James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

I don't think they're rejecting it, I think they see themselves as 'woke', and they're not the ones that are racist or any of the modern day phobics that are out there, and they don't appreciate being accused of it on a constant basis.

Every show on the air does it, I happened to see an episode of the latest Survivor (which I don't watch) at a family gathering and there's was a non white on there saying how she hopes she's an inspiration to other people her color and that they can see someone of her color doing something great, cause that's not the norm. :rolleyes: Really? They can't help themselves from virtue signaling, and it's all bullshit and lies, it's all you see on any 'entertainment' put out today. They're starting to wonder what the hell they have to do to lose the label, and I think they're figuring out that they can't.
Joe Biden is too old and white to be woke, no matter how much he tries.
Because he is another P.T. Barnum... a Showman... he can sell a crowd... he tells them what they want to hear...

Happily conceded, however...

That is an extremely low bar, post-COVID, and he poses a very real and existential threat to democracy in America.

Like I said... I'd vote for a fence-post before I voted for him... and the same is true for vast swaths of the American public.
This whole "threat to democracy" narrative amuses me, Kondor! We had Trump for four years. I'm sorry but he didn't use his Justice Department to go after his political opponents. He didn't use the IRS to go after his political opponents. He didn't use government to censor his political opponents. Those were ALL things that WERE done by the Obama Administration and now by the Biden Administration! THAT is a threat to democracy!
The only '3rd Party' to get candidates on the ballots in all 50 states is the Libertoon Party, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch Bros. media conglomerates. The goal now for both Parties is just to lower turnout for the other Party's base of loons and sociopaths.
He really was a much better President than the idiot we now have.

He's pro-American, which of course makes him a pariah with both the left wing and big corporations; they both much prefer technocrats and monopolies controlling the economy and politics, and they don't care what they have to do to keep power concentrated in their own hands.
How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.
Yep, the only difference is that you clowns will need to cheat more.
Yes and for some reason you think some assclown losing their job somewhere because they called the police on a black man in the park and falsely claimed that he was attacking her is a priority to non racists... again, one of the dumbest fucking arguments I've ever seen here.... :itsok:
Is that what I said? Oh, okay.

Then Carville is wrong. Younger people are not leaving the Dems, and if any do, they're stupid.

Is that better? Good.
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

How would that stupid fuck know, he ain't been right for thirty years.
The party remains stuck in its old ways - PC, Identity Politics -- and younger people just aren't as interested as they used to be. In a vacuum, away from all the political noise, things aren't as bad as they used to be.

No, I'm not saying racism no longer exists, the paranoid Neanderthals still exist. But in life, we all have priorities, and priorities can change over time.

I watched our two daughters grow up with friends of all races, and it's just not an issue for them with their groups. The party has some decisions to make, but it doesn't seem very open to considering them.

To Carville's point, racist boomers like you are pretty much all the DemoKKKrat party has left.
Is that what I said? Oh, okay.

Then Carville is wrong. Younger people are not leaving the Dems, and if any do, they're stupid.

Is that better? Good.
The young ones I know vote for Dems because they protect trans rights unlike the Republicans that seek to deny them the right to exist.
LOL! He knows racist boomers like you are all the DemoKKKrats have left.

Your bigotry and hate isn't going to win elections.
I don't vote for the Dems or the Repubs they would be wasted votes
You vote for the Same Old Shit politics of the Republicans.
Is that what I said? Oh, okay.
Hey if you weren't arguing that young people were leaving the Dems because they were afraid they were going to lose their jobs if they said the wrong thing and that was somehow a priority to non racists and bigots then feel free to clear that up.
Then Carville is wrong. Younger people are not leaving the Dems, and if any do, they're stupid.

Is that better? Good.
Now that definitely isn't what I said and so there's no misunderstanding, I'm saying people are leaving the Dems because they're full of shit and don't actually pass or even fight for any of the progressive policies they campaign on.
Now that definitely isn't what I said and so there's no misunderstanding, I'm saying people are leaving the Dems because they're full of shit and don't actually pass or even fight for any of the progressive policies they campaign on.

Why should they? They know you're going to vote for them regardless.
Hey if you weren't arguing that young people were leaving the Dems because they were afraid they were going to lose their jobs if they said the wrong thing and that was somehow a priority to non racists and bigots then feel free to clear that up.

Now that definitely isn't what I said and so there's no misunderstanding, I'm saying people are leaving the Dems because they're full of shit and don't actually pass or even fight for any of the progressive policies they campaign on.
They merely give lip service, but then again Trump does it to conservatives.
How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.

You have a candidate on your hands who is so widely reviled that many would vote for a fence post rather than him.

And a great many would rather suffer continued inflation and an open border than vote-in a would-be autocrat.

Under ordinary circumstances your "It's the economy, stupid" meme would work just fine.

However, given the profound flaws in character and intellect repeatedly demonstrated by your boy, that meme loses focus.

You will better understand this on the morning of November 6, 2024.
Know this, with no Democrat concocted anomalies you really have no pathway to a victory.
You supposedly won by 6 million votes last cycle with a Dem/China made virus, a George Floyd incident pushed by the MSM and social media, a national mail-in-ballot scam and without the crypt keepers record fucking you in the ass.
You’re out of bullshit to bail you out…hahaha…you are so fucked.
Get ready for a non-stop bitch-slapping from the Orange Man….hahahaha
For a party that embraced slavery, segregation, and now separates and divides with identity politics while allowing millions of illegals to come in, paying them thousands of dollars..............yeah, I can see why they're leaving the dems faster than illegals invading this country.

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