"Jade Helm 15" was completed on September 15, 2015.....


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!

It ended last Tuesday in Texas. The maneuvers (aka, Wargames) are completed.

Let's go through some of the things that were said would happen during Jade 15:

Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The conspiracy theories seem to emanate from the map shown here from the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, that divides the region into four colors, with two "hostile" states, two "permissive" states, two states leaning one way or the other, and California divided.[13]

According to the Hartford Courant‍ 's Jim Shea, the conspiracy theories about Jade Helm 15 included: a "psychological operation aimed at getting people used to seeing military forces on the streets" so they do not realize when an invasion actually takes place; an international operation aimed to seize people's guns; recently closed Walmarts used by the military to "stockpile supplies for Chinese troops who will be arriving to disarm Americans"; and a military plan to "round up political dissidents" and "remove key political figures" who may be against the imposition of martial law.[14] Other theories by right-wing bloggers and activists have described Jade Helm 15 as a "secret plot" to impose martial law, confiscate firearms, invade Texas, and institute "total population control."[15]

The conspiracy theories also included concern about the name of the exercise, with the jade in Jade Helm 15 possibly referring to China,[16][17] and JADE possibly an acronym for artificial intelligence developed by theU.S. military.[18] Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist and Texan radio show host, said that helm is an acronym for "Homeland Eradication of Local Militants".[15]

So, now, based on the conspiracy theories that were coursing all over the place, some questions:

1.) Did Walmart stockpile weapons for China so that China could enslave us?
2.) Was martial law enacted?
3.) Were private citizens' firearms confiscated?
4.) Were "dissidents" rounded up?
5.) Were key political figures who were against Jade 15 removed from office?
5.) Was population control of Texas enacted?

Please feel free to leave links including audio, video and transcripts of all the terrible things that happened to the states that were usurped by Jade 15. Please describe in detail how dissidents have been taken away in the night, how law abiding citzens have lost their firearms, how China is on the march against us. Please describe in detail how much damage the evil Obama Jade 15 plot to destroy America damaged the brave, patriotic citizens of these states:


Thank you.

Has anyone notified this idiot? HereWeGoAgain

It appears carla is one of those too stupid to put together all the evidence.
Or she's looking forward whats coming.

You'll have to show me where I was worried about JH.
It's not JH you have to worry about,it's the intelligence they gathered that should be of concern.
Add the fact that obammy has purchased a crap load ammo and guns for government agencies that dont need them,his attempts at starting a race war,his civilian army just as strong as the military.
He's going out of his way to create an explosive environment that thankfully the American people are now wise to.
Has anyone notified this idiot? HereWeGoAgain

It appears carla is one of those too stupid to put together all the evidence.
Or she's looking forward whats coming.

You'll have to show me where I was worried about JH.
It's not JH you have to worry about,it's the intelligence they gathered that should be of concern.
Add the fact that obammy has purchased a crap load ammo and guns for government agencies that dont need them,his attempts at starting a race war,his civilian army just as strong as the military.
He's going out of his way to create an explosive environment that thankfully the American people are now wise to.
Has anyone notified this idiot? HereWeGoAgain

It appears carla is one of those too stupid to put together all the evidence.
Or she's looking forward whats coming.

You'll have to show me where I was worried about JH.
It's not JH you have to worry about,it's the intelligence they gathered that should be of concern.
Add the fact that obammy has purchased a crap load ammo and guns for government agencies that dont need them,his attempts at starting a race war,his civilian army just as strong as the military.
He's going out of his way to create an explosive environment that thankfully the American people are now wise to.

That all you got?
Every single one of those things happened. Stick your head in the sand liberal,stick your head in the sand.
And the sad part? Conservatives are just as guilty yet you're so stupid you make it a partisan issue.
This country is fast going down the toilet and idiots like you whistle past the graveyard.
Has anyone notified this idiot? HereWeGoAgain

It appears carla is one of those too stupid to put together all the evidence.
Or she's looking forward whats coming.

You'll have to show me where I was worried about JH.
It's not JH you have to worry about,it's the intelligence they gathered that should be of concern.
Add the fact that obammy has purchased a crap load ammo and guns for government agencies that dont need them,his attempts at starting a race war,his civilian army just as strong as the military.
He's going out of his way to create an explosive environment that thankfully the American people are now wise to.

That all you got?
Every single one of those things happened. Stick your head in the sand liberal,stick your head in the sand.
And the sad part? Conservatives are just as guilty yet you're so stupid you make it a partisan issue.
This country is fast going down the toilet and idiots like you whistle past the graveyard.
Too bad music cannot be attached to your posts

Jade Helm met its goals

Tens of thousands of Texans are now incarcerated in nearby Walmarts.
They will remain there while they are indoctrinated

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