Jack Smith could face indictment

I count three indictments with more to come. Is this your definition of failure?

Life's a bitch, magaturd. Better get a helmet.

I count years of trying to bring Trump down and failing every time. So now the DOJ is attacking, and violating EVERY Americans rights in the process.

You are so fucking stupid that you think the DOJ is going to win. They aren't. All they are doing is ensuring a real civil war in the very near future.

The half of Americans who voted for Trump have figured out that they are next if Trump goes down.

You think 80 million armed people are going to let themselves be marched off to the "reeducation" camps?

You're insane.
Keep believing that. Since Trump has been around it's nothing but chaos.

Yeah, because he dismantled decades of globalists work in three years. That's why they are so desperate to get rid of him.

When these corrupt DOJ indictments are disposed of they will then try to murder him because that will be their only option.

Just make sure you live in a big city.
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
I highly suggest you look up the definition of "hear-say evidence", the direct testimony of a witness declaring specifically what was said to them is not hearsay. But then again, who am I fooling, you got your head so far up Trump's ass that you can taste his nasty ass Big Mac based shit.
That absolutely IS hearsay and generally inadmissable in a court of law. Derp!


The Left went ape shit knowing that someone that wasn't a political hack but a true representative of the people was elected to the highest position in the land.

They had to resist at all costs.
He represents the idle minded.
Keep believing that. Since Trump has been around it's nothing but chaos.

Yeah, we know.

About time you took responsibility for your own behavior huh?

I mean, no one TOLD you to light your hair on fire.

Or smear him as being a Russian asset when he wasn't.

Or pretend the Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo.

Or obsess over him morning, noon and night.

You get the idea.

Well...probably not.

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