James Carville rips Obama regarding oil spill response

Those Clintons are long-ranger planners and very patient.

They are also more moderate and sensible. Clinton had a balanced budget, which says a lot.

I wouldn't go that far. They're as evil and as extreme as they come, but they will usually follow the wishes of the voters because they are always in campaign mode.
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At least Bubbah had the political sense to engage in some bipartisan efforts such as Welfare Reform.

Obama's idea of bipartsanship is to lead donors at a Barbara Boxer fundraiser in a chant: "You can join us for the ride, but we're not going to let you drive" - aimed at the GOP.
Huh, who knew that James was a racist.

Could be a racists the dems and Obama administration calls anyone that disagrees or criticizes their administration or policies as racists but this ussally only is done to republicans. They are cracking when they start eating their own!!!!
The scandels, lies and deception are starting to happen almost daily now with this adminisrtation. Now they just brought in Bill Blow Job Clinton to come in and show them how to cover up, lie and protect their sorry asses!!!! Most transparent ethical administration my ASS!!!!!
I'm taking this as a sign that Hillary is preparing to run in 2012.

If I recall, people were glad that she finally left the scene when Obama took center stage. So wishing she comes back isn't a remedy. A new person altogether would be good.\

And Carville was still foaming at the mouth on Friday. This is definitely KatrinaII.
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After Obama said in his news conference that the spill was on his mind all day, the last thing he thought of at night and the first thing in the morning, Newt Gingrich commented that if the gov't has mishandled this so badly what does that say about Obama's abilities?
Since this exercise in futility by BP did not work, I bet Carville will be on the permanent warpath, especially when reports cite August as the possible earliest time for a fix via second well drill. What a fiasco.
Carville is very convincing in this interview by George Stephanopoulos. I also heard him interviewed on NPR following the president's press conference regarding the spill. It does seem as if Obama has been sitting on his hands regarding this calamity.

YouTube - James Carville Begs Obama "To Take Control" Of The Oil Spill!

Obama deserves criticism for the way he has handled the spill. But "getting ripped" by James Carville must be akin to having one's ankles nibbled by wild ducks.

Possibly annoying but hardly life-threatening.
Since this exercise in futility by BP did not work, I bet Carville will be on the permanent warpath, especially when reports cite August as the possible earliest time for a fix via second well drill. What a fiasco.

Interesting thought....plus I bet when Carville found out his good friend Bill Clinton would be thrown under the Sestak bus he really amped up the rhetoric.


Carville is very convincing in this interview by George Stephanopoulos. I also heard him interviewed on NPR following the president's press conference regarding the spill. It does seem as if Obama has been sitting on his hands regarding this calamity.

YouTube - James Carville Begs Obama "To Take Control" Of The Oil Spill!

Obama deserves criticism for the way he has handled the spill. But "getting ripped" by James Carville must be akin to having one's ankles nibbled by wild ducks.

Possibly annoying but hardly life-threatening.

C'mon now....wild ducks?
Carville: "We're DYIN' DOWN HERE!!!!!!":lol:
I think Carville is probably genuinely distraught over this terrible disaster. Judging from his distinct accent, he's a native to the region, has a lot of family there. He stated that he knew the family of one of the dead workers.

Speaking of the dead workers, not much attention has been paid to the loss of human life in the initial blast, something that Carville mentioned in one of his rants.
Carville is very convincing in this interview by George Stephanopoulos. I also heard him interviewed on NPR following the president's press conference regarding the spill. It does seem as if Obama has been sitting on his hands regarding this calamity.

YouTube - James Carville Begs Obama "To Take Control" Of The Oil Spill!

Obama deserves criticism for the way he has handled the spill. But "getting ripped" by James Carville must be akin to having one's ankles nibbled by wild ducks.

Possibly annoying but hardly life-threatening.

C'mon now....wild ducks?
Carville: "We're DYIN' DOWN HERE!!!!!!":lol:

Doubtless people will die because of the spill. They certainly did in the initial blast. But Carville only has that one tone of voice. He must ask people to pass the salt in that same outraged, quavering tonality.

Loses its effectiveness after awhile. He hasn't impressed me since the 1990's.
LOL...I love it how a disaster brought about by god knows how, is somehow Obama's fault....too funny. Suppose the Volcano blowing its top in Iceland is his fault too?....lol
LOL...I love it how a disaster brought about by god knows how, is somehow Obama's fault....too funny. Suppose the Volcano blowing its top in Iceland is his fault too?....lol

Has anyone said that? No, just you. Put the strawman down.

What he is responsible for is the fed gov's reaction. Which has been terrible. Jindal asked for buouys to block the oil and the feds couldn't get the equipment to them. The Corps of Engineers delivered a study of what to do. After the oil had starting reaching the shores.
The whole thing since the blow out has been a Keystone Kops routine, with Obama trying to look presidential and failing miserably. He looks like the party hack he is.

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