&J execs caught admitting children don’t need a vaccine, there will be unknown repercussions for them.

Also, unvaccinated can be treated as “second class citizens”.

How you lefties like shilling for these Corporate whores?

This is completely evil.
This vaccine is just like Obamacare was. Democrats admit it's more about controlling the American people than about any perceived benefit. That's why Democrats don't really care about the side affects or long term problems. All they care about is being able to totally control the people for their own greedy, self centered purposes.

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