Jan 6 4th hearing thread: Schiff leads today’s hearing on Trump pressuring state officials & the fake electors scheme,+Trump's ranting on Truth Social

Still no proof the election wasn’t stolen. You just tacitly admitted you didn’t vote for this clusterfuck.
Spare me your bullshit about me proving the election wasen't stolen.

You, Trump & your mob have nothing, never had anything & never will.

Enjoy that shit sandwich, retard.
Spare me your bullshit about me proving the election wasen't stolen.

You, Trump & your mob have nothing, never had anything & never will.

Enjoy that shit sandwich, retard.
So all you got is Orange Man Bad!!!
There is no point in addressing the article since it has no factual basis. I don't discuss fiction as if it's fact.

The hearings aren't failing at all. 20% of Republicans now believe that Donald Trump should be prosecuted for his actions on January 6th. The people are realizing it was all a big grift to raise money on.

You didn't counter a dam thing because you never read it you can't convince people based on NOTHING as YOU are doing.
Dismissing 2,000 Mules is not working. Digital and video evidence that is court admissible.


As he throws himself in front of Trump as a human shield

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal TDS and a complete and utter lack of perception ^^^

I'm a gal. And I don't throw myself as human shield before any politician, unlike you Prog Loons.
As you watch today's hearing detailing Trump's corrupt pressure on state legislators, don't lose sight of this: Trump has told us clearly he'll do it all again once more pliable actors are in place. That's in the works right now. This about our future.

“Why isn’t the Unselect Committee of political Thugs, who have criminalized Justice to a level never seen before in our Country, going after the people who illegally SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN?” Trump ranted Tuesday morning. “Why aren’t they calling Nancy Pelosi, or the D.C. Mayor, who are IN CHARGE OF SECURITY, to ask why they turned down 10,000-20,000 National Guard Troops, or Soldiers, prior to January 6? Why won’t they discuss the massive voter fraud and irregularities that took place in the Election, the reason Jan 6 happened?”
I refuse to watch a kangaroo committee. If there were Trump supporting Republicans on the committee instead of just a couple of RINOs, my eyes would be glued to the TV screen.

You can't debunk it.

You're deranged, FruitLoops. I've debunked it dozens of times. Pings don't reveal actions. For that, you need other evidence such as video. And they have none despite being in possession of 7.6 years worth of videos. That they have zero corroborating video reveals no one did what they falsely claim they did.

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