Jail survey: Nearly 3/4 felons register as Democrats

The franchise may not be denied on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age (for those of majority age).

It may be denied citizens otherwise, simply by virtue of who they are. That is, this "right" is a privilege (a state-granted privilege).

Well sumbitch. A self described Republican just made the best argument for gun control I have ever heard. Basing it on the COTUS. And many of you right wing gun nuts went; yea yea what he said.

If it ain't a "right" to vote then it ain't a "right" to own guns.

Gun ownership; a privilege.
Voting; a privilege.
Based on the interpretation of a Repub.
Nice job dude.
The right to own guns may not be infringed.

The "right" to vote may not be infringed based on a certain few criteria.

See the difference?
can a 5 year old own and operate a gun on the open public street?

isn't that infringing on the ''right'' of the 5 year old citizen? see....''may not be infringed'' is no guarantee of that right either for voters or for gun ownership.....can a person yell ''fire'' in a crowded theater when there is no fire without being charged with a crime?.....there are always exceptions to our rights....which on the one hand is scarey, but on the other hand, seems like common sense....

That being said, I believe that felons should be allowed to vote for their representation in our government and being in prison or not, we should not deprive them of this vote, PERIOD. They are not voting for Criminals, they are voting for the same people on the ballot that those not imprisoned are voting for...the people who they choose to represent them (and their family not in prison) in congress....tyranny by the gvt is wide open if people in jail can no longer vote..... I stand by that....
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Drugs laws are a travesty. They should be abolished.

As far as Pot goes - yes I agree

But what about Crack, crank, special K, dope, mollies, Ecstasy, mescaline, LSD, oxycodeine, oxycotton, oxymorons and liberals

All of it. If people want to destroy themselves consuming these drugs, that's their business. The drug war is destroying this country. It's far worse than anything drug legalization would do to us.

I agree somewhat, alot of good minds have been decimated - especially on that last one
Political power, love(interpersonal relationships), money, food, water and humans can destroy lives also, let's outlaw those items also.
Anything done to excess is dangerous, moderation is the key.
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That assumes all laws are just, and there is nothing just about locking someone up for two years for smoking a harmless weed.

Drugs laws are a travesty. They should be abolished.

No.. drug laws are not a travesty.. just as drunk driving laws are not a travesty, indecent exposure laws are not a travesty, and many other 'protection' laws that keep deadly things out of the hands of the public... it is not like these drugs are sugar or peanut butter...

Now, is pot less bad than heroin or crack?? Yes indeed.. BUT.. the precedent of making it legal for use opens the door for the other drugs becoming legal.. and I would rather keep the status quo than have that path opened up...

And the fact remains that they do know it is illegal.. and they willingly break the law.. and they must pay the price for it

You also have to consider such jobs where narcotics can have an impact on the lives and safety of others. Construction for example, with its crane operators and welders, have enough hazards without adding someone's need to have a drug recreational habit on the list.

Well then it makes perfect sense to keep alcohol legal, right?

Anyone who argues for keep drugs illegal without coming for prohibition for alcohol is a hypocrite. It's as simple as that. Almost every drug warrior will sit in front of you with a beer in his hand telling you how dangerous it is to legalize drugs.

The hypocrisy is nauseating.
Yes, they should.. they are fully aware of the law (that pot is illegal), else the dumb asses would be trying to walk up to their WalMart or pharmacist asking to buy pot over the counter... and if you willingly break the law, you must indeed pay the price... including losing your privilege of voting

That assumes all laws are just, and there is nothing just about locking someone up for two years for smoking a harmless weed.

Drugs laws are a travesty. They should be abolished.

No.. drug laws are not a travesty.. just as drunk driving laws are not a travesty, indecent exposure laws are not a travesty, and many other 'protection' laws that keep deadly things out of the hands of the public... it is not like these drugs are sugar or peanut butter...

Now, is pot less bad than heroin or crack?? Yes indeed.. BUT.. the precedent of making it legal for use opens the door for the other drugs becoming legal.. and I would rather keep the status quo than have that path opened up...

And the fact remains that they do know it is illegal.. and they willingly break the law.. and they must pay the price for it

Drunk driving laws don't stop people from drinking. It only stops them from drinking and driving. It will still be against the law to drive when you are stoned, so what's the diff?

Yeah, we know you want to keep the status quo. That's because you're a hypocrite. All drug warriors are hypocrites. They will sit in front of you telling you how dangerous drugs are, and the whole time they'll have a beer in their hand.

The fact that they know it's illegal doesn't make the drug war any more sane or moral. It's not.
If you are incarcerated for a crime you can have your voting rights taken from you.

The point is that they shouldn't be. Incarceration should not lose you your fundamental right to vote.

It's called breaking the law, and we shouldn't be looking to make excuses for those who willfully choose to. By allowing them to keep certain privileges we are sending the wrong message, rather than looking to the problem that leads to incarceration to begin with. It all comes down to the breaking down of the core values of family, and those important "values" we have lost that continues to plague our society with more poverty and crime. Instead we are looking to ways that we can in fact "justify" criminal behavior, and those choices people make that lands them in prison, as if it's really not all that bad what they did. We make excuses for it, while never looking to admit we have a problem. We would much rather give them back what they lost and call it "rights", because that's really the easier path to take. Rather than trying so hard to justify people's own mistakes and choices for what they do, why don't we hold them accountable for it while promoting and educating those decisions that can prevent it to our younger generation. How many of those who commit crime, for example, are victims of fathers who walked out on their kids? Why do we only want to look at the surface of the problem and simply look no further than the color of a person's skin, while refusing to recognize and ignore what lies beneath - the root of the problem resulting in their behavior. I find it interesting the number of times we are willing to look to short cut quick fix solutions, to those problems we refuse to admit to and address.
No.. drug laws are not a travesty.. just as drunk driving laws are not a travesty, indecent exposure laws are not a travesty, and many other 'protection' laws that keep deadly things out of the hands of the public... it is not like these drugs are sugar or peanut butter...

Now, is pot less bad than heroin or crack?? Yes indeed.. BUT.. the precedent of making it legal for use opens the door for the other drugs becoming legal.. and I would rather keep the status quo than have that path opened up...

And the fact remains that they do know it is illegal.. and they willingly break the law.. and they must pay the price for it

You also have to consider such jobs where narcotics can have an impact on the lives and safety of others. Construction for example, with its crane operators and welders, have enough hazards without adding someone's need to have a drug recreational habit on the list.

Well then it makes perfect sense to keep alcohol legal, right?

Anyone who argues for keep drugs illegal without coming for prohibition for alcohol is a hypocrite. It's as simple as that. Almost every drug warrior will sit in front of you with a beer in his hand telling you how dangerous it is to legalize drugs.

The hypocrisy is nauseating.

You lose a drug war when you have a society that would much rather glamorize it, than show the harsh reality of what such an addiction will cause. How many programs can you name that introduce the darker side of drugs: the addictions, the destruction to family, the financial impact and devastation it leaves on all those involved? How many reality shows confront the issue of drug addiction, and it's involvement on kids? Doesn't Hollywood find it more appealing to portray the dealer in some glamorous lifestyle among beautiful women, than reveal the reality of the effects such a lifestyle can leave? Legalizing it wouldn't have stopped Heath Ledger, although his life as an actor could very well have been cut a lot sooner. Interesting how little of an impact he appears to have left on people's lives, how quickly we move on yet haven't learned a damn thing.
That assumes all laws are just, and there is nothing just about locking someone up for two years for smoking a harmless weed.

Drugs laws are a travesty. They should be abolished.

No.. drug laws are not a travesty.. just as drunk driving laws are not a travesty, indecent exposure laws are not a travesty, and many other 'protection' laws that keep deadly things out of the hands of the public... it is not like these drugs are sugar or peanut butter...

Now, is pot less bad than heroin or crack?? Yes indeed.. BUT.. the precedent of making it legal for use opens the door for the other drugs becoming legal.. and I would rather keep the status quo than have that path opened up...

And the fact remains that they do know it is illegal.. and they willingly break the law.. and they must pay the price for it

Drunk driving laws don't stop people from drinking. It only stops them from drinking and driving. It will still be against the law to drive when you are stoned, so what's the diff?

Yeah, we know you want to keep the status quo. That's because you're a hypocrite. All drug warriors are hypocrites. They will sit in front of you telling you how dangerous drugs are, and the whole time they'll have a beer in their hand.

The fact that they know it's illegal doesn't make the drug war any more sane or moral. It's not.

Well technically there have been cases an alcoholic can rehabilitate towards a lifestyle of sobriety, with the worst damage to himself having been found to his kidneys. I can't say a prolonged drug user, varying on the narcotics used, necessarily walks away in recovery with all his marbles still intact. In fact I met a guy so damaged by the effects he couldn't rationally function and make basic skilled decisions required for his job. Now, obviously you have to be responsible as with anything that has the potential to bring harm towards another (alcohol, guns, etc). I'm just not fully convinced that legalizing drugs is to the better benefit of society.
You also have to consider such jobs where narcotics can have an impact on the lives and safety of others. Construction for example, with its crane operators and welders, have enough hazards without adding someone's need to have a drug recreational habit on the list.

Well then it makes perfect sense to keep alcohol legal, right?

Anyone who argues for keep drugs illegal without coming for prohibition for alcohol is a hypocrite. It's as simple as that. Almost every drug warrior will sit in front of you with a beer in his hand telling you how dangerous it is to legalize drugs.

The hypocrisy is nauseating.

You lose a drug war when you have a society that would much rather glamorize it, than show the harsh reality of what such an addiction will cause. How many programs can you name that introduce the darker side of drugs: the addictions, the destruction to family, the financial impact and devastation it leaves on all those involved? How many reality shows confront the issue of drug addiction, and it's involvement on kids? Doesn't Hollywood find it more appealing to portray the dealer in some glamorous lifestyle among beautiful women, than reveal the reality of the effects such a lifestyle can leave? Legalizing it wouldn't have stopped Heath Ledger, although his life as an actor could very well have been cut a lot sooner. Interesting how little of an impact he appears to have left on people's lives, how quickly we move on yet haven't learned a damn thing.

Were you sucking down a beer when you typed that? If Heath Ledger wants to destroy himself, that's his business. However, one thing I don't want is some Heroin addict stealing everything I haven't locked up in a safe to pay for his drug habit. And locking people up for long prison sentences really does wonders to improve their lives. Yeah, that's the way to show concern for people addicted to drugs: put them in the state penitentiary for 5 years!

Whenever I listen to drug warriors I want to vomit.
Be that as it may, I've always been a huge proponent of allowing people to vote even if they have a record. It is entirely unjust to continue to punish someone after their sentence is completed. It is also dangerously tyrannical.

No, that is completely untrue.

Voting is a PRIVILEGE, not a Right.

There is no right to vote in the US Constitution. You people need to get that through your thick skulls.

Voting is a privilege, and when you show that you have become an irresponsible member of society, you SHOULD lose your voting privileges. Permanently. Or as determined by the STATE in which you live.

IMO, it should be permanently.
Well then it makes perfect sense to keep alcohol legal, right?

Anyone who argues for keep drugs illegal without coming for prohibition for alcohol is a hypocrite. It's as simple as that. Almost every drug warrior will sit in front of you with a beer in his hand telling you how dangerous it is to legalize drugs.

The hypocrisy is nauseating.

You lose a drug war when you have a society that would much rather glamorize it, than show the harsh reality of what such an addiction will cause. How many programs can you name that introduce the darker side of drugs: the addictions, the destruction to family, the financial impact and devastation it leaves on all those involved? How many reality shows confront the issue of drug addiction, and it's involvement on kids? Doesn't Hollywood find it more appealing to portray the dealer in some glamorous lifestyle among beautiful women, than reveal the reality of the effects such a lifestyle can leave? Legalizing it wouldn't have stopped Heath Ledger, although his life as an actor could very well have been cut a lot sooner. Interesting how little of an impact he appears to have left on people's lives, how quickly we move on yet haven't learned a damn thing.

Were you sucking down a beer when you typed that? If Heath Ledger wants to destroy himself, that's his business. However, one thing I don't want is some Heroin addict stealing everything I haven't locked up in a safe to pay for his drug habit. And locking people up for long prison sentences really does wonders to improve their lives. Yeah, that's the way to show concern for people addicted to drugs: put them in the state penitentiary for 5 years!

Whenever I listen to drug warriors I want to vomit.

Alcohol isn't illegal. Heroin and Cocaine are.

Don't like it? Change the Law. It's happening in Colorado and elsewhere.

Poor equivalency.

I personally have no problem with legalizing Pot. Hard Drugs? Not so much.

Kids get hold of them and their life is over.

My buddy started drinking beer when he was 14 and he's doing okay. Better than okay.

In Germany, it's not unusual (or wasn't when I was there) to see 12 and 13 year olds served Beer with their meals in restaurants with their parents.

In France, 14 and 15 year-olds routinely ordered, and were served, Wine if with their parents.

Piss poor equivalency
You lose a drug war when you have a society that would much rather glamorize it, than show the harsh reality of what such an addiction will cause. How many programs can you name that introduce the darker side of drugs: the addictions, the destruction to family, the financial impact and devastation it leaves on all those involved? How many reality shows confront the issue of drug addiction, and it's involvement on kids? Doesn't Hollywood find it more appealing to portray the dealer in some glamorous lifestyle among beautiful women, than reveal the reality of the effects such a lifestyle can leave? Legalizing it wouldn't have stopped Heath Ledger, although his life as an actor could very well have been cut a lot sooner. Interesting how little of an impact he appears to have left on people's lives, how quickly we move on yet haven't learned a damn thing.

Were you sucking down a beer when you typed that? If Heath Ledger wants to destroy himself, that's his business. However, one thing I don't want is some Heroin addict stealing everything I haven't locked up in a safe to pay for his drug habit. And locking people up for long prison sentences really does wonders to improve their lives. Yeah, that's the way to show concern for people addicted to drugs: put them in the state penitentiary for 5 years!

Whenever I listen to drug warriors I want to vomit.

Alcohol isn't illegal. Heroin and Cocaine are.

Don't like it? Change the Law. It's happening in Colorado and elsewhere.

Poor equivalency.

I personally have no problem with legalizing Pot. Hard Drugs? Not so much.

Kids get hold of them and their life is over.

My buddy started drinking beer when he was 14 and he's doing okay. Better than okay.

In Germany, it's not unusual (or wasn't when I was there) to see 12 and 13 year olds served Beer with their meals in restaurants with their parents.

In France, 14 and 15 year-olds routinely ordered, and were served, Wine if with their parents.

Piss poor equivalency

No one is talking about allowing kids to consume hard drugs. However, the dangers of hard drugs are vastly overstated. There are many people who are on heroin regimes that go to work every day and live perfectly normal lives. That's possible when you don't have to spend $300/day on getting a fix every day.

Alcohol has ruined plenty of lives. I have known people who are serious alcoholics, and it's not a pretty sight. Plenty of people have used heroin, cocaine and other drugs and walked away and never looked back. However, you only hear about serious cases of addiction from the drug warriors.

The entire discussion here is about whether drugs should be illegal, so your argument that hard drugs are illegal is idiotic.
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Voting is a PRIVILEGE, not a Right.

You liberals need to really get it through your thick skulls that rights are not merely privileges handed out by the government.

I'm not by any means a liberal, and yes speaking historically voting rights HAVE been viewed as a privilege when someone is incarcerated. Show me a case where states have said otherwise back in the late 1700s to early 1800s, I haven't found any.
Voting is a PRIVILEGE, not a Right.

You liberals need to really get it through your thick skulls that rights are not merely privileges handed out by the government.

I'm not by any means a liberal, and yes speaking historically voting rights HAVE been viewed as a privilege when someone is incarcerated. Show me a case where states have said otherwise back in the late 1700s to early 1800s, I haven't found any.

Voting is a right. The fact that it can be taken away does not make it a privilege. Any right can, theoretically, be taken away via due process of the law. For example, you generally have the right to walk down the street without the government interfering with you. However, this right can be taken away if done so with due process of the law. For example, if the government has probable cause to believe you have committed a crime, they can obtain a warrant for your arrest, and confine you.
But....but...but would I be mean to call white criminals...."trailer trash." :eusa_whistle:

You liberals need to really get it through your thick skulls that rights are not merely privileges handed out by the government.

I'm not by any means a liberal, and yes speaking historically voting rights HAVE been viewed as a privilege when someone is incarcerated. Show me a case where states have said otherwise back in the late 1700s to early 1800s, I haven't found any.

Voting is a right. The fact that it can be taken away does not make it a privilege. Any right can, theoretically, be taken away via due process of the law. For example, you generally have the right to walk down the street without the government interfering with you. However, this right can be taken away if done so with due process of the law. For example, if the government has probable cause to believe you have committed a crime, they can obtain a warrant for your arrest, and confine you.

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