Jack Smith could face indictment

Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
There are a whole lotta people who need to be indicted for abuse of power for political purposes, going all the way back to 2016 before Trump even took office. Jack Smith is but one of over a hundred.
If I do, will you read it?

Will you read it.

Read the indictment, will you read it?

Read the indictment, will you read it?

Read the indictment, will you read it?

I'll have to.

To find out what's in it.

Oh wait, that's Democrats when they pass once in a generation insurance boondoggles.

My bad.
Does this feigned Yoda shit ever get you laid?

Cuz, personally, I see right through it.
It would be better if we just stayed on topic and stopped beating around the bush. I give direct answers to questions. But I can’t control others
Yes that’s the guy I’m talking about but I wouldn’t call him a scum bag. So do you have any evidence that he is partisan?
He's charged Trump with falsely claiming every thing was turned over to the gvt.

Then falsely claimed he turned everything over to Trump's attorney.

HIs prosecution of a Republican governor - overturned unanimously by the Supreme Court.

I think the 100% political indictment of his boss' Political opponent this week conclusively answers the question of his partisanship.
It would be better if we just stayed on topic and stopped beating around the bush. I give direct answers to questions. But I can’t control others

Well he did indict Republican Bob McDonnell for receiving illegal gifts as Governor of VA - after being recruited by the Obama DOJ and working for Robert Mueller.

He then had that case laughingly thrown out of the Supreme Court in a UNANIMIOUS decision.

He also assisted Lois Lerner of the Obama IRS with targeting Tea Party groups.

So partisan? Probably.

Useless, hopeless and will fail again?

Most definitely. ;)
If I do, will you read it?

Will you read it.

Read the indictment, will you read it?

Read the indictment, will you read it?

Read the indictment, will you read it?
The information does not compute if it has to be read. It can only be absorbed by being told things by "experts"
What if a court ultimately rules that Donald Trump had a right under the First Amendment to make his Jan. 6 speech?

I caught most of the speech live, and I cannot honestly imagine how anyone could think otherwise that he couldn't give the talk he did, especially considering some of the outrageous, inflammatory things some of the democrats have said (like Schumer threatening the supreme court for changing RvW).

Not that I'm banking on Trump winning next year; I realize that once again, the government has criminally stepped in and are putting their thumb on the scale every way they can to as much affect/influence the outcome of this election as they humanly can. But Trump will almost certainly be the GOP nominee.

And Trump is far from out of it, despite the best efforts of every leftist fascist goon and the BILLIONS and BILLIONS it has cost them trying to rinse Donald out of their hair!
Donald Trump is his own worst enemy. Most of the evidence against him is from his own big mouth! He broke the law! Several times!

You cannot grab women in the pussy! You cannot rape women! You cannot hold onto current Iranian battle plans as an ex-President! You cannot incite an insurrection! You cannot obstruct a lawful Constitutional procedure by Congress! You cannot defraud the United States with fake electors in Georgia!

This fuckers' goose is cooked and he will spend the rest of his lying life in a federal prison!
Too bad Trump hasn't been found guilty of any of those things, Billo! What you can't seem to grasp is the difference between accusations by someone's enemies and proven fact. You can call what happened "an insurrection" but that doesn't make it one! This has never been about "guilt" it's about kneecapping someone's administration and forcing them to spend time in court instead of campaigning.
This has never been about "guilt" it's about kneecapping someone's administration and forcing them to spend time in court instead of campaigning.

And what Lefties fail to comprehend is this:

Trump's time in court will become his de facto campaign.

With each new kangaroo indictment, they only put another nail in the coffin of their own electoral prospects.

Couldn't happen to a more insidious buncha evil commie clowns.
I doubt it. But keep dreaming.
Kinda like you dreaming of having an attached garage Jack?

Trump has to win first.
Famous last words of 2016.

I'd say, there is about a 0.0% chance of that happening.
So you are mathematically challenged as well. Jack, if Trump runs, which he is, he CANNOT have a 0.0% chance of winning. You're an idiot.

Even a dead dog would have better odds than 0 you moron.
He's charged Trump with falsely claiming every thing was turned over to the gvt.

Then falsely claimed he turned everything over to Trump's attorney.

HIs prosecution of a Republican governor - overturned unanimously by the Supreme Court.

I think the 100% political indictment of his boss' Political opponent this week conclusively answers the question of his partisanship.
Haha, not even close. Making an error and then fixing that error is very different than intentionally lying and hiding an obstructing. And him going after a Republican does not make him a partisan. That’s his job

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