James Madison's Nightmare.


So Jefferson and other liberals insisted a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution, and it was.
Madison feared MOB rule...........he and the founders did everything they could do to prevent it in the future.

Madison's Nightmare has come true.


America Is Living James Madison’s Nightmare

Madison was determined, in drafting the Constitution, to avoid the fate of those “ancient and modern confederacies,” which he believed had succumbed to rule by demagogues and mobs. Madison’s reading convinced him that direct democracies—such as the assembly in Athens, where 6,000 citizens were required for a quorum—unleashed populist passions that overcame the cool, deliberative reason prized above all by Enlightenment thinkers. “In all very numerous assemblies, of whatever characters composed, passion never fails to wrest the sceptre from reason,” he argued in The Federalist Papers, the essays he wrote (along with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay) to build support for the ratification of the Constitution. “Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob.”

In Madison’s view, history seemed to be repeating itself in America. After the Revolutionary War, he had observed in Massachusetts “a rage for paper money, for abolition of debts, for an equal division of property.” That populist rage had led to Shays’s Rebellion, which pitted a band of debtors against their creditors.

The Avalon Project : The Federalist Papers No. 10

I agree in theory, but we probably disagree who rules by a mob.

Which is why you Stalinists seek to crush the Constitution and do away with the electoral college, right?

BTW; I only see two of you Communist dogs now, you and Lewd - did your third partner get thrown in the pound? :dunno:
Nope it was the liberals that insisted on a Bill of Rights and the conservatives objected. In fact the first president to attempt to do away with the Bill of Rights was the conservative John Adams with his Sedition Laws.

So Jefferson and other liberals insisted a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution, and it was.
The constitution without the bill of rights lacks any protection for the individual. It leaves it to each state or local government. It didn't make sense to fight a war to free ourselves from tyranny from England only to have some corrupt local or state goverment restore that tyranny.
Nope it was the liberals that insisted on a Bill of Rights and the conservatives objected. In fact the first president to attempt to do away with the Bill of Rights was the conservative John Adams with his Sedition Laws.

Liberals like Thomas Jefferson, who the Stalinist democrats are now outlawing?

Sign the Petition

You are the party of Joseph Stalin. You democrats have NOTHING to do with any of the American founding fathers. democrats are dedicated to ending the Bill of Rights and all of the rights of man. The collective is what democrats serve and promote.
The constitution without the bill of rights lacks any protection for the individual. It leaves it to each state or local government. It didn't make sense to fight a war to free ourselves from tyranny from England only to have some corrupt local or state goverment restore that tyranny.

Then you will be leaving the Stalinist democrats and joining the Republicans in supporting individual rights and responsibilities?
The constitution without the bill of rights lacks any protection for the individual. It leaves it to each state or local government. It didn't make sense to fight a war to free ourselves from tyranny from England only to have some corrupt local or state goverment restore that tyranny.

Then you will be leaving the Stalinist democrats and joining the Republicans in supporting individual rights and responsibilities?
You suffer from the same political nonsense as many Americans, accepting of political stereotypes as truth. It might surprise you to learn that not all democrats fit your liberal image and not all conservatives fit your conservative image.

The truth is many Americans lean left or lean right in their political beliefs; that is they strongly support certain party ideals, hold conflicting beliefs on some and just give lip service to others. I vote democrat because on balance I find I agree with more positions held by democrats than republicans. However, I think both parties are right on some issues.
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