Jamal Bowman, who actually obstructed Congress...loses primary election...

U.S. representative for New York's 16th congressional district?

Who cares. So what. NY took care of Trump and now Bowman. But Bowman is not a convicted felon now is he?

Neither is Trump........a fake conviction by a democrat party court is as real as unicorns...
He was a loser and a generally bad person. His defeat is a win for our nation. Bowman was never qualified for that job. He was an embarrassment and his behavior was unbecoming for someone in that position.
I don’t disagree. Bowman was always problematic
$14 million of dirty AIPAC money saw to this.

The most expensive primary in US history.

That's what it took to take him down

Now we have another Manchin on our ass.

The battle continues.

Maybe even the Democrats in the 16th CD don't care for people who pull false alarms and distract the fire department?

Suppose there was a fire department at a Washington old folks home while the fire department was responding to Bowman's false alarm?
That those dollars were well spent.
I agree w/you.

So were the dollars to purchase the SCOTUS.

Money. Well. Spent.

Some good news. Out of NY, despite the Islamist organized bigotted mobs, or because of it.


US congressman Jamaal Bowman, who accused Israel of genocide[sic], loses in NY primaries
The victory of George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist, has highlighted the party's deep divisions over the war in Gaza , and removed one of Israel's most outspoken critics
AP | published:06.26.24

Latimer is a decent guy
Wow, he got his ass kicked in that primary.

He lost by like 20 points.

Anyone who would pull a fire alarm in order to delay a CONGRESSIONAL vote is trash.

No Bowman isn't shameful. Keep on beievingthe lies Netanyahu tels yu. You will start supporting his attacking Lebanon next.
The fact that Bowman thought acting like an lowlife thug would appeal to his constituents tells you what he thinks of his constituents.
so true-----he compromised himself badly just to scrape votes from the muck
Couldn't have happened to a nicer person, now he can go back under whatever rock he climbed out from. Hope he takes the other crazy bitch, AOC, with him.

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