James Carville rips Obama regarding oil spill response

Well, hell is frozen over and Outer Darkness is brighter than the Sun. I agree with Carville.
Did you hear Carville's revised commentary, just 24 hours later? He rescinded his comments, and BLAMED GEORGE W. BUSH for it. Said the lack of oversight of MMS by Bush allowed for this to happen.

No shit. His Majesty must have phoned him and scolded the old dog. 24 hours later........he's blaming Bush. Rush Limbaugh played the audio today at on his show. I'll try to find the link, but yeah, Carville must have gotten quite a lecture from The Great One and quickly changed his tune to "Blame Bush".
Carville is very convincing in this interview by George Stephanopoulos. I also heard him interviewed on NPR following the president's press conference regarding the spill. It does seem as if Obama has been sitting on his hands regarding this calamity.

YouTube - James Carville Begs Obama "To Take Control" Of The Oil Spill!

I liked this YouTube post:

When someone is elected president with no experience or intelligence to hold the office like obama these kinds of mistakes will continued to be made! For obama to do a fly over of the Gulf on Friday doesn't equal concern to anyone. It is all political to demonize drilling or any oil exploration in the future. First time I have ever seen Carville with the balls to criticize his own party!
Did you hear Carville's revised commentary, just 24 hours later? He rescinded his comments, and BLAMED GEORGE W. BUSH for it. Said the lack of oversight of MMS by Bush allowed for this to happen.

No shit. His Majesty must have phoned him and scolded the old dog. 24 hours later........he's blaming Bush. Rush Limbaugh played the audio today at on his show. I'll try to find the link, but yeah, Carville must have gotten quite a lecture from The Great One and quickly changed his tune to "Blame Bush".

I heard him today on NPR. He was interviewed after the press conference by Obama. Carville sounded quite adamantly irritated and critical of Obama. He barely mentioned Bush. According to the NPR website, the material won't be available online until 6 PM tonight, that's why I posted an alternative interview.
Well, hell is frozen over and Outer Darkness is brighter than the Sun. I agree with Carville.

You know there is trouble when even this paid mouthpiece disagrees and criticizes Dingle Barry. His inexperience is showing clearly now for the whole world to see!!! But the Obama Kool-aid drinkers are still blind to it!!!! The truth hurts and this is why they can't see the truth!!!! This guy is a failure more than BP... Every thing this guy has touched has been a flop!!!!a farce!!!lie!!! with two and a half years to go can this country survive all this hope and change? Maybe this is the reason Senators especially inexperienced one without any accomplishments should be elected President!!!! The only happy person in American is Jimma Carter this guy is taking him off the list as the worst President in history!!!!
Carville was screaming his head off on Wednesday, and tonight he and his wife Mary Matlin were interviewed in NoLo by Anderson Cooper. He was still blazing mad at Obama and Matlin was not too happy either. Got to figure that most of the regular jobs for fishermen there are kaput. They are still recovering - or trying to - from Katrina. This is just a megadisaster. Don't blame Carville one bit.
Carville is very convincing in this interview by George Stephanopoulos.

Dennis Miller summed this democratic party, statist imbraglio up perfectly when he said "James Carville looks like a muppet accidently washed on hot" ...

Hey Jimmy how's that big, giant, regulate every aspect of reality, federal gub'ment you've been whining for all your adult life working out for ya? have a cup of crude oil, a coke and a smile and STFU.
Well, hell is frozen over and Outer Darkness is brighter than the Sun. I agree with Carville.

You know there is trouble when even this paid mouthpiece disagrees and criticizes Dingle Barry. His inexperience is showing clearly now for the whole world to see!!! But the Obama Kool-aid drinkers are still blind to it!!!! The truth hurts and this is why they can't see the truth!!!! This guy is a failure more than BP... Every thing this guy has touched has been a flop!!!!a farce!!!lie!!! with two and a half years to go can this country survive all this hope and change? Maybe this is the reason Senators especially inexperienced one without any accomplishments should be elected President!!!! The only happy person in American is Jimma Carter this guy is taking him off the list as the worst President in history!!!!

Isn't it refreshing to see a leftwing talking head be critical of a Democratic POTUS? The right should take some notes...
Well, hell is frozen over and Outer Darkness is brighter than the Sun. I agree with Carville.

You know there is trouble when even this paid mouthpiece disagrees and criticizes Dingle Barry. His inexperience is showing clearly now for the whole world to see!!! But the Obama Kool-aid drinkers are still blind to it!!!! The truth hurts and this is why they can't see the truth!!!! This guy is a failure more than BP... Every thing this guy has touched has been a flop!!!!a farce!!!lie!!! with two and a half years to go can this country survive all this hope and change? Maybe this is the reason Senators especially inexperienced one without any accomplishments should be elected President!!!! The only happy person in American is Jimma Carter this guy is taking him off the list as the worst President in history!!!!

Isn't it refreshing to see a leftwing talking head be critical of a Democratic POTUS? The right should take some notes...

Conservative commentators were unstinting in their criticism of Bush's policies they disagreed with. Go talk to someone else.
Well, hell is frozen over and Outer Darkness is brighter than the Sun. I agree with Carville.

You know there is trouble when even this paid mouthpiece disagrees and criticizes Dingle Barry. His inexperience is showing clearly now for the whole world to see!!! But the Obama Kool-aid drinkers are still blind to it!!!! The truth hurts and this is why they can't see the truth!!!! This guy is a failure more than BP... Every thing this guy has touched has been a flop!!!!a farce!!!lie!!! with two and a half years to go can this country survive all this hope and change? Maybe this is the reason Senators especially inexperienced one without any accomplishments should be elected President!!!! The only happy person in American is Jimma Carter this guy is taking him off the list as the worst President in history!!!!

Isn't it refreshing to see a leftwing talking head be critical of a Democratic POTUS? The right should take some notes...

Yeah, because everybody on the right was so supportive of Bush, especially during his second term.
Isn't it refreshing to see a leftwing talking head be critical of a Democratic POTUS? The right should take some notes...

It is refreshing. It had to have happened one of these days.

Yet, you seem to be misinformed a bit. The right always criticizes the President or any other right politician when they are wrong. That's the beauty of America.
I'm taking this as a sign that Hillary is preparing to run in 2012.
Heh. Chris Matthews leg has finally stopped tingling:

Perhaps Chris Matthews started worrying he was being out-shined in the tirade department by James Carville. Just ahead of President Obama’s press conference earlier today Matthews went on his own rant about how the Louisiana coast line is “part of our birthright, with the Grand Canyon, with Niagara Falls, with Yosemite.” And then he directed this zinger at Obama:

"The Gulf of Mexico is more important than a Presidency, and the president has not acted that way, he has not acted like this is more important than a fundraiser in California, or an interview about basketball with Marv Albert. "

Chris Matthews Blasts Obama: “The Gulf Of Mexico Is More Important Than A Presidency” | Mediaite
Heh. Chris Matthews leg has finally stopped tingling:

Perhaps Chris Matthews started worrying he was being out-shined in the tirade department by James Carville. Just ahead of President Obama’s press conference earlier today Matthews went on his own rant about how the Louisiana coast line is “part of our birthright, with the Grand Canyon, with Niagara Falls, with Yosemite.” And then he directed this zinger at Obama:

"The Gulf of Mexico is more important than a Presidency, and the president has not acted that way, he has not acted like this is more important than a fundraiser in California, or an interview about basketball with Marv Albert. "

Chris Matthews Blasts Obama: “The Gulf Of Mexico Is More Important Than A Presidency” | Mediaite

Uh oh, a lover's spat. The kissing and making up will be that much sweeter.
Those Clintons are long-ranger planners and very patient.
I'm taking this as a sign that Hillary is preparing to run in 2012.

:thup: Agreed. I can only imagine how angry Hillary is losing to an incompetent unknown. I'm sure this will make a lot of Democrats at USMB happy.

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