James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

Yea, your cosplay is very amusing Marvin. You imagine your racism says something about Biden.... :itsok: :laugh:

Biden's racism says something about you, actually. But at least we agree you're going to vote for him again regardless (just like I said).

I think what clinched it for him was telling you he wouldn't let his kids in the same room with you, and you're still supporting him. You're a good boy.

Biden's racism says something about you, actually. But at least we agree you're going to vote for him again regardless (just like I said).

I think what clinched it for him was telling you he wouldn't let his kids in the same room with you, and you're still supporting him. You're a good boy.

And you remain an amusing cosplayer as always Marvin. :laugh:
So you're voting for Biden again, right? :dance:
Is the dancing supposed to do the work of proving its because I'm a slave to the Democratic party? You can't have a real discussion Marvin because racists like you are afraid of the actual State of Play. :itsok:
How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.
Young voters, blacks, Hispanics, suburban women, and union members are all bailing on your Vegetable Messiah, Simp.

Must suck to worship a turnip.
You have a candidate on your hands who is so widely reviled that many would vote for a fence post rather than him.

And a great many would rather suffer continued inflation and an open border than vote-in a would-be autocrat.

Under ordinary circumstances your "It's the economy, stupid" meme would work just fine.

However, given the profound flaws in character and intellect repeatedly demonstrated by your boy, that meme loses focus.

You will better understand this on the morning of November 6, 2024.
Must be why Trump is beating your Vegetable Messiah in national polls, as well as 7 battleground states.

Stay stupid, it’s what you do best.
Is the dancing supposed to do the work of proving its because I'm a slave to the Democratic party? You can't have a real discussion Marvin because racists like you are afraid of the actual State of Play. :itsok:

Once again, you're voting for Joe Biden again, right, Mr. "not a slave"? :dance:
It's good to see progressive Marxism being rejected by our youth. This new woke bullshit will never fit into the DNA of this country. We cherish freedom and liberty too much. The Democrat party has come completely off the tracks and it all started with Obama. MAGA.
It started long before that.
So, are you voting for Biden again? :laugh:
Is that the beginning and end of your argument? You don't want to put on the costume and make up and pretend the reasons why? You sure? :dunno:

When you frail whites can stop with the pretend and make believe and come to terms with the sociopolitical realities of a divided white American electorate let me know and then we can have a real conversation. Until then I'll treat you like the entertaining children that you are. :laugh:
Is that the beginning and end of your argument? You don't want to put on the costume and make up and pretend the reasons why? You sure? :dunno:

When you frail whites can stop with the pretend and make believe and come to terms with the sociopolitical realities of a divided white American electorate let me know and then we can have a real conversation. Until then I'll treat you like the entertaining children that you are. :laugh:

Still can't answer the question. LOL

Are you voting for Biden again?

Every time you shuck and jive, I laugh harder at you. :laugh:
How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.
Thank goodness we don't have any of those around, they sound scary.
I'm happy to say that between Trump and Biden I choose Biden. Now do your cosplay and pretend the reasons why and how you're not a racist.... :laugh:

I know the reasons why, and so do you...

Yes, Biden's racism is blatant. Has been for 50 years. Hence your support for him.
I've never denied Biden's or white America's general deplorable culture and racist attitudes, Marvin. And honestly I don't even understand the reason why you lot pretend I support him because he's a racist other than you being too coward to be honest about your own racism, which I also don't understand because you're anonymously online. It's weird to be as racist as you are but at the same time this deeply ashamed of admitting it. :laugh:
I've never denied Biden's or white America's general deplorable culture and racist attitudes, Marvin. And honestly I don't even understand the reason why you lot pretend I support him because he's a racist other than you being too coward to be honest about your own racism, which I also don't understand because you're anonymously online. It's weird to be as racist as you are but at the same time this deeply ashamed of admitting it. :laugh:

I'm not a racist, you are. Hence your vote for a racist.

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