Jamal Bowman, who actually obstructed Congress...loses primary election...

Couldn't have happened to a nicer person, now he can go back under whatever rock he climbed out from. Hope he takes the other crazy bitch, AOC, with him.
I’d rather see Omar and Tlaib go. They have even LESS of a place in Congress.
Idiot lefties actually DEFENDED that asshole pulling a fire alarm to delay a vote.

Go back and look…it is comical.
The fact that Bowman thought acting like an lowlife thug would appeal to his constituents tells you what he thinks of his constituents.
“Acting like a low life thug…”

Wow. Just let that racist flag fly honey


It's too late to pull that fire alarm. The Squad was dealt a big blow.

This buffoon you see above, tried to illegally pull a fire alarm to avoid a vote in Congress. Why? Because the Left hates democracy and the Constitution.

What an utter dimwit.

Of course, being a democrat, nothing happened to the clown for it and no accusation of subverting democracy or wanting a dictatorship or him being the Black face of Hitler. No, no, no, none of that.

But this Neanderthal then had the gall to make the accusation that 10/7, the violent rape, torture and murder of innocent women and children as being fake news. Sure, he tried to walk it back but no, too many New York Jews for him to overcome.

Good riddins!!!

Of course, the media tried to focus on the Trump candidates that lost instead, trying to make the accusation that Trump should have just as much to worry about as those on the Left


But for the Squad to lose in DNC central, New York City, wow!!
$14 million dollars by Republican billionaires to attack and dethrone Jamaal Bowman.

That's what it took...

Money in politics leads to fascism.

Laugh now, cry later Republicans.
Looks like 2024 will be a rejection of the far left ideologically retarded communists.

We have seen it in South America and Europe…now also in the US.

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