James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

What are these decisions the Democrat party has to make?
Obviously the Dems have to decide if they're going to continue leaning on cultural issues like race and gender.

It's like I (try to) tell the Trumpsters: A goal of trying to improve things is not the problem. The problem is the way one goes about trying to improve things. The Dems' tactic of weaponizing PC & Identity Politics via attacking people for saying the "wrong thing", by shutting them up, by getting them fired, by ruining their careers, on and on, completely backfired on them in 2016 when enough people had HAD IT, and elected Trump.

So now maybe it's time the Dems stopped handing victories to their political opponents. Or not. That's up to them.

Is that clear enough? I know you won't agree with my answer, but it should be clear enough.
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Because he is another P.T. Barnum... a Showman... he can sell a crowd... he tells them what they want to hear...

Happily conceded, however...

That is an extremely low bar, post-COVID, and he poses a very real and existential threat to democracy in America.

Like I said... I'd vote for a fence-post before I voted for him... and the same is true for vast swaths of the American public.
every politician tells you what you want to hear.....
Obviously the Dems have to decide if they're going to continue leaning on cultural issues like race and gender.

It's like I (try to) tell the Trumpsters: A goal of trying to improve things is not the problem. The problem is the way one goes about trying to improve things. The Dems' tactic of weaponizing PC & Identity Politics via attacking people for saying the "wrong thing", by shutting them up, by getting them fired, by ruining their careers, on and on, completely backfired on them in 2016 when enough people had HAD IT, and elected Trump.

So now maybe it's time the Dems stopped handing victories to their political opponents. Or not. That's up to them.

Is that clear enough? I know you won't agree with my answer, but it should be clear enough.
So you think young people are disenfranchised with the Democratic party not because of the rising inequality and tax cuts for the rich, or the lack of serious gun control, or climate change policies or affordable homes or the continuing support for Israels actions in Gaza but because a racist somewhere lost their job that one time? :dunno:

That's one of the dumbest fucking arguments I've ever seen here.
So you think young people are disenfranchised with the Democratic party not because of the rising inequality and tax cuts for the rich, or the lack of serious gun control, or climate change policies or affordable homes or the continuing support for Israels actions in Gaza but because a racist somewhere lost their job that one time? :dunno:

That's one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard in my entire life.
Different people have different priorities. True story.

You asked, I answered.
Different people have different priorities. True story.

You asked, I answered.
Yes and for some reason you think some assclown losing their job somewhere because they called the police on a black man in the park and falsely claimed that he was attacking her is a priority to non racists... again, one of the dumbest fucking arguments I've ever seen here.... :itsok:

I did ask Mac and now I'm pointing and laughing at the response. You might be almost dumber than MAGA. :laugh:
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

/----/ Jimbo needs to bulk up on more Louisiana Gumbo. Boy is skinny as a rail, I guaranteeeee ya.


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Our most cherished amendment is under attack by the Democrat party and the evil MSM. That's why former hard core liberals like Carvel, Rappaport, Maher and RFK are sounding the alarm. The Democrat party has become too radical for its radicals. MAGA

It's not that the democrat party has become to radical, it's the democrat party's radicals have competing interest. Hamas wing vs Jew wing, inner city blacks vs illegal invaders, feminists vs transgenders...IMO the Hamas protesting against Biden has given an opening for young people to openly criticizes the party for other reasons. The Hamas protesting also will make some big celebs think twice about campaigning out of fear of the protesters going after them.
Also dems talking points about TRUMP all fail because the majority of people remember being better off during TRUMP's time in office.
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

No they're not. They're protesting Bidens support for Israel.

And if you think that's a good thing for your side. Let me repeat that.

Thoe young people aren't joining Republicans. They hate their guts even more now, than they did in 2020.

They now just hate Israel as much.

Let that rattle around in that empty space for awhile.
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

What's shocking is Carville is still alive from my ex boss. My ex boss went to LSU at the same time and said Carville was nothing but a wild party boy and pulled all sorts of stunts.
The party remains stuck in its old ways - PC, Identity Politics -- and younger people just aren't as interested as they used to be. In a vacuum, away from all the political noise, things aren't as bad as they used to be.

No, I'm not saying racism no longer exists, the paranoid Neanderthals still exist. But in life, we all have priorities, and priorities can change over time.

I watched our two daughters grow up with friends of all races, and it's just not an issue for them with their groups. The party has some decisions to make, but it doesn't seem very open to considering them.
The party is inclusive - as long as you follow the party platform. But, if you want to be a democrat you have to let yourself be assimilated into the Borg Collective hive mind. As long as you can follow these simple rules the party's inclusiveness will allow you to be included. But, independent thought is not allowed.
The party remains stuck in its old ways - PC, Identity Politics -- and younger people just aren't as interested as they used to be. In a vacuum, away from all the political noise, things aren't as bad as they used to be.

No, I'm not saying racism no longer exists, the paranoid Neanderthals still exist. But in life, we all have priorities, and priorities can change over time.

I watched our two daughters grow up with friends of all races, and it's just not an issue for them with their groups. The party has some decisions to make, but it doesn't seem very open to considering them.

They're getting tired of being told they're racist and homophobic, transphobic, etc... They're starting to see that no matter what they do, that label will never go away, and it simply isn't true. If they're smart they'll recognize it for the bullshit it is, they're being used like monkeys in an experiment, same as blacks, and that experiment has gone on for decades.
every politician tells you what you want to hear.....
But there is nothing you can do about what a candidate looks and sounds like

Joe Biden sounds and is just an angry old man who shuffles around muttering incoherently.

We see this every day, just as the younger generation does.

No one respects him.

And you can say that Trump is old as well, but when standing side by side, you see the effects of Biden's age much more than that of Trump.
It's good to see progressive Marxism being rejected by our youth. This new woke bullshit will never fit into the DNA of this country. We cherish freedom and liberty too much. The Democrat party has come completely off the tracks and it all started with Obama. MAGA.

I don't think they're rejecting it, I think they see themselves as 'woke', and they're not the ones that are racist or any of the modern day phobics that are out there, and they don't appreciate being accused of it on a constant basis.

Every show on the air does it, I happened to see an episode of the latest Survivor (which I don't watch) at a family gathering and there's was a non white on there saying how she hopes she's an inspiration to other people her color and that they can see someone of her color doing something great, cause that's not the norm. :rolleyes: Really? They can't help themselves from virtue signaling, and it's all bullshit and lies, it's all you see on any 'entertainment' put out today. They're starting to wonder what the hell they have to do to lose the label, and I think they're figuring out that they can't.

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