Jack Smith Files Motion to Stop Trump from Raising New J6 Defense Evidence in January 6 Case

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Every attorney, law professor, and legal professional group should be standing as one to denounce this unconstitutional prosecution/persecution. They should be filing amicus briefs decrying Smith's tactics. The more extreme Smith gets the easier the appeal will be.

Every attorney, law professor, and legal professional group should be standing as one to denounce this unconstitutional prosecution/persecution. They should be filing amicus briefs decrying Smith's tactics. The more extreme Smith gets the easier the appeal will be.

I do not like Jack Smith, and there is no basis for suppressing anything unless if harms someone.
Learning what the government preparations were for Jan 6 is vital.
For example, we need to know if it had been planned to let the protestors in, if the shooting of Ashlie was planned, why the machinegun toting police only came up after the shot was fired by Bryn, etc.
Every attorney, law professor, and legal professional group should be standing as one to denounce this unconstitutional prosecution/persecution. They should be filing amicus briefs decrying Smith's tactics. The more extreme Smith gets the easier the appeal will be.

Quote of the month:

“Smith wants to preclude the jury from hearing evidence about Jan 6 in his Jan 6 case”

A B-17 kindly took care of Roland Fleischer in that very courtroom.
Stupid people. aka; dimocrap scum, just don't realize how incredibly and totally and completely socialist the Third Reich really was.

"The Peoples Court"?? It is just present day socialists (dimocrap FILTH) trying to hide from their socialist past. Hitler was totally, completely and absolutely a socialist. A "National'' socialist, to be sure, but a socialist nonetheless.

And guess what? I don't say this lightly because, unlike dimocrap scum, I know what I'm talking about -- So is the dimocrap party.

Except they aren't nationalists, they are International socialists, the more common variety. National and International socialist scum don't get along well with each other. Akshally, neither of them get along with anybody else. Or any other living things.

Both should be eradicated on sight. Without warning. And without mercy.
Here's the thing: This case is going to be heard in Washington, D.C. If it ever gets to trial (which is not a given), Trump will be convicted in the trial court. The presentation of evidence will be irrelevant.

The question is, will Trump's team be able to present evidence of the mountain of indications that the election results were compromised in at least five key states, which was the reason for the riots? Presentation of that evidence could take the same form as the infamous J6 Committee hearings, with new "revelations" every day - if only the non-Fox Media would cover it.

It could be very entertaining.
How is the agency preparation for January 6th at all relevant to Trump’s defense?
Every attorney, law professor, and legal professional group should be standing as one to denounce this unconstitutional prosecution/persecution. They should be filing amicus briefs decrying Smith's tactics. The more extreme Smith gets the easier the appeal will be.

What a fascist moron. He can’t dictate what the defense tries to use as a defense.
Every attorney, law professor, and legal professional group should be standing as one to denounce this unconstitutional prosecution/persecution. They should be filing amicus briefs decrying Smith's tactics. The more extreme Smith gets the easier the appeal will be.

Kind of funny, isn't it? Bring a politically motivated case against Trump and then try to stop Trump from claiming it is a politically motivated case.
It’s actually up to the judge.

You forgot that I’m smarter than you.
No, it actually isn’t. A judge can shut down certain avenues, but by presenting them to the court his team has grounds for dismissal on appeal.

Certainly Jerk Smith has no say in Trump’s defense strategy, Simp.

You aren’t in my same league on intelligence, window Licker. A bag of hair has a higher IQ than you do.

Here is the comment that came with that image:
Roland Freisler (1893 - 1945) was a prominent and notorious Nazi German judge. He became State Secretary of Adolf Hitler's Reich Ministry of Justice and President of the Volksgerichtshof (People's Court) which was set up outside constitutional authority. This court handled political actions against Hitler's dictatorial regime by conducting a series of show trials
It’s actually up to the judge.

You forgot that I’m smarter than you.

Judges do not have the authority to deprive any defendant of their means of defense.
They can ignore the strategy, but they can only block it if it was harmful to others, such as extortion, revealed classified info, etc.
How is the agency preparation for January 6th at all relevant to Trump’s defense?

If the government agencies knew about and prepared for the Jan 6 events, then it implies they were instigated by agent provocateurs.
Stupid people. aka; dimocrap scum, just don't realize how incredibly and totally and completely socialist the Third Reich really was.

"The Peoples Court"?? It is just present day socialists (dimocrap FILTH) trying to hide from their socialist past. Hitler was totally, completely and absolutely a socialist. A "National'' socialist, to be sure, but a socialist nonetheless.

And guess what? I don't say this lightly because, unlike dimocrap scum, I know what I'm talking about -- So is the dimocrap party.

Except they aren't nationalists, they are International socialists, the more common variety. National and International socialist scum don't get along well with each other. Akshally, neither of them get along with anybody else. Or any other living things.

Both should be eradicated on sight. Without warning. And without mercy.

Absolutely backwards.
Socialism is where the people decide to do things collectively, communally, etc.
There was a strong union and socialist movement in Germany in the 20s, and Hitler had them all killed or imprisoned.
National Socialism was extremely ANTI-socialist.
What Hitler really was came from Fascism, which is an oligarchy of the wealthy elite, the military, and corporations (used to be priesthood in ancient Rome).
And Fascism it the extreme centralized opposite of socialism, which is populist.

When you analyze the "people's court" of Roland Freisler, it was a total dictatorship of the wealthy elite, and the population has no input at all.
No, it actually isn’t. A judge can shut down certain avenues, but by presenting them to the court his team has grounds for dismissal on appeal.

Certainly Jerk Smith has no say in Trump’s defense strategy, Simp.

You aren’t in my same league on intelligence, window Licker. A bag of hair has a higher IQ than you do.
Smith never said he had any say in Trump’s defense. Neither did I. Smith is providing an argument to the judge who will decide.

Exactly as I said. Apparently youre commenting in threads where you have no idea what’s going on.

When you said their defense was up to Trump’s attorneys, you were wrong.
Im right. And much smarter than you.
Smith never said he had any say in Trump’s defense. Neither did I. Smith is providing an argument to the judge who will decide.

Exactly as I said. Apparently youre commenting in threads where you have no idea what’s going on.

When you said their defense was up to Trump’s attorneys, you were wrong.
Im right. And much smarter than you.
Yea, he did…..Moroner.

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