Jack-the-Ripper: Internet Mail-Order-Bride Diarist


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism lifestyle parable inspired by Jack-the-Ripper folklore and the film American Psycho.



INTERVIEWER: Why do you think you're Jack the Ripper?
JACK: I identify with his suicidal rage over the mismanagement of modern cities (e.g., London).
INTERVIEWER: You're merely a fanatical American Internet-blogger!
JACK: Not true; I really believe in what I'm saying --- I have the passion...
INTERVIEWER: What is your purpose, Jack?
JACK: I intend to frighten humanity for being arrogant about Internet mail-order-brides.
INTERVIEWER: Are you some kind of 'Internet defender' or networking-oriented crusader?
JACK: I endorse Microsoft, Netscape, Apple, Dell, and even Samsung smartphones.
INTERVIEWER: You believe Internet mail-order-brides are disrespected/engendered?
JACK: There's little monitoring of traffic and wish-fulfilment oriented immigration today.
INTERVIEWER: Are you therefore a 'critic' of TrumpUSA?
JACK: I worry that a celebrity-president is receiving such strange sexual harassment allegations.
INTERVIEWER: That's just the malignancy of the modern age, paparazzi, etc.
JACK: Untrue. It's a sign that people have lost a fundamental idealism towards network-tech.
INTERVIEWER: Internet mail-order-brides can be gold-diggers just as Wall Street sharks are!
JACK: Not true; Internet mail-order-brides are trying to capitalize on modern conveniences for life.
INTERVIEWER: So marriage is the key to happiness in life?
JACK: It's better than prostitution...

After this strange interview a 'radical' Internet-blogger named simply 'Jack' gave to another Internet reader in a private chat-room, a strange news report surfaced that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was being stalked by a mysterious madman who left a voice-scrambled message on his answering machine --- "You give people brain-candy but don't warn them about pedestrian addiction to consumerism conveniences, Mark. I will hunt you until you make amends!" Jack's interviewer had the eerie suspicion that the enigmatic/elusive 'Jack' (the radical Internet-blogger he just interviewed) was somehow and in some way involved. Jack's interviewer went to the police and told him his suspicion, and the police told him they'd investigate appropriately. Two weeks later, a man who was registered as a seeker on an Internet mail-order-bride registry/website turned up dead (apparently having committed suicide by cutting his wrists!).

GOD: Do you think Jack is connected to this mail-order-bride seeker's apparent suicide?
SATAN: That was no suicide; Jack cut the man's wrists and forged a crude suicide-note.
GOD: Are you suggesting that this eccentric blogger 'Jack' is some kind of rogue-vigilante?
SATAN: I'm not merely suggesting it; I think this fellow 'Jack' is Jack the Ripper reborn.
GOD: Are you mad? Why would you say such a thing?
SATAN: This 'Jack' wrote once on the Internet --- "I'm in search of the perfect 'Internet angel'!"
GOD: So? That doesn't mean much...just sounds like random Internet-blogging sentimentalism.
SATAN: No, no. I think his little message implies he's on a 'quest' to 'honor' the Bride of Frankenstein.
GOD: Now, you really are sounding like a foolish and rebellious angel, Lucifer.
SATAN: My name is Satan now, and no I'm not. I think 'Jack' wants Americans to think about sins.
GOD: Oh, I see. Sins in the modern world --- e.g., Internet mail-order-brides being exploited/raped.
SATAN: Yes, or even murdered. 'Jack' wants to punish such 'modern moral apathy.'
GOD: What does this 'hypothetical crusade' have to do with the Bride of Frankenstein?
SATAN: If we 'honor' the Bride of Frankenstein, we'd not exploit women looking for love on the Internet.
GOD: Why? Because the Internet is a modern giant science-megalith and 'metropolitan machine'?
SATAN: Precisely! 'Jack' wants us to think of Internet mail-order-brides as angels and superheroines.
GOD: I see. Instead of viewing them as prostitutes or wenches...
SATAN: Yes, it's a question of sci-tech (e.g., Internet) sloth, is it not (e.g., Napster)?
GOD: I think we're thinking too hard about why the Internet is such as 'convenience-behemoth'.
SATAN: Perhaps we are, but Internet mail-order-brides take these 'conveniences' quite seriously.
GOD: I worry that 'Jack' will stalk Zuckerberg and frighten him about juvenile horror-films.
SATAN: Who knows? Maybe 'TrumpUSA' will vindicate Jack's seeming 'faith' in Internet-magic!
GOD: Maybe 'Jack' is trickier than 'apathetic' Americans realize...



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