'Jackie are you here? Where's Jackie?' Biden once again inserts foot in mouth!

Isn't the topic Incest Joe talking to dead people?
Thanks for pointing that out. The leftists have no response to Biden’s pronounced dementia, so they deflect and try to put their opponent on the defense.

It’s what leftists do.
Biden is an old man who is clearly fading, and still a better pick than the alternative. As I've said many times.

If you don't like that, tough shit, sheep.
are your communist leaders going to primary the 1st female VP who is also a person of color in 2024 ?
Sure you would, Trumpster.

And the two parties are separate. The Dems don't like the Forward Party, because we believe that ideas from both conservatives and liberals are important. So I guess you're just ignorant about that. You're also ignorant about the fact that I agree with (actual) conservatives/disagree with the Dems on many issues. Ignorance times two, huh?

Believe whatever you are told in your world. Keep it simple. I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.
ok mister moderate .... has Biden moved to the extreme left or is he a moderate ?
ok mister moderate .... has Biden moved to the extreme left or is he a moderate ?
He has moved left of where he was before, most likely to keep his base happy, which is often a bad idea.

That bad college loan idea being one example.

You're welcome.
Hey Democrats, why did Biden drop out of the 1988 campaign for President?
Oooh….pick me! Pick me! I know the answer (and without googling),

Hint: he still does it. It’s just that Americans’ standards have dropped so much since 1988, and the media has become so left-wing, that voters think it’s acceptable,

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