Jacob "QAnon Shaman" Chansley begs Trump for a pardon

I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...
Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever.

Stopped reading right there....

" “I want to be very clear. I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week. Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement,” Trump said in a video posted by the White House’s official Twitter account."

Clearly Dragonlady is just a liar...
You do know that domestic violence abusers do the same thing.

What's that? lie? probably....Although I wouldn't say that Dragonlady is a domestic abuser, I sure wouldn't want to be married to her....lol
I wasn't talking about Dragonlady, I was talking about Trump gaslighting everyone who isn't hypnotized.

Really? Were you? Then you did a poor job...
Of course I did, wanna know why? Because while it's true that Trump said what you quoted, he didn't make that statement until 24 hours after he unleashed his war hounds on the Capitol and only after he praised them for the job they did (wreaking havoc and enaging in violence that resulted in the death of 5 people) several hours later.

That's what I meant by gaslighting, the crazy making. Doing a bunch of really f-uped crap and then saying something nice or to the contrary afterwards is exactly what domestic violence abusers do when they beat the crap out of their significant other and then blame them for making them behave that way.

Trump is a master manipulator, I've always known this about him and his personalty type but now that the whole world saw how he manipulated his followers into attempting to prevent the election from being certified, there is really no excuse for people to still be enthralled with him the way they are other than they're true believers - true believers in a fabricated incident that didn't occur ("stop the steal").

Last you and I conversed I asked you who you would trust to give you a honest and accurate legal analysis of one of Trump's cases I cited but you never responded. Perhaps instead of relying on anyone else you could attempt the analysis yourself?

Whew...bitter much? Why so upset? You won right? Oh, I know, people don’t all bend the knee and tell you how great it is, so it’s a hollow victory....Well, that’s what happens when your victory is not above board....

Me thinks you got into Game of Thrones a little too seriously....lol
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
No. "Direct connection" is not "incitement" and the fact of an actual insurrection must also be proven. Fat chance.

I don't know where you got your license to practice law, but obviously you failed the evidence course.

The world watched the insurrection on TV. This is a guilty - slam dunk.
Don't know what made you think that you are the world or that the world is a court of law. Seems like the Constitution has something to say about "due process".
I feel sorry for him....He believed the President's lies...

No one forced him.

I don't feel sorry for him at all.

The truth has been out there for everyone to see.

How many people have tell them the truth? How many honest and truthful documents have to be presented? How many court cases do they have to lose?

If the information had not been out there on just about every reputable news outlet then I would see your point.
That's because the information was not out there for him, the alternative right wing news and fake news, does not cover it... that's how many followers have been brainwashed on this....repeating the lies over and over again with ease, and Trump sealing the deal on them believing real news, is fake news. This wasn't by mere happenstance imo, it was his plan..... which makes it even more devious...again, imo.
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
Actually, he suggested they go to the capitol and peacefully and patriotically have their voices heard. Those were his words. Sadly, CNN and MSNBC wont show that. They prefer to tell you what he REALLY meant.
Glad you consider them reliable.

Why not ask them why they wont show exactly what was said?

You won't.


Because you are righteous and I ma a terrorist.

I get it.
It was one line, in a one hour hate filled lying speech, to cover his own ass...

Read the whole speech, every line.... his underlying cause, was to make the crowd angry...

Plus the speech the day of, was not even the tip of the iceberg, on his efforts to make h I s crowds angry... his rallies and tweets about coming to DC on the 6th started long before....this started right after Dec 14th electoral vote certification of Biden.

When you create a big fat lie, from whole cloth, with your minions to spread it on the election was STOLEN from him and from the followers, it's going to make his followers feel justified in their terrorist actions, not all of them, but the groups of followers that were always nefarious, saw this as an opportunity....
He was whipping them up, but he was doing that in his rallys in 16. But the question is whether he and insurrection leaders coordinated marching on the capital. I've read that there were reports of some people getting ready to march shortly before he told them to go.
I believe he seeded it.
No doubt. But he also seeded Charlottesville. The thing is though that we're talking of convicting him in the Senate. That's going to be a reach at best. The only possibility will be if his fingerprints are directly on a scripted, preplanned march, with plans to at least surround and intimidate congress with fear of safety. If that happens, public opinion may demand people like Cassidy Tillis Daines vote to make sure he's ousted forever.
The whole insurrection was planned ahead.... every trumpet there knew they were going to leave the rally and March to the capitol...and they knew it would not be peaceful when they got there....

I didn't think that way initially....but last night, while watching his rally rerun and other video.. I noticed that no supporters brought Their kids.... there were no children at the morning rally... video after video.... none.

If you've ever watched any TRUMP rallies and gatherings, many supporters bring their young kids.... that always surprised and concerned me....how could they bring their kids, to listen to his vile talk... ? I used to think....

But this time, no one seemed to have brought any of their young kids???

I dunno, I dunno, I dunno? :dunno:

It just seems weird....
you mean comparing a night rally at 9 PM to a school day rally at mid day?
I don't find that strange at all.
But you found nothing strange about a recovering addict making millions in countries his father was in charge of in businesses with no experience.

LMAO....few kids (not no kids mind you) but few kids at a mid day rally on a weekday speaks volumes of conspriacy.....but the son of a VP in Charge of Ukraine makes millions from that country with no experience and "that has been debunked"!

Debunked, I tell you. Debunked! BY WHO?
Whataboutisms, do not address nor explain or excuse the attack on our democracy on January 6th.
I feel sorry for him....He believed the President's lies...

No one forced him.

I don't feel sorry for him at all.

The truth has been out there for everyone to see.

How many people have tell them the truth? How many honest and truthful documents have to be presented? How many court cases do they have to lose?

If the information had not been out there on just about every reputable news outlet then I would see your point.
That's because the information was not out there for him, the alternative right wing news and fake news, does not cover it... that's how many followers have been brainwashed on this....repeating the lies over and over again with ease, and Trump sealing the deal on them believing real news, is fake news. This wasn't by mere happenstance imo, it was his plan..... which makes it even more devious...again, imo.
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
Actually, he suggested they go to the capitol and peacefully and patriotically have their voices heard. Those were his words. Sadly, CNN and MSNBC wont show that. They prefer to tell you what he REALLY meant.
Glad you consider them reliable.

Why not ask them why they wont show exactly what was said?

You won't.


Because you are righteous and I ma a terrorist.

I get it.
It was one line, in a one hour hate filled lying speech, to cover his own ass...

Read the whole speech, every line.... his underlying cause, was to make the crowd angry...

Plus the speech the day of, was not even the tip of the iceberg, on his efforts to make h I s crowds angry... his rallies and tweets about coming to DC on the 6th started long before....this started right after Dec 14th electoral vote certification of Biden.

When you create a big fat lie, from whole cloth, with your minions to spread it on the election was STOLEN from him and from the followers, it's going to make his followers feel justified in their terrorist actions, not all of them, but the groups of followers that were always nefarious, saw this as an opportunity....
He was whipping them up, but he was doing that in his rallys in 16. But the question is whether he and insurrection leaders coordinated marching on the capital. I've read that there were reports of some people getting ready to march shortly before he told them to go.
I believe he seeded it.
No doubt. But he also seeded Charlottesville. The thing is though that we're talking of convicting him in the Senate. That's going to be a reach at best. The only possibility will be if his fingerprints are directly on a scripted, preplanned march, with plans to at least surround and intimidate congress with fear of safety. If that happens, public opinion may demand people like Cassidy Tillis Daines vote to make sure he's ousted forever.
The whole insurrection was planned ahead.... every trumpet there knew they were going to leave the rally and March to the capitol...and they knew it would not be peaceful when they got there....

I didn't think that way initially....but last night, while watching his rally rerun and other video.. I noticed that no supporters brought Their kids.... there were no children at the morning rally... video after video.... none.

If you've ever watched any TRUMP rallies and gatherings, many supporters bring their young kids.... that always surprised and concerned me....how could they bring their kids, to listen to his vile talk... ? I used to think....

But this time, no one seemed to have brought any of their young kids???

I dunno, I dunno, I dunno? :dunno:

It just seems weird....
you mean comparing a night rally at 9 PM to a school day rally at mid day?
I don't find that strange at all.
But you found nothing strange about a recovering addict making millions in countries his father was in charge of in businesses with no experience.

LMAO....few kids (not no kids mind you) but few kids at a mid day rally on a weekday speaks volumes of conspriacy.....but the son of a VP in Charge of Ukraine makes millions from that country with no experience and "that has been debunked"!

Debunked, I tell you. Debunked! BY WHO?
Whataboutisms, do not address nor explain or excuse the attack on our democracy on January 6th.
You are a disappointment.

I know...I know....you dont care. I get it.
Don't know what made you think that you are the world or that the world is a court of law. Seems like the Constitution has something to say about "due process".
Hundreds of MAGArats are about to get "due process" and swift justice
I feel sorry for him....He believed the President's lies...

No one forced him.

I don't feel sorry for him at all.

The truth has been out there for everyone to see.

How many people have tell them the truth? How many honest and truthful documents have to be presented? How many court cases do they have to lose?

If the information had not been out there on just about every reputable news outlet then I would see your point.
That's because the information was not out there for him, the alternative right wing news and fake news, does not cover it... that's how many followers have been brainwashed on this....repeating the lies over and over again with ease, and Trump sealing the deal on them believing real news, is fake news. This wasn't by mere happenstance imo, it was his plan..... which makes it even more devious...again, imo.
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
Actually, he suggested they go to the capitol and peacefully and patriotically have their voices heard. Those were his words. Sadly, CNN and MSNBC wont show that. They prefer to tell you what he REALLY meant.
Glad you consider them reliable.

Why not ask them why they wont show exactly what was said?

You won't.


Because you are righteous and I ma a terrorist.

I get it.
It was one line, in a one hour hate filled lying speech, to cover his own ass...

Read the whole speech, every line.... his underlying cause, was to make the crowd angry...

Plus the speech the day of, was not even the tip of the iceberg, on his efforts to make h I s crowds angry... his rallies and tweets about coming to DC on the 6th started long before....this started right after Dec 14th electoral vote certification of Biden.

When you create a big fat lie, from whole cloth, with your minions to spread it on the election was STOLEN from him and from the followers, it's going to make his followers feel justified in their terrorist actions, not all of them, but the groups of followers that were always nefarious, saw this as an opportunity....
He was whipping them up, but he was doing that in his rallys in 16. But the question is whether he and insurrection leaders coordinated marching on the capital. I've read that there were reports of some people getting ready to march shortly before he told them to go.
I believe he seeded it.
No doubt. But he also seeded Charlottesville. The thing is though that we're talking of convicting him in the Senate. That's going to be a reach at best. The only possibility will be if his fingerprints are directly on a scripted, preplanned march, with plans to at least surround and intimidate congress with fear of safety. If that happens, public opinion may demand people like Cassidy Tillis Daines vote to make sure he's ousted forever.
The whole insurrection was planned ahead.... every trumpet there knew they were going to leave the rally and March to the capitol...and they knew it would not be peaceful when they got there....

I didn't think that way initially....but last night, while watching his rally rerun and other video.. I noticed that no supporters brought Their kids.... there were no children at the morning rally... video after video.... none.

If you've ever watched any TRUMP rallies and gatherings, many supporters bring their young kids.... that always surprised and concerned me....how could they bring their kids, to listen to his vile talk... ? I used to think....

But this time, no one seemed to have brought any of their young kids???

I dunno, I dunno, I dunno? :dunno:

It just seems weird....
you mean comparing a night rally at 9 PM to a school day rally at mid day?
I don't find that strange at all.
But you found nothing strange about a recovering addict making millions in countries his father was in charge of in businesses with no experience.

LMAO....few kids (not no kids mind you) but few kids at a mid day rally on a weekday speaks volumes of conspriacy.....but the son of a VP in Charge of Ukraine makes millions from that country with no experience and "that has been debunked"!

Debunked, I tell you. Debunked! BY WHO?
Whataboutisms, do not address nor explain or excuse the attack on our democracy on January 6th.
You are a disappointment.

I know...I know....you dont care. I get it.
All you can do is deflect for a defeated president who incited an insurrection to try to illegally cling to power
I feel sorry for him....He believed the President's lies...

No one forced him.

I don't feel sorry for him at all.

The truth has been out there for everyone to see.

How many people have tell them the truth? How many honest and truthful documents have to be presented? How many court cases do they have to lose?

If the information had not been out there on just about every reputable news outlet then I would see your point.
That's because the information was not out there for him, the alternative right wing news and fake news, does not cover it... that's how many followers have been brainwashed on this....repeating the lies over and over again with ease, and Trump sealing the deal on them believing real news, is fake news. This wasn't by mere happenstance imo, it was his plan..... which makes it even more devious...again, imo.
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
Actually, he suggested they go to the capitol and peacefully and patriotically have their voices heard. Those were his words. Sadly, CNN and MSNBC wont show that. They prefer to tell you what he REALLY meant.
Glad you consider them reliable.

Why not ask them why they wont show exactly what was said?

You won't.


Because you are righteous and I ma a terrorist.

I get it.
It was one line, in a one hour hate filled lying speech, to cover his own ass...

Read the whole speech, every line.... his underlying cause, was to make the crowd angry...

Plus the speech the day of, was not even the tip of the iceberg, on his efforts to make h I s crowds angry... his rallies and tweets about coming to DC on the 6th started long before....this started right after Dec 14th electoral vote certification of Biden.

When you create a big fat lie, from whole cloth, with your minions to spread it on the election was STOLEN from him and from the followers, it's going to make his followers feel justified in their terrorist actions, not all of them, but the groups of followers that were always nefarious, saw this as an opportunity....
He was whipping them up, but he was doing that in his rallys in 16. But the question is whether he and insurrection leaders coordinated marching on the capital. I've read that there were reports of some people getting ready to march shortly before he told them to go.
I believe he seeded it.
No doubt. But he also seeded Charlottesville. The thing is though that we're talking of convicting him in the Senate. That's going to be a reach at best. The only possibility will be if his fingerprints are directly on a scripted, preplanned march, with plans to at least surround and intimidate congress with fear of safety. If that happens, public opinion may demand people like Cassidy Tillis Daines vote to make sure he's ousted forever.
The whole insurrection was planned ahead.... every trumpet there knew they were going to leave the rally and March to the capitol...and they knew it would not be peaceful when they got there....

I didn't think that way initially....but last night, while watching his rally rerun and other video.. I noticed that no supporters brought Their kids.... there were no children at the morning rally... video after video.... none.

If you've ever watched any TRUMP rallies and gatherings, many supporters bring their young kids.... that always surprised and concerned me....how could they bring their kids, to listen to his vile talk... ? I used to think....

But this time, no one seemed to have brought any of their young kids???

I dunno, I dunno, I dunno? :dunno:

It just seems weird....
you mean comparing a night rally at 9 PM to a school day rally at mid day?
I don't find that strange at all.
But you found nothing strange about a recovering addict making millions in countries his father was in charge of in businesses with no experience.

LMAO....few kids (not no kids mind you) but few kids at a mid day rally on a weekday speaks volumes of conspriacy.....but the son of a VP in Charge of Ukraine makes millions from that country with no experience and "that has been debunked"!

Debunked, I tell you. Debunked! BY WHO?
Whataboutisms, do not address nor explain or excuse the attack on our democracy on January 6th.
You are a disappointment.

I know...I know....you dont care. I get it.
All you can do is deflect for a defeated president who incited an insurrection to try to illegally cling to power
Not what I did. I simply pointed out how one is able to take information and claim it to be a conspiracy even if there is actual evidence to question and yet take other information with no actual evidence, but instead presumption, and call it fact.

You really need to pay attention.

But you wont. It is not in your genes.
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
No. "Direct connection" is not "incitement" and the fact of an actual insurrection must also be proven. Fat chance.

I don't know where you got your license to practice law, but obviously you failed the evidence course.

The world watched the insurrection on TV. This is a guilty - slam dunk.
Don't know what made you think that you are the world or that the world is a court of law. Seems like the Constitution has something to say about "due process".
I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...
Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever.

Stopped reading right there....

" “I want to be very clear. I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week. Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement,” Trump said in a video posted by the White House’s official Twitter account."

Clearly Dragonlady is just a liar...
You do know that domestic violence abusers do the same thing.

What's that? lie? probably....Although I wouldn't say that Dragonlady is a domestic abuser, I sure wouldn't want to be married to her....lol
I wasn't talking about Dragonlady, I was talking about Trump gaslighting everyone who isn't hypnotized.

Really? Were you? Then you did a poor job...
Of course I did, wanna know why? Because while it's true that Trump said what you quoted, he didn't make that statement until 24 hours after he unleashed his war hounds on the Capitol and only after he praised them for the job they did (wreaking havoc and enaging in violence that resulted in the death of 5 people) several hours later.

That's what I meant by gaslighting, the crazy making. Doing a bunch of really f-uped crap and then saying something nice or to the contrary afterwards is exactly what domestic violence abusers do when they beat the crap out of their significant other and then blame them for making them behave that way.

Trump is a master manipulator, I've always known this about him and his personalty type but now that the whole world saw how he manipulated his followers into attempting to prevent the election from being certified, there is really no excuse for people to still be enthralled with him the way they are other than they're true believers - true believers in a fabricated incident that didn't occur ("stop the steal").

Last you and I conversed I asked you who you would trust to give you a honest and accurate legal analysis of one of Trump's cases I cited but you never responded. Perhaps instead of relying on anyone else you could attempt the analysis yourself?

Whew...bitter much? Why so upset? You won right? Oh, I know, people don’t all bend the knee and tell you how great it is, so it’s a hollow victory....Well, that’s what happens when your victory is not above board....

Me thinks you got into Game of Thrones a little too seriously....lol
I've never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones, nor am I one the walking afflicted, so I have nothing to be bitter or upset about. But you sure seem to be getting awfully thin skinned all of a sudden, taking Trump's loss pretty personally since you appear to be among those whom have alleged that our entire court system - from the state, to the appellate, state supreme and U.S. Supreme court(s), including Trump appointed Republicans judges, are all part of a conspiracy to deprive him of a election victory. Oh wait, sorry, scratch that - a conspiracy to allow the "theft" of the election from him after having won it "in a landslide". :rolleyes:

And since you all play so fast and loose with the word landslide, let's check the definition just so we all know what we're talking about here:

noun Also called, especially British, land·slip [land-slip] (for defs. 1, 2).
the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.​
the mass itself. (lol)​

an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes: the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.​
any overwhelming victory: She won the contest by a landslide.​
verb (used without object), land·slid, land·slid or land·slid·den, land·slid·ing.
to come down in or as in a landslide.​
to win an election by an overwhelming majority.

So, are you up to doing the legal analysis yourself or are you gonna let all of it just slide because it requires too much effort? Or do you already know and understand it all?
I feel sorry for him....He believed the President's lies...
You should also feel sorry for him because he didn't know how to dress appropriately for a riot. Hell, you could probably invite him to a beach party, and he'd show up wearing a tuxedo. And the problem isn't a lack of fashion sense. The nicest thing you could probably say about him is that he's a kook. However, it's likely more accurate that he's got a couple of screws loose like most of the people who were there. Think about it! After four years of Trump lying incessantly, day after day, in a well-documented fashion where anyone with a google machine can check Trump's statements versus independently verifiable facts, these people believed that the election was stolen despite all evidence to the contrary? I'm sorry, but that's just plain stupid. There's no nice way of saying it, but it should be called exactly what it is.
Last edited:
I feel sorry for him....He believed the President's lies...

No one forced him.

I don't feel sorry for him at all.

The truth has been out there for everyone to see.

How many people have tell them the truth? How many honest and truthful documents have to be presented? How many court cases do they have to lose?

If the information had not been out there on just about every reputable news outlet then I would see your point.
That's because the information was not out there for him, the alternative right wing news and fake news, does not cover it... that's how many followers have been brainwashed on this....repeating the lies over and over again with ease, and Trump sealing the deal on them believing real news, is fake news. This wasn't by mere happenstance imo, it was his plan..... which makes it even more devious...again, imo.
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
Actually, he suggested they go to the capitol and peacefully and patriotically have their voices heard. Those were his words. Sadly, CNN and MSNBC wont show that. They prefer to tell you what he REALLY meant.
Glad you consider them reliable.

Why not ask them why they wont show exactly what was said?

You won't.


Because you are righteous and I ma a terrorist.

I get it.
It was one line, in a one hour hate filled lying speech, to cover his own ass...

Read the whole speech, every line.... his underlying cause, was to make the crowd angry...

Plus the speech the day of, was not even the tip of the iceberg, on his efforts to make h I s crowds angry... his rallies and tweets about coming to DC on the 6th started long before....this started right after Dec 14th electoral vote certification of Biden.

When you create a big fat lie, from whole cloth, with your minions to spread it on the election was STOLEN from him and from the followers, it's going to make his followers feel justified in their terrorist actions, not all of them, but the groups of followers that were always nefarious, saw this as an opportunity....
He was whipping them up, but he was doing that in his rallys in 16. But the question is whether he and insurrection leaders coordinated marching on the capital. I've read that there were reports of some people getting ready to march shortly before he told them to go.
I believe he seeded it.
No doubt. But he also seeded Charlottesville. The thing is though that we're talking of convicting him in the Senate. That's going to be a reach at best. The only possibility will be if his fingerprints are directly on a scripted, preplanned march, with plans to at least surround and intimidate congress with fear of safety. If that happens, public opinion may demand people like Cassidy Tillis Daines vote to make sure he's ousted forever.
The whole insurrection was planned ahead.... every trumpet there knew they were going to leave the rally and March to the capitol...and they knew it would not be peaceful when they got there....

I didn't think that way initially....but last night, while watching his rally rerun and other video.. I noticed that no supporters brought Their kids.... there were no children at the morning rally... video after video.... none.

If you've ever watched any TRUMP rallies and gatherings, many supporters bring their young kids.... that always surprised and concerned me....how could they bring their kids, to listen to his vile talk... ? I used to think....

But this time, no one seemed to have brought any of their young kids???

I dunno, I dunno, I dunno? :dunno:

It just seems weird....
you mean comparing a night rally at 9 PM to a school day rally at mid day?
I don't find that strange at all.
But you found nothing strange about a recovering addict making millions in countries his father was in charge of in businesses with no experience.

LMAO....few kids (not no kids mind you) but few kids at a mid day rally on a weekday speaks volumes of conspriacy.....but the son of a VP in Charge of Ukraine makes millions from that country with no experience and "that has been debunked"!

Debunked, I tell you. Debunked! BY WHO?
Whataboutisms, do not address nor explain or excuse the attack on our democracy on January 6th.
Nor are they evidence there actually was an attack on democracy on January 6th. A fixed election is most certainly an attack on Democracy. Don't confuse cause with reaction.
I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...

Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever. He denounced the "violence", and told them to go home now, but "we love you". He has not denounced the storming of the capital and he certainly hasn't denounced any of the participants.

Trump has expressed nothing but love and support for the participants.
So what's to denounce? One more instance of 1st Amendment rights in action? Would you compare broken windows with looting, burned building and vehicles, assault and murder? And by far the worst violence came from the capitol cops; not protestors. Or does it not fit your agenda to remember?
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
No. "Direct connection" is not "incitement" and the fact of an actual insurrection must also be proven. Fat chance.

I don't know where you got your license to practice law, but obviously you failed the evidence course.

The world watched the insurrection on TV. This is a guilty - slam dunk.
Don't know what made you think that you are the world or that the world is a court of law. Seems like the Constitution has something to say about "due process".
I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...
Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever.

Stopped reading right there....

" “I want to be very clear. I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week. Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement,” Trump said in a video posted by the White House’s official Twitter account."

Clearly Dragonlady is just a liar...
You do know that domestic violence abusers do the same thing.

What's that? lie? probably....Although I wouldn't say that Dragonlady is a domestic abuser, I sure wouldn't want to be married to her....lol
I wasn't talking about Dragonlady, I was talking about Trump gaslighting everyone who isn't hypnotized.

Really? Were you? Then you did a poor job...
Of course I did, wanna know why? Because while it's true that Trump said what you quoted, he didn't make that statement until 24 hours after he unleashed his war hounds on the Capitol and only after he praised them for the job they did (wreaking havoc and enaging in violence that resulted in the death of 5 people) several hours later.

That's what I meant by gaslighting, the crazy making. Doing a bunch of really f-uped crap and then saying something nice or to the contrary afterwards is exactly what domestic violence abusers do when they beat the crap out of their significant other and then blame them for making them behave that way.

Trump is a master manipulator, I've always known this about him and his personalty type but now that the whole world saw how he manipulated his followers into attempting to prevent the election from being certified, there is really no excuse for people to still be enthralled with him the way they are other than they're true believers - true believers in a fabricated incident that didn't occur ("stop the steal").

Last you and I conversed I asked you who you would trust to give you a honest and accurate legal analysis of one of Trump's cases I cited but you never responded. Perhaps instead of relying on anyone else you could attempt the analysis yourself?

Whew...bitter much? Why so upset? You won right? Oh, I know, people don’t all bend the knee and tell you how great it is, so it’s a hollow victory....Well, that’s what happens when your victory is not above board....

Me thinks you got into Game of Thrones a little too seriously....lol
I've never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones, nor am I one the walking afflicted, so I have nothing to be bitter or upset about. But you sure seem to be getting awfully thin skinned all of a sudden, taking Trump's loss pretty personally since you appear to be among those whom have alleged that our entire court system - from the state, to the appellate, state supreme and U.S. Supreme court(s), including Trump appointed Republicans judges, are all part of a conspiracy to deprive him of a election victory. Oh wait, sorry, scratch that - a conspiracy to allow the "theft" of the election from him after having won it "in a landslide". :rolleyes:

And since you all play so fast and loose with the word landslide, let's check the definition just so we all know what we're talking about here:

noun Also called, especially British, land·slip [land-slip] (for defs. 1, 2).
the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.​
the mass itself. (lol)​

an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes: the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.​
any overwhelming victory: She won the contest by a landslide.​
verb (used without object), land·slid, land·slid or land·slid·den, land·slid·ing.
to come down in or as in a landslide.​
to win an election by an overwhelming majority.

So, are you up to doing the legal analysis yourself or are you gonna let all of it just slide because it requires too much effort? Or do you already know and understand it all?
You don't think a takeover of the legitimate government is worth getting a little upset about? Or have you forgotten that's what fixing an election does?
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
No. "Direct connection" is not "incitement" and the fact of an actual insurrection must also be proven. Fat chance.

I don't know where you got your license to practice law, but obviously you failed the evidence course.

The world watched the insurrection on TV. This is a guilty - slam dunk.
Don't know what made you think that you are the world or that the world is a court of law. Seems like the Constitution has something to say about "due process".
I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...
Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever.

Stopped reading right there....

" “I want to be very clear. I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week. Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement,” Trump said in a video posted by the White House’s official Twitter account."

Clearly Dragonlady is just a liar...
You do know that domestic violence abusers do the same thing.

What's that? lie? probably....Although I wouldn't say that Dragonlady is a domestic abuser, I sure wouldn't want to be married to her....lol
I wasn't talking about Dragonlady, I was talking about Trump gaslighting everyone who isn't hypnotized.

Really? Were you? Then you did a poor job...
Of course I did, wanna know why? Because while it's true that Trump said what you quoted, he didn't make that statement until 24 hours after he unleashed his war hounds on the Capitol and only after he praised them for the job they did (wreaking havoc and enaging in violence that resulted in the death of 5 people) several hours later.

That's what I meant by gaslighting, the crazy making. Doing a bunch of really f-uped crap and then saying something nice or to the contrary afterwards is exactly what domestic violence abusers do when they beat the crap out of their significant other and then blame them for making them behave that way.

Trump is a master manipulator, I've always known this about him and his personalty type but now that the whole world saw how he manipulated his followers into attempting to prevent the election from being certified, there is really no excuse for people to still be enthralled with him the way they are other than they're true believers - true believers in a fabricated incident that didn't occur ("stop the steal").

Last you and I conversed I asked you who you would trust to give you a honest and accurate legal analysis of one of Trump's cases I cited but you never responded. Perhaps instead of relying on anyone else you could attempt the analysis yourself?

Whew...bitter much? Why so upset? You won right? Oh, I know, people don’t all bend the knee and tell you how great it is, so it’s a hollow victory....Well, that’s what happens when your victory is not above board....

Me thinks you got into Game of Thrones a little too seriously....lol
I've never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones, nor am I one the walking afflicted, so I have nothing to be bitter or upset about. But you sure seem to be getting awfully thin skinned all of a sudden, taking Trump's loss pretty personally since you appear to be among those whom have alleged that our entire court system - from the state, to the appellate, state supreme and U.S. Supreme court(s), including Trump appointed Republicans judges, are all part of a conspiracy to deprive him of a election victory. Oh wait, sorry, scratch that - a conspiracy to allow the "theft" of the election from him after having won it "in a landslide". :rolleyes:

And since you all play so fast and loose with the word landslide, let's check the definition just so we all know what we're talking about here:

noun Also called, especially British, land·slip [land-slip] (for defs. 1, 2).
the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.​
the mass itself. (lol)​

an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes: the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.​
any overwhelming victory: She won the contest by a landslide.​
verb (used without object), land·slid, land·slid or land·slid·den, land·slid·ing.
to come down in or as in a landslide.​
to win an election by an overwhelming majority.

So, are you up to doing the legal analysis yourself or are you gonna let all of it just slide because it requires too much effort? Or do you already know and understand it all?
You don't think a takeover of the legitimate government is worth getting a little upset about? Or have you forgotten that's what fixing an election does?
The gop really fucked up when it loosened up voting in Ga. LOL
Well, that's weird.

You'd think a true patriot would proudly take what's coming to him for trying to save his country.


These are Trumpists - faux patriots, no responsibility, like their cult leader.
I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...

Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever. He denounced the "violence", and told them to go home now, but "we love you". He has not denounced the storming of the capital and he certainly hasn't denounced any of the participants.

Trump has expressed nothing but love and support for the participants.
So what's to denounce? One more instance of 1st Amendment rights in action? Would you compare broken windows with looting, burned building and vehicles, assault and murder? And by far the worst violence came from the capitol cops; not protestors. Or does it not fit your agenda to remember?

Broken windows? What about the 5 people who have died. The 50 police officers who were injured, including one officer who lost his eye? All because Donald Trump is lying about the election. Not because of any real grievances, but because Donald Trump fed them lies, as stated by Mitch McConnell on the Floor of the Senate just this morning.

What happened this summer was the result of 5 years of police murdering 1000 civilians per year for the past 5 years - with very few officers not even being charged, even in the most egrious instances of police shooting unarmed civilians - like the man whose car broke down and flagged down police for help who ended up being shot to death in the road. It was the result of athletes who "took a knee" to protest these unending killings getting told to "shut up and dribble", and getting fired for their protest.

It was the result of taxpayers tiring of paying out millions of dollars in settlements to the families and victims of "excessive force", while the police officers who commit this violence face no consequences for their actions.

You keep comparing the demonstrations protesting the murders of over 5000 American citizens by police - the most by far of any first world nation, to an attempt to overthrow the results of a fair and legal election based on a Big Lie that Donald Trump won the election.

75% of Republicans believe the Big Lie, and the violence will continue because of it. And please bear in mind that 75% of Republicans are only 20% of Americans. Not even close to a majority of Americans. So it is in the best interests of the remaining 80% of Americans to ensure that those who refuse to believe the facts, and continue to put faith in Donald Trump stop with the violence and the bullshit, or it will be shut down because they have no legitimate grievance.

Big Business is stopping all donations to any Republican who continues to promulgate or support Trump's Big Lie. Josh Hawley is facing a recall by his voters. If the Republican Party doesn't put an end to this nonsense, this will end the Republican Party. Big Business, and the American people will destroy it utterly, because Repulicans have become a danger to the nation, simply because they refuse to tell the people the truth.
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
No. "Direct connection" is not "incitement" and the fact of an actual insurrection must also be proven. Fat chance.

I don't know where you got your license to practice law, but obviously you failed the evidence course.

The world watched the insurrection on TV. This is a guilty - slam dunk.
Don't know what made you think that you are the world or that the world is a court of law. Seems like the Constitution has something to say about "due process".
I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...
Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever.

Stopped reading right there....

" “I want to be very clear. I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week. Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement,” Trump said in a video posted by the White House’s official Twitter account."

Clearly Dragonlady is just a liar...
You do know that domestic violence abusers do the same thing.

What's that? lie? probably....Although I wouldn't say that Dragonlady is a domestic abuser, I sure wouldn't want to be married to her....lol
I wasn't talking about Dragonlady, I was talking about Trump gaslighting everyone who isn't hypnotized.

Really? Were you? Then you did a poor job...
Of course I did, wanna know why? Because while it's true that Trump said what you quoted, he didn't make that statement until 24 hours after he unleashed his war hounds on the Capitol and only after he praised them for the job they did (wreaking havoc and enaging in violence that resulted in the death of 5 people) several hours later.

That's what I meant by gaslighting, the crazy making. Doing a bunch of really f-uped crap and then saying something nice or to the contrary afterwards is exactly what domestic violence abusers do when they beat the crap out of their significant other and then blame them for making them behave that way.

Trump is a master manipulator, I've always known this about him and his personalty type but now that the whole world saw how he manipulated his followers into attempting to prevent the election from being certified, there is really no excuse for people to still be enthralled with him the way they are other than they're true believers - true believers in a fabricated incident that didn't occur ("stop the steal").

Last you and I conversed I asked you who you would trust to give you a honest and accurate legal analysis of one of Trump's cases I cited but you never responded. Perhaps instead of relying on anyone else you could attempt the analysis yourself?

Whew...bitter much? Why so upset? You won right? Oh, I know, people don’t all bend the knee and tell you how great it is, so it’s a hollow victory....Well, that’s what happens when your victory is not above board....

Me thinks you got into Game of Thrones a little too seriously....lol
I've never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones, nor am I one the walking afflicted, so I have nothing to be bitter or upset about. But you sure seem to be getting awfully thin skinned all of a sudden, taking Trump's loss pretty personally since you appear to be among those whom have alleged that our entire court system - from the state, to the appellate, state supreme and U.S. Supreme court(s), including Trump appointed Republicans judges, are all part of a conspiracy to deprive him of a election victory. Oh wait, sorry, scratch that - a conspiracy to allow the "theft" of the election from him after having won it "in a landslide". :rolleyes:

And since you all play so fast and loose with the word landslide, let's check the definition just so we all know what we're talking about here:

noun Also called, especially British, land·slip [land-slip] (for defs. 1, 2).
the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.​
the mass itself. (lol)​

an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes: the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.​
any overwhelming victory: She won the contest by a landslide.​
verb (used without object), land·slid, land·slid or land·slid·den, land·slid·ing.
to come down in or as in a landslide.​
to win an election by an overwhelming majority.

So, are you up to doing the legal analysis yourself or are you gonna let all of it just slide because it requires too much effort? Or do you already know and understand it all?
You don't think a takeover of the legitimate government is worth getting a little upset about? Or have you forgotten that's what fixing an election does?
The gop really fucked up when it loosened up voting in Ga. LOL

I think the Georgia Republicans really fucked up when they used voter suppression to steal the election from Stacey Abrahms.

If Abrahms were the governor of Georgia during the pandemic, she'd be far too busy dealing with the pandemic, to have had the time or the energy to register a million Democratic voters, and turn out the Democratic to turn Georgia Blue.
JoeExotic thanks Trump.

Wow! And his lawyer says it's a done deal because it would cause a media storm, taking away from Biden's inauguration celebrations.... which is Trump' s desire and purpose.... according to this lawyer.... and even has a video produced per their deal with Trump, to announce TRUMP's controversial pardon for his client.... for the media.... It's all about the marketing, ya know?

Goodness gracious!!! Trump really is pure evil head to toe, IF any of that is true....
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
No. "Direct connection" is not "incitement" and the fact of an actual insurrection must also be proven. Fat chance.

I don't know where you got your license to practice law, but obviously you failed the evidence course.

The world watched the insurrection on TV. This is a guilty - slam dunk.
Don't know what made you think that you are the world or that the world is a court of law. Seems like the Constitution has something to say about "due process".
I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...
Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever.

Stopped reading right there....

" “I want to be very clear. I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week. Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement,” Trump said in a video posted by the White House’s official Twitter account."

Clearly Dragonlady is just a liar...
You do know that domestic violence abusers do the same thing.

What's that? lie? probably....Although I wouldn't say that Dragonlady is a domestic abuser, I sure wouldn't want to be married to her....lol
I wasn't talking about Dragonlady, I was talking about Trump gaslighting everyone who isn't hypnotized.

Really? Were you? Then you did a poor job...
Of course I did, wanna know why? Because while it's true that Trump said what you quoted, he didn't make that statement until 24 hours after he unleashed his war hounds on the Capitol and only after he praised them for the job they did (wreaking havoc and enaging in violence that resulted in the death of 5 people) several hours later.

That's what I meant by gaslighting, the crazy making. Doing a bunch of really f-uped crap and then saying something nice or to the contrary afterwards is exactly what domestic violence abusers do when they beat the crap out of their significant other and then blame them for making them behave that way.

Trump is a master manipulator, I've always known this about him and his personalty type but now that the whole world saw how he manipulated his followers into attempting to prevent the election from being certified, there is really no excuse for people to still be enthralled with him the way they are other than they're true believers - true believers in a fabricated incident that didn't occur ("stop the steal").

Last you and I conversed I asked you who you would trust to give you a honest and accurate legal analysis of one of Trump's cases I cited but you never responded. Perhaps instead of relying on anyone else you could attempt the analysis yourself?

Whew...bitter much? Why so upset? You won right? Oh, I know, people don’t all bend the knee and tell you how great it is, so it’s a hollow victory....Well, that’s what happens when your victory is not above board....

Me thinks you got into Game of Thrones a little too seriously....lol
I've never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones, nor am I one the walking afflicted, so I have nothing to be bitter or upset about. But you sure seem to be getting awfully thin skinned all of a sudden, taking Trump's loss pretty personally since you appear to be among those whom have alleged that our entire court system - from the state, to the appellate, state supreme and U.S. Supreme court(s), including Trump appointed Republicans judges, are all part of a conspiracy to deprive him of a election victory. Oh wait, sorry, scratch that - a conspiracy to allow the "theft" of the election from him after having won it "in a landslide". :rolleyes:

And since you all play so fast and loose with the word landslide, let's check the definition just so we all know what we're talking about here:

noun Also called, especially British, land·slip [land-slip] (for defs. 1, 2).
the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.​
the mass itself. (lol)​

an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes: the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.​
any overwhelming victory: She won the contest by a landslide.​
verb (used without object), land·slid, land·slid or land·slid·den, land·slid·ing.
to come down in or as in a landslide.​
to win an election by an overwhelming majority.

So, are you up to doing the legal analysis yourself or are you gonna let all of it just slide because it requires too much effort? Or do you already know and understand it all?

You just keep compounding your lies don't you...You would think that when you are going to comment about someone personally, you'd at least have the courtesy to read up on what they've said in the past...Not one time, never will you find me saying that Trump won in a "Landslide", although I do think it is amusing when someone does say it and you lemmings get all triggered...

Do, I believe that the election has enough irregularities to overturn? I don't know because Democrats fought hard to make sure that NO conclusive investigation was done....So, I guess we will never know for sure....My feeling is that it is possible that Trump may have had a narrow victory had the election been fair. But, now, that is irrelevant because Biden will be sworn in tomorrow. There's little I can do about that....

And I am not thin skinned in the slightest, unless you consider debating a position opposing your own to be thin skinned....Which goes back to my GoT reference....You want everyone to bend a knee to your win here, and to that I say, just like I'd say to the fascist BLM, get bent. The time I kneel is to talk with God.
You made no point besides deflecting from Trump's incitement.
You mean Trump's unproven alleged incitement?
Well, he's on record. And so is Jr. And he spent over a week stoking up the "guys" to come to DC. He's finished.
You think it's your place to make a legal judgement concerning anybody's alleged "incitement"? You don't think The President of the US has a right to his Constitutional right to due process? Sad.
He will get his due process in impeachment court....the Senate.
He'll be acquitted unless there's a direct connection between him and the insurrection. If there was any coordination between him, or Jr., and the planners of the "event" he may be toast. I'd prefer the House just hold the impeachment for 100 days or whatever, while letting Biden try and get the econ back on it's feet, and also investigate any role by Trump as quietly as possible. But I realize Biden will have the millstone around the neck of the senate.

But he did directly urge the rioters to march to the capital and fight like hell to stop the vote certification. THAT is his legacy.
No. "Direct connection" is not "incitement" and the fact of an actual insurrection must also be proven. Fat chance.

I don't know where you got your license to practice law, but obviously you failed the evidence course.

The world watched the insurrection on TV. This is a guilty - slam dunk.
Don't know what made you think that you are the world or that the world is a court of law. Seems like the Constitution has something to say about "due process".
I expect Trump would like to pardon all those “patriots” who broke into the Capitol.

Based on what? Trump has outright denounced them multiple times, so...
Trump has not denounced the Capital insurrections at all. Not once ever.

Stopped reading right there....

" “I want to be very clear. I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week. Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement,” Trump said in a video posted by the White House’s official Twitter account."

Clearly Dragonlady is just a liar...
You do know that domestic violence abusers do the same thing.

What's that? lie? probably....Although I wouldn't say that Dragonlady is a domestic abuser, I sure wouldn't want to be married to her....lol
I wasn't talking about Dragonlady, I was talking about Trump gaslighting everyone who isn't hypnotized.

Really? Were you? Then you did a poor job...
Of course I did, wanna know why? Because while it's true that Trump said what you quoted, he didn't make that statement until 24 hours after he unleashed his war hounds on the Capitol and only after he praised them for the job they did (wreaking havoc and enaging in violence that resulted in the death of 5 people) several hours later.

That's what I meant by gaslighting, the crazy making. Doing a bunch of really f-uped crap and then saying something nice or to the contrary afterwards is exactly what domestic violence abusers do when they beat the crap out of their significant other and then blame them for making them behave that way.

Trump is a master manipulator, I've always known this about him and his personalty type but now that the whole world saw how he manipulated his followers into attempting to prevent the election from being certified, there is really no excuse for people to still be enthralled with him the way they are other than they're true believers - true believers in a fabricated incident that didn't occur ("stop the steal").

Last you and I conversed I asked you who you would trust to give you a honest and accurate legal analysis of one of Trump's cases I cited but you never responded. Perhaps instead of relying on anyone else you could attempt the analysis yourself?

Whew...bitter much? Why so upset? You won right? Oh, I know, people don’t all bend the knee and tell you how great it is, so it’s a hollow victory....Well, that’s what happens when your victory is not above board....

Me thinks you got into Game of Thrones a little too seriously....lol
I've never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones, nor am I one the walking afflicted, so I have nothing to be bitter or upset about. But you sure seem to be getting awfully thin skinned all of a sudden, taking Trump's loss pretty personally since you appear to be among those whom have alleged that our entire court system - from the state, to the appellate, state supreme and U.S. Supreme court(s), including Trump appointed Republicans judges, are all part of a conspiracy to deprive him of a election victory. Oh wait, sorry, scratch that - a conspiracy to allow the "theft" of the election from him after having won it "in a landslide". :rolleyes:

And since you all play so fast and loose with the word landslide, let's check the definition just so we all know what we're talking about here:

noun Also called, especially British, land·slip [land-slip] (for defs. 1, 2).
the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.​
the mass itself. (lol)​

an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes: the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.​
any overwhelming victory: She won the contest by a landslide.​
verb (used without object), land·slid, land·slid or land·slid·den, land·slid·ing.
to come down in or as in a landslide.​
to win an election by an overwhelming majority.

So, are you up to doing the legal analysis yourself or are you gonna let all of it just slide because it requires too much effort? Or do you already know and understand it all?
You don't think a takeover of the legitimate government is worth getting a little upset about? Or have you forgotten that's what fixing an election does?
The gop really fucked up when it loosened up voting in Ga. LOL

I think the Georgia Republicans really fucked up when they used voter suppression to steal the election from Stacey Abrahms.

If Abrahms were the governor of Georgia during the pandemic, she'd be far too busy dealing with the pandemic, to have had the time or the energy to register a million Democratic voters, and turn out the Democratic to turn Georgia Blue.

Nah, Abrahms lost fair and square....suck it!

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