Jake Tapper Grills Mayorkas


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
What a stupid fuck Mayorkas is...Even Jake Tapper of CNN doesn't swallow the border guard whipping fairy tale. But listen to Mayorkas try to deflect and obfuscate AFTER making an official statement days ago that alluded to the border guard whipping migrants and AFTER his 'cheif' Biden claimed the border guard was 'strapping' migrants. Look at the video, notice how Mayorkas now says it is the 'appearance' that is important and THEN goes on to say when he was a prosecutor, appearances were part of a legal determination of guilt. These assholes running D.C. need to go yesterday.

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appearances were part of a legal determination of guilt.

Wow, You must have posted the wrong tweet, b/c I listened to it three times, all he said is they would review the facts, and if the facts did not support the appearances of the twitter outrage, then they would support the border patrol in their actions.

(around minute 1:00)
"I am going to let those investigators make those determinations, and then that determination will drive the outcome of the investigation"

The answer to the question in the tweet?

"They sure can."

So? The upshot is? If there is no wrong doing? Then no one will have to pay.

This looks, IMO, to be classic, political damage control. I think he is just walking back the administration's initial reaction. They appear to be trying to have it both ways, i.e., trying to look woke, while at the same time? Nothing is going to happen over this manufactured controversy.

Best to just ignore it all. It is a distraction from that huge trillion dollar Bill they are arguing over in the Congress, and that failure in Afghanistan.
Wow, You must have posted the wrong tweet, b/c I listened to it three times, all he said is they would review the facts, and if the facts did not support the appearances of the twitter outrage, then they would support the border patrol in their actions.

(around minute 1:00)
"I am going to let those investigators make those determinations, and then that determination will drive the outcome of the investigation"

The answer to the question in the tweet?

"They sure can."

So? The upshot is? If there is no wrong doing? Then no one will have to pay.

This looks, IMO, to be classic, political damage control. I think he is just walking back the administration's initial reaction. They appear to be trying to have it both ways, i.e., trying to look woke, while at the same time? Nothing is going to happen over this manufactured controversy.

Best to just ignore it all. It is a distraction from that huge trillion dollar Bill they are arguing over in the Congress, and that failure in Afghanistan.
Mayorka said: "I will tell you, I served as a Federal Prosecutor for 12 years and we conducted independent investigations despite what appearances might have been and the public outcry about them."

IOW he was investigating appearances. I will admit that his 'word salad' is pretty clever. But, He did none of that investigatory work in this instance, he went with the 'whipping' knee jerk political talking point and apparently told Biden that those migrants were whipped. He's a fucking liar.
Mayorka said: "I will tell you, I served as a Federal Prosecutor for 12 years and we conducted independent investigations despite what appearances might have been and the public outcry about them."

IOW he was investigating appearances. I will admit that his 'word salad' is pretty clever. But, He did none of that investigatory work in this instance, he went with the 'whipping' knee jerk political talking point and apparently told Biden that those migrants were whipped. He's a fucking liar.

Meaning of despite in English​


/dɪˈspaɪt/ us


without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not prevented by:

Meaning? Regardless of public opinion or outcry, they served justice according to fact of the case.

"despite what appearances"

means? They only cared about facts, not what it looks like.

Meaning of despite in English​


/dɪˈspaɪt/ us


without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not prevented by:

Meaning? Regardless of public opinion or outcry, they served justice according to fact of the case.

"despite what appearances"

means? They only cared about facts, not what it looks like.
Why do you support that lying bitch Mayorka? "Appearances" are not part of law 'despite' what Mayorka claims. He was INVESTIGATING 'appearances' by his own admission. But be that as it may, you probably won't agree...That being said, why didn't he investigate this incident before going off half cocked? Remember he said the video of Border Patrol horse patrol agents "conjured up" America's history of "systemic racism." That's two lies at least. 1) Agents didn't whip anyone and 2) That America has a history of "systemic racism." For God's sake we fought a Civil War over that. How could there be 'systemic racism' in a country where half of the people rejected racism and slavery and shed blood and treasure over the issue?
Why do you support that lying bitch Mayorka?

I don't.

Why, when I point out reality, do you get triggered?

I think he is a loathsome POS, just like you do.

I am only pointing out politicians being politicians. All politicians do this, they make inflammatory bullshit statements to appeal to their base, and then when caught in their hyperbole, they walk it back. Trump and his minions did it, why should we not expect Biden and his to do the same?

We all know what "very fine people," was in reference to, but we also know why it caused the left to blow a gasket, don't we? :dunno: Media manipulation, same as it ever was.
So let's stop playing dumb, and face up to how this game is played.

Don't believe me? Read this post.

I don't.

Why, when I point out reality, do you get triggered?

I think he is a loathsome POS, just like you do.

I am only pointing out politicians being politicians. All politicians do this, they make inflammatory bullshit statements to appeal to their base, and then when caught in their hyperbole, they walk it back. Trump and his minions did it, why should we not expect Biden and his to do the same?

We all know what "very fine people," was in reference to, but we also know why it caused the left to blow a gasket, don't we? :dunno: Media manipulation, same as it ever was.
So let's stop playing dumb, and face up to how this game is played.

Don't believe me? Read this post.

Mayorka got caught in a blatant lie not just an inflammatory bullshit statement which he undoubtedly passed along to Biden who mindlessly parroted it for political reasons. There was no care that they are causing more of a schism in the American public. It is also enlightening that to the Biden gang, optics are more important than truth and no, I don't think all politicians are like this. I'm facing up to the fact that saying the Border Patrol whipped migrants is a blatant lie and that they used that lie to further divide Americans. It is shameful like the rest of this probably illegitimate and obviously feckless regime.
Mayorka got caught in a blatant lie not just an inflammatory bullshit statement which he undoubtedly passed along to Biden who mindlessly parroted it for political reasons. There was no care that they are causing more of a schism in the American public. It is also enlightening that to the Biden gang, optics are more important than truth and no, I don't think all politicians are like this. I'm facing up to the fact that saying the Border Patrol whipped migrants is a blatant lie and that they used that lie to further divide Americans. It is shameful like the rest of this probably illegitimate and obviously feckless regime.


You aren't really into listening to me tonight.

Not even the liberals or progressives on the left are really buying the propaganda. That is what I am getting at here.

Look at your thread. . .


You know why no one on the left wants to touch it? Because, they all know it is bullshit. Just like when someone on the left posts up one of those silly "Q" threads. By the time Jan. 6th had come and gone, every person that supported Trump had caught on, that it was all a honey trap operation by the Deep State to create or manufacture, what the bureaucracy could define as, "domestic terrorists." No one buys the paradigm that the elites are selling, either on the left, or the right.

. . . and if you you don't want to play their game?


You are arguing with me. . . AND I AGREE WITH YOU.

But it makes no difference. I am telling you, but you are not listening. Nothing will happen to the border patrol folks, and the story is a distraction. SO STOP!
Why are you letting them upset you with bullshit, or me pointing out that the whole thing is bullshit, and only the brainless believe it?

The video clears up any doubts anyone would have. No wrong doing was done.

Laying hands on the refugees was “wrong doing”.

You people think that refugees have no rights or ability to come into the country and should be tossed the moment they do. Refugees have rights too.

Not to mention, when the wealthiest country in the world refuses to take in the poorest people running for their lives, you look like selfish pigs when you treat them the way those mountain border guards did.

Time to live up to your Christianity.
What a stupid fuck Mayorkas is...Even Jake Tapper of CNN doesn't swallow the border guard whipping fairy tale. But listen to Mayorkas try to deflect and obfuscate AFTER making an official statement days ago that alluded to the border guard whipping migrants and AFTER his 'cheif' Biden claimed the border guard was 'strapping' migrants. Look at the video, notice how Mayorkas now says it is the 'appearance' that is important and THEN goes on to say when he was a prosecutor, appearances were part of a legal determination of guilt. These assholes running D.C. need to go yesterday.


Texas governor says he'll HIRE any border agent guards ...

https://www.tech-gate.org › usa › 2021 › 09 › 26 › texas-governor-says-hell-hire-any-border-agent-guards-fired-by-biden-admin
Texas governor says he'll HIRE any border agent guards fired by Biden admin. Texas Governor Greg Abbott said his state would gladly hire any Border Patrol agents on horseback who are fired by the Biden administration after a photo of one agent trying to stop a Haitian migrant sparked outrage. President Joe Biden last week slammed as ...
Laying hands on the refugees was “wrong doing”.

You people think that refugees have no rights or ability to come into the country and should be tossed the moment they do. Refugees have rights too.

Not to mention, when the wealthiest country in the world refuses to take in the poorest people running for their lives, you look like selfish pigs when you treat them the way those mountain border guards did.

Time to live up to your Christianity.
These people are not refugees, they are illegal immigrants. Get the definition right. These people had enough money for plane tickets to border towns in Mexico, and bus tickets for the rest of the way. Refugees don't have that kind of luxury. The Haitians also seem to be temperamental, as border agents have been assaulted, fights breaking out in Mexico over buses, and angry Haitians attacking a plane that just deported them.

The problem comes with the fact that we have laws and a system that needs protection. When people like these break laws, they make it harder for people who immigrate legally to get in.
I don't.

Why, when I point out reality, do you get triggered?

I think he is a loathsome POS, just like you do.

I am only pointing out politicians being politicians. All politicians do this, they make inflammatory bullshit statements to appeal to their base, and then when caught in their hyperbole, they walk it back. Trump and his minions did it, why should we not expect Biden and his to do the same?

We all know what "very fine people," was in reference to, but we also know why it caused the left to blow a gasket, don't we? :dunno: Media manipulation, same as it ever was.
So let's stop playing dumb, and face up to how this game is played.

Don't believe me? Read this post.

It did look as if you were excusing Mayorkas despite the fact that he is a lying piece of shit. That asshole knows the definition of "despite" and used it to justify his lies that the Border Agents "whipped" the illegal trespassers. Even the photographer that took the images said they did not.
What a stupid fuck Mayorkas is...Even Jake Tapper of CNN doesn't swallow the border guard whipping fairy tale. But listen to Mayorkas try to deflect and obfuscate AFTER making an official statement days ago that alluded to the border guard whipping migrants and AFTER his 'cheif' Biden claimed the border guard was 'strapping' migrants. Look at the video, notice how Mayorkas now says it is the 'appearance' that is important and THEN goes on to say when he was a prosecutor, appearances were part of a legal determination of guilt. These assholes running D.C. need to go yesterday.

I saw the video. The border guards did not appear to hit anyone. A couple of migrants looked like they were impeding the horses the border guards were riding. The border guards looked like they were trying to avoid being unseated by the actions of rogue "guests" trying to do away with tbe guards in order to get their hands on the horses so they could get power away from the guards who were there trying to prevent rowdy persons from taking charge they did not have. Those who were trying to steal the horses shoud therefore be tried and sentenced for attempted horse theft.

Immigrants earn some rights but not if they have gotten stealing in mind as shown by their visible attempts to take away the authority of trooper tasks. It is a job. They impeded justice and Texas just doesn't allow anybody that privilege. This society depends on law and order. I don't buy into stupidity being in charge.

I agree that no one should think all Americans are stupid enough to be intimidated by obvious lies. The truth is those immigrants thought they could get away with harming Texas patrol officers because Democrats want to defund all police EXCEPT their own bodyguards and fully purchased FBI compromised agents who do not deserve jobs by taking political sides for extra cash and likely a lot of under the table benefits afforded by rogue millionnaires who agree to finance prostituting justice. It not only is unconstitutional but as well, it is not in accordance with Godly peace and justice.

Confederate Soldier
Yup. They aren't refugees they are illegal aliens. Oh and her country Canada would have kicked them out for being in Canada illegally just as we should have.

These idiots cost we tax payers billions each year so someone tell me why Bidung isn't bussing them back to the border??
Yep Biden makes sure all Democrats have their heads up their butts as he has. With Fancy Nancy who thinks she is in charge of God and everybody, Biden can say out of one side of his mouth he is full of goodness and true caring but refuses to answer questions that should be asked by the press. Biden can barely read what his communist dictators shoved into the prompter and he shows his royal red butt to the press. For reasons not known to me some of the most compromised reporters on the left are getting sick and tired of Biden's snubbery of fearfully turning and running away .
It did look as if you were excusing Mayorkas despite the fact that he is a lying piece of shit. That asshole knows the definition of "despite" and used it to justify his lies that the Border Agents "whipped" the illegal trespassers. Even the photographer that took the images said they did not.
A day or two ago, someone on the right was trigger by me pointing out the George Bush one the 2004 election by corruption of Diebold voting machines.

I don't, and have never played partisan politics.

I was trained in political science.

In the old days, our public administrative branch, was SUPPOSED to be, apolitical.

It only looked like I was excusing Mayorkas behavor to a person that doesn't understand that the heads of all of the administrative branches are POLITICAL appointees. It only looks like I am defending him, to people who do not really understand how our government works, or how it is supposed to work.

I HAVE NO AGENDA. For partisans, both on the left, or the right, this is unacceptable, and I get shit from both sides.

I will agree with you, he was equivocating. . . but lots of socialist, internationalists, and Luciferians on this board do that shit all the time when they are caught out, don't they?

I mean. . . look at this shit?!!

Laying hands on the refugees was “wrong doing”

If the homeless or criminal element just wandered into her kitchen and started stealing food, or into her house, and took what ever they wanted, her damn progressive logic about no borders, no laws, and no rules about processing folks, and complete anarchy, would soon dissolve.

This is the type of idiocy we have to deal with.

Canada has a stricter border right now than the Southern border, and this idiot has the unmitigated audacity to come here and comment on this? :dunno:

". . By April 2019, the Canadian government rushed through an amendment to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. It made refugees ineligible to make a claim if they had already done so in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia or New Zealand. The rush was probably in response to Conservative Party claims that the Liberal government had “failed to effectively manage our border.”

Laying hands on the refugees was “wrong doing”.

You people think that refugees have no rights or ability to come into the country and should be tossed the moment they do. Refugees have rights too.

Not to mention, when the wealthiest country in the world refuses to take in the poorest people running for their lives, you look like selfish pigs when you treat them the way those mountain border guards did.

Time to live up to your Christianity.
Refugee status cannot be determined because they were not trying to seek refuge in the U.S. through normal, legal channels. You're as stupid as a box of rocks.
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