James Madison Warned Americans about Factionalism

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
James Madison to America: This Is What We Warned You About
By Jerry Bowyer, Political Mavens
April 28, 2008

As a Pennsylvania voter, I’m particularly fascinated by the identity politics that I see playing out every day before my eyes. It’s kind of ironic, since this is the state in which the founders met in to write a constitution which they intended to protect their posterity from the destructive effects of political factions. They warned us about the destructive power of political fanaticism.

Not only has the modern Democratic Party failed to heed those warnings, but it has spent the last 40 years writing factionalism into its internal party rules. Identity politics may have worked for Democrats, from time to time, in the past. But now that the two leading candidates hail from different officially recognized racial, age and gender groups, the party is over. To quote Mr. Obama’s pastor "the chickens have come home to roost".

for full article:
I think you dont understand whos party is in the biggest trouble at this momment in history dude.
Adam represents the reason conservatism has been such a failure, it really has no ideas and can only rail again progress.

"And conservatives learn these messages when still young. What does a “campus liberal” do? Well, it depends what his or her issue is: fighting sweatshop labor, or environmental degradation, or the Iraq war, or any of a dozen other problems about which liberals are concerned. What, on the other hand, does a “campus conservative” do? Fight liberals and liberalism."

I think you dont understand whos party is in the biggest trouble at this momment in history dude.

That would be the democrats. I've never seen an election where the two primary presidential candidates were so dedicated to making sure that if they don't get the nomination, the other candidate will NOT win the presidency.

Also keep in mind Congress has the lowest rating ever. The people are sick of them.

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