James Comey: History will see you as an American Coward (if the left doesn't burn the books)

I worked nearly a decade in law enforcement. I've seen the comments today on TV and radio from countless formed lawyers, prosecutors and others.

And all say the same. I've NEVER seen a prosecutor lay out the entire case for an indictment....clearly showing the defendant lied and committed the standard for the charge....just to then do a 180 and day "but we ain't charging her".

If you all still think the system in DC is fair you're retarded.
If you think there are actually 2 parties you're an idiot.

There is THEM...the DC elites....and us....the peasants.

Prosecutors generally do not push for charges unless they believe they can actually win their case. When they believe there is not enough evidence for a conviction, they choose against prosecution. It's amazing how few of you understand how our justice system works.

I have heard three or four former prosecutors already state that they would LOVE to prosecute on the evidence available.

You were saying?
Cool story....:bsflag:
Is anyone surprised that the RW hates rule of law if it doesn't go their way?
I don't recall you crying about all the money spent to prosecute Skooter Libby.

You'd be wrong. I've said many times here and other places I thought the prosecution of Libby for not remember a conversation the same way Tim Russert did was a travesty.

Yeah, right, and I'm the queen of England.
Well, the queen of Palm Springs at least.
And you're the queen of carpet munching dingbats.
Is anyone surprised that the RW hates rule of law if it doesn't go their way?
And not just upset, but anyone who disagrees must be somehow personally unlike "real Americans." Comey is "a coward," when if you know anything of him is not true. Or someone is a homosexual, which apparently means something subversive or something.

I voted for Bush in 2000, but I thought the SC opinion was one of the worst things to have handed down in 20 years. But it wasn't somehow personal. I thought it incredibly unwise to allow people to sue a sitting president for sexual harassment that, assuming it occurred, happened long before the election

Of course BriBrat is BriBrat
I worked nearly a decade in law enforcement. I've seen the comments today on TV and radio from countless formed lawyers, prosecutors and others.

And all say the same. I've NEVER seen a prosecutor lay out the entire case for an indictment....clearly showing the defendant lied and committed the standard for the charge....just to then do a 180 and day "but we ain't charging her".

If you all still think the system in DC is fair you're retarded.
If you think there are actually 2 parties you're an idiot.

There is THEM...the DC elites....and us....the peasants.

What did you do in law enforcement? Did you have the credentials of an attorney to practice federal law as Deputy AG or US Attorney? No?
Just because you handed out speeding tickets doesn't mean you know Jack.

What did you do in law enforcement? .

He makes kids obey the no trespassing in my yard law.
Does he have a taser? My neighbor grade school kids are always playing with their puppies on my front yard. GRRRRRR. Rotten little punks. I'd shoot bbs at them, but some limp wristed liberals would probably file some kind of complaint over me defending my property. Grrrrr.
Simple fact of the matter is if this was a repub he would be going to jail and if hilly loses she'll be needing a pardon.
I worked nearly a decade in law enforcement. I've seen the comments today on TV and radio from countless formed lawyers, prosecutors and others.

And all say the same. I've NEVER seen a prosecutor lay out the entire case for an indictment....clearly showing the defendant lied and committed the standard for the charge....just to then do a 180 and day "but we ain't charging her".

If you all still think the system in DC is fair you're retarded.
If you think there are actually 2 parties you're an idiot.

There is THEM...the DC elites....and us....the peasants.
It is the right that gets rid of books and change history.
You may be a fucking liar, but goddamn aren't you outrageous in it.

You fucking Stalinists will claim a man is eating steak and lobster WHILE you beat him to death in a dank prison.

I know reality is hard for you to grasp, but you really think they could have made that case in front of a jury in a jurisdiction that votes 99% Democratic?

No more than Scooter Libby could have gotten a fair trial in that same district.

Now, here's the thing, you scream about Stalinists, but what you want to do is reaally what Stalin did, use the legal system to punish your political enemies.

There's a place to Punish Hillary. It's called "The Ballot Box". It usually helps to not nominated an orange-hued Nazi, though.
Trump should give him the red star of corruptness.
Star of David.

Hey, just because his campaign found this image from an alt right source and just because this sheriffs star just happens to be on top of a bunch of cash doesn't mean it's the star of David.

Oh, you don't think it's a sheriffs star? I have proof.


The Sheriff of Dusseldorf having a friendly conversation with the neighborhood mail carrier. I bet they are talking about the weather.
Simple fact of the matter is if this was a repub he would be going to jail and if hilly loses she'll be needing a pardon.

Please point out where a Republican who did something like this went to jail...


Scooter Libby didn't go to Jail
Olly North didn't go to jail.
I forgot that Libby escaped (-; his jail term.

Although, I don't think there's a comparision to Libby and HRC.
Is anyone surprised that the RW hates rule of law if it doesn't go their way?

We love the concept of law, and want to see it applied to EVERYONE - that is the difference between you and us. We oppose the idea that Hillary is above the law.
Keep pretending you're a saint, it's a worn out act, but you can get a few more miles out of it.

Et tu logical fallacy.

Whether I am a saint of not has no bearing on the contempt you display for the rule of law and equal justice regardless of station.

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