Jacking with the NRA

"Jacking"? The NRA ain't the freaking enemy. Here's what they do, they sponsor international firearms competition, they promote safety programs, they sponsor Police training and firearms competition and they offer technical support in areas that the duh left wing gang bang society doesn't have the intelligence or the education to understand. The NRA is just a lobbying organization with a couple of presidents including JFK who were life members.
"Jacking"? The NRA ain't the freaking enemy.

They are to an America-hater like Siete, who thinks patriotism and god-given rights are swear words and looks in every way to oppose decent, wholesome values. He'll use every means to smear an organization he doesn't know the first thing about but won't spend a penny to pick up the phone and simply ASK THEM what they are about and why!

I think its HILARIOUS that Delta got back a taste of their own medicine!
"Jacking"? The NRA ain't the freaking enemy. Here's what they do, they sponsor international firearms competition, they promote safety programs, they sponsor Police training and firearms competition and they offer technical support in areas that the duh left wing gang bang society doesn't have the intelligence or the education to understand. The NRA is just a lobbying organization with a couple of presidents including JFK who were life members.
They also ignore their core gun rights beliefs when the "wrong people" try to exercise them.

You guys hear Trump in his gun meeting today? He told a Congressman that they were scared of the NRA because the NRA had power over them, but Trump said he's not scared of the NRA because they don't have any power over him.

Cool.....................lets see how that works out.

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