Jackson confirmed as first black woman on USSC

How do you define "Woman"?

  • An adult human female.

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Anyone who identifies as a woman.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (Please post your definition in this thread).

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Don't know (not a biologist).

    Votes: 7 20.6%

  • Total voters
You leftist voters are so easily manipulated by the lowest among you.

She belongs there because the President nominated her to go there, and the President was elected by the population.

Let me know if you need to know more about how Democracy works.
And I’m sure you felt the same way about the justices Trump nominated, amirite?
Now you are being absurd since he was under a LOT of stress from the Media the democrats pressure and the hilarious last minute accusations against him in public for which the Accuser was LYING like hell.
Oh that poor child! He’s going to get extra cake on his birthday this year!

You know who didn’t throw a tantrum from partisan idiots?
Oh that poor child! He’s going to get extra cake on his birthday this year!

You know who didn’t throw a tantrum from partisan idiots?

You are sure are an idiot who never remotely gone through what he experienced the hate, threats and a truckload of lies he had to fight against all in public and under hostile questioning.

You clearly have no empathy at all.
you're welcome.
Nice cut and paste. But far too long, and let's face it, nobody cares. She's an Affirmative Action pick. Nothing more.

Old, senile Joe is a sellout. He's appointing blacks to high government posts as PAYMENT for the fucking votes of blacks.

There was already a black on the high court. Absolutely NO need for yet another black. What do we get stuck with next? A fucking black tranny? Our highest Court will now look as if it belongs to some fucking African shithole. Fuck Biden.

She'll forever be known as Senile Biden's TOKEN Justice.

Btw, I hate posters who fill a thread with long-assed cut and paste bullshit. A link would have covered it. The rest is nothing but clutter.

Welcome to my Sambo List.
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ACB, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh are all liars. They swore under oath at their hearings that Roe was Stare dicisis, settled law, and immediately broke that precedent. They then just recently used the shadow docket in a non emergency case, to allow polluters to dump into public waters, when they all vowed to always be transparent in their decisions.

They are total pieces of scum.
Changing your mind doesn't make you a "liar".
Sorry bout that,

1. Even AOC knows she's a women.
2. She is smart compared to this gal.
3. God help us, please.
4. Its a sad day when a fruit *Biden* nominates a block of wood, *Brown* and is confirmed, by a moron *Romney*.
5. Other than that we are *ALL screwed, some know it, some don't.

Satan is the lord of lies, and here you're serving him willingly. There are consequences for that.

Only the lowest form of human filth makes up lies about their opponents supporting pedophiles. That's you, the whole Q-filth cult, and a decent chunk of the Republican party. Hell awaits them.
Q killed Ashely I never did Q and never will Sooooo uhmmm try again.
They are Gov. Propaganda if you can’t reveal who the leader is , it’s like telling that I’m Putins niece just cause.
Mitts a compassionate progressive conservative that’s afraid of his shadow and being told he is anything but conciliatory and acceptable by mainstream media standards at the expense of the country. Collins has always been a little on the edge and understand her position, however Murkowski on the other hand is a beltway parasite that has no principals and just wants to get along like Mitty the kitty, one of the gang.
They put this bitch in because she is going to release the laws putting PEDO’s away. You jackasses have no idea why this bitch was put into place, but your all going to learn why including the blacks who think they are all that this bitch is gonna sink you all once the rest of the pieces are put into place.

So I wouldn’t get all upity about it she ain’t for YALL get that through your heads.
She belongs there because the President nominated her to go there, and the President was elected by the population.

Let me know if you need to know more about how Democracy works.

The Senate's job is to advise and consent. They voted down Judge Robert Bork when Reagan nominated him to the SCOTUS and Reagan was elected by the population (49 states, in fact).

Let me know if you need to know more about how Democracy works. (We're a Republic, by the way.)
The Senate's job is to advise and consent. They voted down Judge Robert Bork when Reagan nominated him to the SCOTUS and Reagan was elected by the population (49 states, in fact).

Let me know if you need to know more about how Democracy works. (We're a Republic, by the way.)

Fuck the Senate, lmao.

330,000,000 Americans and you have 100 old men voting on what to do with the country.
Oh, and for what it's worth: 2 people quit their jobs before Nixon put Robert Bork into place and he committed the Saturday Night Massacre.

So fuck Robert Bork too.
And you can say what you want, Taz, but you know that having 100 people vote on the direction of the country - a country of 330 MILLION people - is a relic of the past, and a terrible way of doing things.

Whether you admit it here or not, deep down you know that is an awful way of running a country.
You are sure are an idiot who never remotely gone through what he experienced the hate, threats and a truckload of lies he had to fight against all in public and under hostile questioning.

You clearly have no empathy at all.
Lol god so much of that threat shit was such rightwing bullshit.

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