Jackson confirmed as first black woman on USSC

How do you define "Woman"?

  • An adult human female.

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Anyone who identifies as a woman.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (Please post your definition in this thread).

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Don't know (not a biologist).

    Votes: 7 20.6%

  • Total voters
The primary reason for this confirmation was to set the stage for a massive assault on the 2nd Amendment.
99% of you are clueless, in denial or just plain dumb.
No matter what you think the mitigating circumstances are. It is part of agenda21. This was the piece they needed.

Your "rights" to own guns are about to be withdrawn.

I'm just calling it early and correctly. Who wants to place bets?
James Madison said that the only things needed for a tyrant to oppress the nation were 1) an enslaved press, and 2) a disarmed populace. That was the reason for the First and Second Amendments.

The Marxists have accomplished #1 above, and now they’re going for #2.
It’s so stupid how you people harp on these gender issues. Clearly you are much more concerned about them than the left is.
Yeah just like you people harped on every damned Trump issue no matter how petty it was. Bad carma can come back to bite, and in 2022 it's going to be sad for leftist at the voting booths. Get ready for the windfall gains in conservative seats, because people are tired of leftist bull crap. If conservatives have any ethic's and standard's left after dealing with leftist over the years (in which their standards and ethic's were lost at time's in dealing or tolerating them), then they should lawfully go after or persue criminally every alledged criminal/crime that was committed by leftist politician's or official's in government against the American voter's, Trump, and his cabinet.
he actually diddled little boys. & was 3rd in line for the presidency.

he also didn't have the endorsement of law enforcement.

so i say he wins.

Hastert payed for it to. he will always be remembred as a kid toucher. Its funny though, Biden seems to like the creeps. his war hero son Bo made a living getting Rich child rapist out of prision time, and now he has a judge who likes child molesters? Meh, at least her voice on the court dont mean much. I mean, all she really is there is a lawn jocky if we are to be honest. not much but a virtue signal to please the woketards, and they still hate him anyway.

NOW - Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed as the first Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court.

View attachment 627418

And what does the United States gain specifically by having a black woman on the Supreme Court?
And what does the United States gain specifically by having a black woman on the Supreme Court?
Leftists will say she can represent the black viewpoint or bring the “black experience” to her decisions. Point is, that’s not the job of a justice,
Leftists will say she can represent the black viewpoint or bring the “black experience” to her decisions. Point is, that’s not the job of a justice,

Well blacks have Clarence Thomas for that don't they?
Good to see all the Trump cult losers weeping more loser tears. Whenever that happens, you can be sure good things have happened in the USA.

She'll be the smartest justice on the SC, of course. That's what the USA gains. True, the other two liberals and Chief Justice Roberts are also very smart. That's why Roberts will vote against fascism, unlike the other 5 conservative justices, who always embrace fascism with gusto.

Right now, there's ony a 5-4 fascist majority on the court. Trump cultists, you best hope Thomas doesn't drop dead, or your dreams of a fascist utopia will die with him.

NOW - Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed as the first Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court.

View attachment 627418

How do you know she's a woman? Are you a biologist?
Good to see all the Trump cult losers weeping more loser tears. Whenever that happens, you can be sure good things have happened in the USA.

She'll be the smartest justice on the SC, of course. That's what the USA gains. True, the other two liberals and Chief Justice Roberts are also very smart. That's why Roberts will vote against fascism, unlike the other 5 conservative justices, who always embrace fascism with gusto.

Right now, there's ony a 5-4 fascist majority on the court. Trump cultists, you best hope Thomas doesn't drop dead, or your dreams of a fascist utopia will die with him.
How can she be the smartest? She can't even define what a woman is.
That is just stupid.

One liberal justice is replacing another. Basically nothing has changed.

The Conservative side of the court still has a 6 to 3 advantage.
Not exactly. The “problem” for conservatism is that we attempt to put in largely neutral judges who don’t merely press as hard as possible for the conservative agenda. Roberts, Gorsich, and Kavanaugh have all ruled routinely against what would be seen as pro-conservative ideals. Leftist judges routinely rule in lock-step with leftist doctrine. Democrats just want a radical in the SCOTUS that will rule in their favor every time. That’s not how it’s supposed to be, but one side is abusing the system
Pedo/NAMBLA Rights Advocate

THey just don’t believe the PEDO thing are ppl really that dunce, why yes they are lol.

In a 53-47 vote, the 51-year-old federal judge whose record of going soft on pedophiles secured the backing of all 50 Senate Democrats, and three Republicans – Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney – the latter of whom rejected Brown’s appointment to the federal circuit, only to change his opinion after the pedophile malarkey came out.
Not exactly. The “problem” for conservatism is that we attempt to put in largely neutral judges who don’t merely press as hard as possible for the conservative agenda. Roberts, Gorsich, and Kavanaugh have all ruled routinely against what would be seen as pro-conservative ideals. Leftist judges routinely rule in lock-step with leftist doctrine. Democrats just want a radical in the SCOTUS that will rule in their favor every time. That’s not how it’s supposed to be, but one side is abusing the system
Exactly. The problem is that the left doesn't view reality like normal people do. A true American liberal would not go ballistic when they lost or would compromise when in the minority. Today's left can't do that. They're ready to destroy their political opponents.
THey just don’t believe the PEDO thing are ppl really that dunce, why yes they are lol.

In a 53-47 vote, the 51-year-old federal judge whose record of going soft on pedophiles secured the backing of all 50 Senate Democrats, and three Republicans – Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney – the latter of whom rejected Brown’s appointment to the federal circuit, only to change his opinion after the pedophile malarkey came out.
The usual suspects. Collins, Murkowski and Romney.
In a 53-47 vote, the 51-year-old federal judge whose record of going soft on pedophiles

Satan is the lord of lies, and here you're serving him willingly. There are consequences for that.

Only the lowest form of human filth makes up lies about their opponents supporting pedophiles. That's you, the whole Q-filth cult, and a decent chunk of the Republican party. Hell awaits them.

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