Jack the ripper case solved

It is interesting, the most notorious killer in history was a Jew.
Watch the denials come forward.

I believe Genghis Khan has him beat by a mile...If Muslims didn't do the suicide bombing thing, they could increase their count, but self exploding oneself does seem to defeat the purpose of a good body count...
Daily Mail is so entertaining...



Unfortunately it's a sausage fest there...
Ok I found a reference to the apron. It was believed to have been worn by the victim Catherine Eddowes. It was found on the ground a ways away from the body laying in the ground under the now famous chalk writings that the Ripper left on a brick wall that said: "The Jews are the men who will not be blamed for nothing." The police at the time believed that he used the apron to wipe his hands
It is interesting, the most notorious killer in history was a Jew.
Watch the denials come forward.
It is so implausible that a Jew has baffled criminologists for so long?

Seriously, you Jew haters, get a grip.

If Kominski is guilty it's because he was a paranoid schizophrenic, and a sociopath, not a Jew. Mental illness is an equal opportunity employer. It does not discriminate. There are sociopaths that are white, brown, black, etc., etc., etc.

This is a disease of the brain, not skin color.

Ted Bundy killed far more women, and he was white and not a Jew.

You people jumping on the race aspect of this are telling far more about yourselves than about any Jew, alive today.

Get a grip!
Lemme guess, Obama said it was Boosh. Amirite?

He was a White-Polish Man...that's enough to convict him these days....

But seriously, very interesting development. I'm glad to see Price Albert Victor cleared.
Lemme guess, Obama said it was Boosh. Amirite?

He was a White-Polish Man...that's enough to convict him these days....

But seriously, very interesting development. I'm glad to see Price Albert Victor cleared.

He was never a legitimate suspect. None of the police at the time suspected him. The idea that he might have been the Ripper started around the 1970s.
If you want to read about the most prolific and the most heinous Serial Killer the USA has ever seen you need to read about H.H. Holmes. The best book to read about him is a book called "The Devil in the White City". Fascinating story and the Sutherland juxtaposes his crimes with the Chicago Worlds Fair from 1892 at the same time in the same city.

He built a hotel in Chicago at the time of the fair that later became known as the Murder Castle.
It is interesting, the most notorious killer in history was a Jew.
Watch the denials come forward.

I believe Genghis Khan has him beat by a mile...If Muslims didn't do the suicide bombing thing, they could increase their count, but self exploding oneself does seem to defeat the purpose of a good body count...
Give it time, the killings aren't done yet.
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I was skeptical that they had solved the murder until I read the entire article and the other evidence against Kominski and I think it's possible they have solved it. Unbelievable, 126 years after the crimes, it might have actually been solved.
If true then yes it's compelling but I have to agree with Againsheila, It only proves Kominski is the likely killer and/or one of her johns. After all she was a prostitute and they didn't wash cloths back in the day after one wearing. Monday I believe was the traditional wash day and only clothes needing it I.E. very dirty or smelly would have made the bucket. Judging from the pictures,aside from the one seamen stain and blood splatter I don't even see, it looks like it was clean.
It is interesting, the most notorious killer in history was a Jew.
Watch the denials come forward.
He is notorious because it was a long time mystery. He's not anywhere near as evil as a lot of other killers. Trying to make this out as a racial or religious or ethnic thing is moronic.

I didn't say it was; just the extremist Jewish element would deny the story because a Jew seems to have committed these crimes.
Have they? No they haven't. Your hatred has unhinged you.

Tenses, dear chap, tenses.
It is interesting, the most notorious killer in history was a Jew.
Watch the denials come forward.
He is notorious because it was a long time mystery. He's not anywhere near as evil as a lot of other killers. Trying to make this out as a racial or religious or ethnic thing is moronic.

I didn't say it was; just the extremist Jewish element would deny the story because a Jew seems to have committed these crimes.
Have they? No they haven't. Your hatred has unhinged you.

Tenses, dear chap, tenses.

The world has known that Aaron Kominski has been the prime suspect since the lead investigator wrote his memoirs in about 1910.

Tenses my ass, you are just unhinged by your hate.
It is interesting, the most notorious killer in history was a Jew.
Watch the denials come forward.
I thought Mooohammad was mooslim not jewish. Who knew?:dunno:

David, the Jewish rapist, was a bit of a bastard.
Who did David rape? One thing for sure, he didn't rape 9 year old girls.

Bathsheba was painted as a willing partner, but history is written by the victors.
In fact, it was actually rape.
This suggestion is upheld by the lady's mother telling David he was a pervert.
David sent Tamar to be raped by her brother - a crime in civilised countries
It should also be noted, David had close relations with Saul's two children.
One being a boy didn't put perverted David off a quick shag.
Even after the lass had betrayed her father to let David escape, he repaid her by talking two more wives.
Nice chap, but he gets worse.
When David finally got rid of king Saul, he demanded his wife back, even though she was remarried. She was dragged from her husband and forced to join David the rapist's other wives.
All future sex with her was rape.
This rape, along with dancing, genitals out, in the street, means he was nothing more than a pervert with power.
It is interesting, the most notorious killer in history was a Jew.
Watch the denials come forward.
I thought Mooohammad was mooslim not jewish. Who knew?:dunno:

David, the Jewish rapist, was a bit of a bastard.
Who did David rape? One thing for sure, he didn't rape 9 year old girls.

Bathsheba was painted as a willing partner, but history is written by the victors.
In fact, it was actually rape.
This suggestion is upheld by the lady's mother telling David he was a pervert.
David sent Tamar to be raped by her brother - a crime in civilised countries
It should also be noted, David had close relations with Saul's two children.
One being a boy didn't put perverted David off a quick shag.
Even after the lass had betrayed her father to let David escape, he repaid her by talking two more wives.
Nice chap, but he gets worse.
When David finally got rid of king Saul, he demanded his wife back, even though she was remarried. She was dragged from her husband and forced to join David the rapist's other wives.
All future sex with her was rape.
This rape, along with dancing, genitals out, in the street, means he was nothing more than a pervert with power.
Where do I start. ROLMFAO!

1. prove Bathsheba wasn't a willing participant? Please give me the scripture number of where Bathsheba's mother calls him a pervert I must have missed that one.

2.2 Samuel 13 tells the story of Tamar's rape. David did not send Tamar to be raped, he sent Tamar to care for what he thought was her sick brother at the brothers request.

3.Jonathan was David's bff and he did marry his sister. There is no record of any sex between David and Jonathan or Michal.

4. David didn't "get rid of Saul" Saul killed himself in battle with the Philistines. 1 Samuel:31

4 Then said Saul unto his armourbearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and abuse me. But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword, and fell upon it.

David wasn't naked dumbass

2 Samuel 6:
14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.

While I admit David taking away Michal from her second husband was mean and unnecessary, He was still legally married to her and he did kill to get her.
1 Samuel 18:27
Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king, that he might be the king's son in law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.
As far as raping her, the bible implies that she despised him and told him as much and that he never had relations with her again.

20 Then David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!

21 And David said unto Michal, It was before the Lord, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel: therefore will I play before the Lord.

22 And I will yet be more vile than thus, and will be base in mine own sight: and of the maidservants which thou hast spoken of, of them shall I be had in honour.

23 Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death.

David was by no means an angel. He was a murderer(Uriah the Hittite) ,adulterer,and had many wives as was customary of a king at that time but he didn't dance naked or rape anyone. All you've said is BS. You might want to crack an OT next time.
It is interesting, the most notorious killer in history was a Jew.
Watch the denials come forward.

So Jack the Ripper was a Jew. And an immigrant who became violent and then a burden to tax payers, oh how times never change.


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