James Clapper Who Perjured Himself In Front Of Congress Claims Or Institutions Are Under Assault


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

James Clapper is an idiot.

He was telling CNN yesterday that our institutions are under assault from Russia and within....and he blames Trump for it.

This guy is ridiculous. He acts like he's been living under a rock and the media dug him out, dusted him off, and gets him to repeat illogical talking-points to justify their false claims.

Of course our institutions are under assault from within. They have been for quite awhile. Now he feels he's the only person that noticed it. It used to be his job to prevent it, and he did a piss-poor job of it. Now he thinks the assault comes from Trump.

Yes.......TRUMP ladies and gentlemen.

After decades of assaults from the left against our institutions this retard finally wakes up, as if from a coma, and states it's coming from Trump.

Clapper: US institutions 'under assault' from Trump - CNNPolitics.com

The liberal Deep State is having conniption fits over someone as POTUS who does not agree with the Establishment Elites World view
for what its worth , i have heard 'clapper' described as a muslim sympathizer . SAme was said about 'john brennan' . ------------ just a comment .
That sounds like a wild conspiracy, but my impression is Obama wouldn't hire you unless you payed homage to Obama....and Muhammad. Conversion is a small price to pay to keep your job.
ya, Clapper has absolutely zero credibility on any issue whatsoever.
for what its worth , i have heard 'clapper' described as a muslim sympathizer . SAme was said about 'john brennan' . ------------ just a comment .
That sounds like a wild conspiracy, but my impression is Obama wouldn't hire you unless you payed homage to Obama....and Muhammad. Conversion is a small price to pay to keep your job.
-------------------------------------------------- I believe that mrobama filled his administration with the same types of people that he is .
for what its worth , i have heard 'clapper' described as a muslim sympathizer . SAme was said about 'john brennan' . ------------ just a comment .
That sounds like a wild conspiracy, but my impression is Obama wouldn't hire you unless you payed homage to Obama....and Muhammad. Conversion is a small price to pay to keep your job.
-------------------------------------------------- I believe that mrobama filled his administration with the same types of people that he is .
Dope smokers and cocksuckers.
yeah , my description would be 'hip hopping millenials' but some may be the generation before millennial . A simpler but accurate would be YES men and traitors .
Here you go tools, here a clip from GPS. Do you have the balls to listen what two former CIA Directors have to say? Here's General Michael Hayden and James Woolsey, listen and weep (or more than likely, ignore).
I listened to 'hayden' and 'woolsey' . The only thing i'll say about 'hayden' is that the little I know of him I do not trust him due to things that I have heard him say over the years . ['hayden' is a total 'bush like republican' and open borders guy as far as his agenda for the USA and I don't like that] ------------------------------------- Woolsey is probably correct , it may be hard find an FBI director to work under Trump but I believe that Trump has a basket full of possible directors standing in line right now doesn't he . I did not listen to the other 2 guests but may do so in a little while Kiwi . .

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